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  1. #1
    Community Member Sarge's Avatar
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    Default Questing about spellcasting implement

    How do I create a weapon with a spell casting implement as part of the weapon. New to crafting and I created a +5 admantine morningstar weapon with no augment. Is it an augment if so what color? The admantine is not necessary and I have a blank morningstar with a red augment slot available for crafting.

    What I trying to do is create a +5 admantine morningstar weapon with 4d6 acid effect and undead bane weapon. I would like to have one of my 2 undead bane weapons (dual wielder) have spell casting implement on the weapon. How do I do this or is possible? The new canith crafting guide does not tell how to do this? (or I'm not understanding what the guide is telling me) I need some guidance from an experience cannith crafter!

    I am 15 wizard 1 fighter 1 rogue if info helps! i have a pure caster (level 15) but he is not a cannith crafter.

    Cheers and I appreciate the guidance!
    Last edited by Sarge; 04-24-2018 at 03:20 AM.
    On Khyber: Sargee 13/1 W/R, Sargel 14F

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarge View Post
    How do I create a weapon with a spell casting implement as part of the weapon. New to crafting and I created a +5 admantine morningstar weapon with no augment. Is it an augment if so what color?...

    What I trying to do is create a +5 admantine morningstar weapon with 4d6 acid effect and undead bane weapon. I would like to have one of my 2 undead bane weapons (dual wielder) have spell casting implement on the weapon. How do I do this or is possible?
    Crafting can be confusing, yes. SO much information, so many details! That information hidden is on this page (and on others), but I'll explain it.

    o (3rd line, "Spellcasting implement*", asterisked - see notes @ bottom)

    When you make a weapon, the "enchantment bonus" (+1, +2, etc.) is automatically applied. Same with Spell Casting Impliment Bonus (SCI), BUT you have to have some spell-related effect crafted on the weapon! No spell effect = no spell casting bonus.

    An augment would give you a boost to that type of spellpower, (EDIT...) and WILL give the item a SCI bonus!

    Spellpower augments are Red/rubies:

    Now - you can put a spell-related effect on several other items (and the Wiki implies those any "item" will work), but I'm not sure if all of those will give you the same SCI bonus - spec. gloves, necklaces, rings, trinkets, armor, and shields (and rune arms).

    So - if you can make one of your two weapons "radiance" or "devotion" (EDIT: Apparently, the lore version will NOT give SCI bonus!) - there's your SCI bonus. If you can craft it, best might be to add an "insightful X power"* - gets the SCI without much DPS loss, esp if it's on the off-hand. Otherwise, just a weapon enchantment bonus, sorry.

    (* Note that "Insightful Spell Power" goes in the suffix crafting slot, not requiring the "extra" slot.)
    Last edited by C-Dog; 04-24-2018 at 06:07 AM.

  3. #3


    Any weapon with any individual spellpower or potency is considered a Spellcasting Implement and will give you an implement bonus to universal spellpower equal to the ML of the weapon. When crafting, it's the power level, not ML: PL34 crafted weapons with spellpower grant 34 implement bonus, not 30.

    The easiest way to get an implement bonus is to slot any spellpower in a red slot.

    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Crafting can be confusing, yes. SO much information, so many details! That information hidden is on this page (and on others), but I'll explain it.

    o (3rd line, "Spellcasting implement*", asterisked - see notes @ bottom)

    When you make a weapon, the "enchantment bonus" (+1, +2, etc.) is automatically applied. Same with Spell Casting Impliment Bonus (SCI), BUT you have to have some spell-related effect crafted on the weapon! No spell effect = no spell casting bonus.

    An augment would give you a boost to that type of spellpower, but still no SCI bonus, as it's not part of the crafting. Red/rubies:

    Now - you can put a spell-related effect on several other items (and the Wiki implies those any "item" will work), but I'm not sure if all of those will give you the same SCI bonus - spec. gloves, necklaces, rings, trinkets, armor, and shields (and rune arms).

    So - if you can make one of your two weapons "radiance" or "devotion" (or the lore version, or whatever) - there's your SCI bonus. If you can craft it, best might be to add an "insightful X power"* - gets the SCI without much DPS loss, esp if it's on the off-hand. Otherwise, just a weapon enchantment bonus, sorry.

