- Add ranged support to these for Silver Flame builds
- Bring overall weapon DPS up between burst and +[w] attacks (additionally, giving Favored Soul access to weapon criticals)
- Give this tree interesting things to do (Its only attack skill right now is on a long cooldown)
- Fix/Remove a few of the abilities that are huge AP sinks for minor benefit
- Push Warpriest to have more defense than War Soul
- Push War Soul to have more offense than Warpriest
Both CLR and FvS versions:
- Cores:
- Smite Foe is now a Multiselector with a Melee and Ranged version.
- Smite Foe's cooldown has been reduced to 12 seconds
- Implacable Foe's cooldown has been reduced to 3 minutes.
- Tier 2:
- Inflame is no longer an Action Boost. It no longer has charges, and now has a 90 second cooldown.
- Inflame: Saving Throws has been rolled into Greater Inflame (see below)
- Tier 3:
- Inflame: Energy Absorption is now "Greater Inflame", has all the effects of Inflame: Energy Absorption and Inflame: Saving Throws
- Magical Backlash has been moved to Tier 3!
- Burden of Sin is gone.
- Replaced with: Radiant Flourish (multiselect melee/ranged): +1/2/3[w] attack, adds 1d6/2d6/3d6 Light Damage that scales with 200% of (higher of Melee or Ranged Power). Small chance to blind non-Boss enemies with no save. 6 second cooldown.
- Tier 4:
- Light Guard is gone.
- Replaced with +3/6/10% Doublestrike or Doubleshot (Multiselector)
- New: Silence the Wicked (multiselect melee/ranged):
- +1/2/3[w], affected enemy can't cast spells for 4 seconds.
- Melee: 14/12/10 second cooldown.
- Ranged: 20/18/15 second cooldown.
- Tier 5:
- Wrathful Weapons: Light damage is now 10d6 Light Damge that lasts for 12 seconds, and scales with the higher of Melee and Ranged power at 200%.
- Divine Power is now a +6 Sacred Bonus to Strength (plus the Base Attack Bonus it already gives).
Cleric (Warpriest) Only:
- Cores:
- Implacable Foe is now a Multiselector (all versions have the same effects):
- +2 STR, +2 CON
- +2 CON, +2 WIS
- Tier 2:
- NEW: Action Boost: Melee & Ranged Power
- Tier 5:
- NEW: While wearing Heavy armor, you gain +10 PRR, +10 MRR, +10 AC, and +50% to threat generation with melee and ranged attacks.
- Divine Power is now 1AP.
Favored Soul (War Soul) Only:
- Cores:
- Implacable Foe is now a Multiselector (all versions have the same effects):
- +4 STR
- +4 WIS
- +4 CHA
- Tier 2:
- NEW: Action Boost: Haste
- Tier 5:
- NEW: Divine Champion: While wearing Medium armor, you gain +5% Doublestrike, +5% Doubleshot, +5 to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers)
- Divine Power remains at 2AP. It now also grants a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Multiplier with weapons.