PVP could be incentivised raid style.........
Player vs player.........
Here's how you do it!
Firstly, when I say PVP, I am NOT talking about Tavern Brawls, I am talking about the Arena fights you have to queue for that already exist in the game.... sadly it seems most have never tried this system out and so not many people understand my attachment to it. It is a very fun and enjoyable system, I encourage you to give it a try! If you enjoyed the version of Unreal Tournament on the Playstation 2, DDO's arena PVP is a lot like the PVP in Unreal tournament..... it feels similar but has a really nice twist and I'd have to say is more enjoyable than Unreal Tournament and yet has far more potential.
After all classes are updated, update the PVP Arena mechanics to bring further balance between the classes for PVP Arena purposes.
The SSG team would rely on bug reports from the PVP arena to help better distinguish the nature of in combat bugs (like to what extent are the bugs from the NPC code's side and to what extent are they from the player code's side) and using said collected data focus some future updates on remedying said bugs that occur both in PVP and PVE or simply only occur in PVE in which only occurring in PVE and never being reported from PVP is revealing in itself. Game code is a very massive thing and there is a lot to sort through, introducing and incentivising PVP can help narrow down and sort out the nature of some bugs thus allowing SSG to more easily pinpoint the location of problematic code.
It was pointed out that cosmetic prizes would be more acceptable, and I agree........ however I have two additional suggestions to that!
6V6 tournament systems, one win grants you an arena token in which can be saved up and spent on cosmetics, free gold daily dice roll tickets, or free chest reroll tickets. You may run this once a day on one character per server.
Old post fragments below
Each month announce eight to fifteen random pieces of loot or materials that are normally hard to get and use raid mechanics (You may only run once every three days) to limit the use of this.... you could even make it once a month!
This month's prize possibilities are as follows
1-30 Shadow Dragon Phlogistons
2-30 Fire Dragon Phlogistons
3-Cobalt Guard the possibility of Max Possible Reaper and Mythic Bonus
4-Bloodrage Chrism with the possibility of Max Possible Reaper and Mythic Bonus
5-Fully upgraded Nightmare The Fallen Moon with the possibility of a max reaper and mythic bonus
6-Legendary Pansophic Circlet with the possibility of Max Possible Reaper and Mythic Bonus
7-300 random rare collectables
8-Choice +8 stat tome
Each Member of the winning team gets one item from the list while the losers are free to try again!
You could even do a second list for heroic level items such as Quiver Of Alacrity!