    (* Note that "Insightful Spell Power" goes in the suffix crafting slot, not requiring the "extra" slot.)
    Enhancement bonus is the + of the weapon, where you get that bonus to attack and damage. Enchantment level is the power of the item, like when deconstructing weapons to power greensteel cells, and is listed in the top right of the details window.

    A spellpower augment turns a weapon into a spellcasting implement, granting implement bonus.

    Spell lore does not give you implement bonus. Nor does spell DC. Only spell power, either individual or potency.

    Implement bonus is only on weapons. Not armor, shields, clothing or jewelry. Only weapons.

    Adding Insightful Spellpower would make a weapon a spellcasting implement, but unfortunately insightful spellpower only goes on weapon suffix so you'd be losing out on whatever dps suffix you wanted. That's why augment slots are usually the best place to slot spellpower if you're looking for an implement bonus. Unfortunately, augment spellpower is extremely low compared to crafted so if it's a spellpower you care about, you should try to also slot it for real somewhere else.

  4. #4
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    If you add a spell power augment (any will do), the item will gain "spell casting implement".

  5. #5
    Community Member Sarge's Avatar
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    Default Thank you for the response

    Thanks for the info! So, I can build level 18 mithral plate with combustion, deathblock, and parrying! I should have my spellcasting implement (level 18) or is that just for weapons. Update: saw that is just for weapons!

    Is their a way to add an augment slot to old mithral armor? Doubt I am that lucky but you never know without asking!

    If I can't have spellcasting implement on the armor...I will just make the armor twilight with deathblock and parrying. The only downside I can see is I have to redo the stone of change recipe (alchemical armor bonus)!

    Thank you for sharing your hard earned wisdom and experience in advance! Cheers from Sargee on Khyber!

    Sargee on Khyber is accepting donations of slime molds and warehouse ledgers! If not I will just have to be patient until I get near the level and start farming for the collectibles. Nyx the drow elder, keeps telling me to have the patience of a spider but that's so darn hard. Sargee sighs in frustration!
    Last edited by Sarge; 04-24-2018 at 05:20 AM.
    On Khyber: Sargee 13/1 W/R, Sargel 14F

  6. #6
    Community Member Sarge's Avatar
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    Default trying to improve weapons!

    If I make a level 16th weapons with acid (4d6), undead bane (4d10) and last slot unused (not high enough crafting level) with a red augment slot. I can slot the item with say power (x) and that shall make the weapon with spell implementation bonus. Cool! So, one weapon can say power (x) on augment slot and the next weapon with augment slot will be good effect on weapon!
    On Khyber: Sargee 13/1 W/R, Sargel 14F

  7. #7
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    A spellpower augment turns a weapon into a spellcasting implement, granting implement bonus.
    I remembered the opposite - will edit above!

    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Unfortunately, augment spellpower is extremely low compared to crafted so if it's a spellpower you care about, you should try to also slot it for real somewhere else.
    This table shows the values for augments, with CC value for comparison:
    Last edited by C-Dog; 04-24-2018 at 06:10 AM.

  8. #8
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    If I make a level 16th weapons with acid (4d6), undead bane (4d10) and last slot unused (not high enough crafting level) with a red augment slot. I can slot the item with say power (x) and that shall make the weapon with spell implementation bonus. Cool!
    Power X items are spellPOINT items, not spellPOWER items, and will not give the implement bonus. SpellPOINT augments are also yellow, not red. You do not find yellow slots on weapons. Some named weapons have orange slots that a yellow augment can go in, but those are named and can't be crafted with.

    So, one weapon can say power (x) on augment slot and the next weapon with augment slot will be good effect on weapon!
    If by "good effect" you mean /Good DR breaking for things like the ghostly skeletons in Delera's, this is much easier to achieve with a flametouched iron weapon, rather than using the augment slot for it. In a level 16 undead beater /Good isn't all that productive, however. You're much better off with /Silver. A silver weapon with an augment slot is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery rare though.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    When crafting, it's the power level, not ML: PL34 crafted weapons with spellpower grant 34 implement bonus, not 30.
    Are you sure? Ramzeses CCPlanner still say it's only 30 currently.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    Are you sure? Ramzeses CCPlanner still say it's only 30 currently.
    Can't say that I am.

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