on my up to 20 I took the time to write down some suggestions as I encountered them that I thought would be nice little improvements.
1. More weapon choices for Korthos. very limited choices of weapons and wands to use in the beginning levels. with some enhancements that give a bonus for using specific weapons and with options always being good, I would like to see more variety.
Agree 100%
2. Ability damage icon display. instead of bringing up your character sheet and looking at how much ability damage you have taken, it would be nice to be able to hover over the icon and see how much in ability damage you have taken. example: -8 Con.
Also agree, would be handy.
3. Renown end reward option for LOD chain. this has been going on since the beginning?
Yes! And I think so, yeah.
4. Changes to Harper Pin. both the lesser and greater do the same thing. I propose changing them to clickies and make lesser +1 per rest and greater +2 per rest. or +2/+4. something that actually makes wanting to turn in the favor to get the greater pin. make them both useable or turn in the lesser when reaching the proper favor tier to get the greater for more clickies.
Lots of issues with useless favor ranks, but I'd rather not have the pins only work a few times per rest. Don't want my inv clogged with several pins.
5. Masterwork weapons cant be deconstructed. I have crafting in my notes, but I think I meant deconstructed.
Fixing this would be nice
6. CC Deathblock shows no second enchantment. there are still random loot items that are like this too like spell resistance and speed.
Yes, they need to update CC Deathblock, and change CC Striding to Speed. Not sure what you mean about Spell Res though, need clarification on that one.
7. Closing out the Social Panel closes out the store. annoying.
8. Store bought hires timer. if you put them in your bank the timer seems to continue ticking down, but you don't see that its ticking down. when you pull them out they disappear. for me, when I am done with them and that I don't have a hireling folder, I put them in my shared bank than transfer them over when I get the chance to a bank toon to use for next life. it seems somewhere around 20 minutes or less they often disappear when pulling them out of the bank. if I'm paying good points for hires I use all the time, I expect them to last the full hour.
Wasn't aware of this, but agree.
9. 2nd quest in Iron Mines chain. the gates are locked that are guarded by the earth elementals. can we make the gates stay open or at least pickable? there is a collectable and boxes to break in there.
Have noticed this, is very strange lol.
10. The gate that leads to the end chest after destroying the crystal in Storm the Beaches. sometimes it can take awhile to open and cant be picked or anything. while you are it, how about the timer on the gate in Delera's too?
11. Mushrooms in Tangleroot chain. the second mushroom where the oozes are in the beginning doesn't appear until the 4th quest in the chain. can we add the second one for 1-3?
Is kind of random that it just randomly appears, not sure if they'll bother fixing this though.
12. Update splash screens. please remove outdated sales and add new sales or something else. I think yesterday I still saw the sale for Otto's Boxes that ended back in January.
Agree, this is supposed to be a professionally run game. I've seen guild websites that stay more up to date lol.
13. Healing potions more valuable through enhancements. I pushed for this idea during the barb pass. I think they would be more valuable for melee builds if they were included in cores of enhancements or added to a low level tier. caster passes and improvements are going on now, so I guess push this to the back burner and revisit in 2024.
Healing amp is added to barb/monk already, dwarves get drinking bonuses as do Kensei. What did you have in mind?
14. The public teleporter. can we add Harbor as another option?
Good QoL update.
15. Differences in xp for ransack, etc between N-E. some quests have less mobs and it seems breakables the lower in difficulty you go. this makes it impossible often times to get max xp if you aren't running elite. some quests, even on elite you cant get max xp. think I might try to remember to keep track of which quests as I make another trip back to 20, but there are a lot.
Partially due to party scaling as well, but would be nice to fix it, yes. A little leeway in Lords of Dust would be nice; it requires ALL of the breakables to hit 72 and get ransack.
16. Consolidate hire vendors and increase level range. is there a coding reason why we have to have 5 hire vendors in the MP? why they are split up in level ranges like GH and Eveningstar? if at all possible, we just need 1 hire vendor in each House, etc with much wider level ranges. such as in the Harbor and I want to run IQ at 18 I should be able to go the Harbor and pick one up instead of going to the MP. I know this can(?) be done because we have 3 guild hire vendors in House K that are level 1-20 and split into 3 groups of hire choices.
17. Quest timers and difficulty for lfms that did not select a quest. one of the biggest reasons why I don't bother requesting to join. party leader doesn't select the quest and doesn't put in the notes at least what the difficulty is. I have no idea how long they have been in the quest, so I skip over it and move on.
18. Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener. the hires pretty much don't move. most mobs don't either, but rather annoying when the hire is getting attacked and doesn't teleport with you. I have to summon it to me every time.
19. Hard VS Elite Mysterious Remnants. huge difference in how much drops. probably 85% of the time I see 2-6. chests are a little more likely to drop a bit more, but not much. they also hardly drop at all on hard. on elite they drop almost every time you kill a Champion and usually see roughly 3x the amount than on hard.
They might be writing that off in difficulty scaling since rem's don't do anything meaningful to the game (cosmetics and +2 Melee/Ranger/Spell Power doesn't make or break a build), not sure this will be changed.
20. Eebilsteenk in GH. no icon showing when quest is complete. if you didn't know, you would have to use the mini map to find a blinking icon.
21. Warning when breaking BB streak. I ran the Tethyamar Mines on hard last life and could have sworn I paused my BB. it wasn't until I took level 18 and stepped into LOD that I realized I lost my elite BB streak. only way to see this is when you have already stepped inside the quest and check the xp report.
Has been broken for a while, needs to be fixed.
22. The xp bug for summoning hires. enter quest.. summon hire.. than watch your total xp go down. you still get the full amount, but would be nice if this could get fixed.