Hey guys,

Me and my mate decided to try out DDO for the first time because we couldnt get NWN work on hamachi for some reason (it worked a year ago) and since he's stolen my main class (fighter) i decided to make a dual wield Human Ranger that can spot and remove traps.

My idea is to go 18/1/1 Ranger/Rogue/Fighter or 16/4 Ranger/Rogue.
Im a bit undecided for feats and stats though. Initially I thought going 16/16/14/8/12/8 str/dex/con/int/wis/cha to have good survivability but then it will be more dificult to find traps, so I thought maybe lower dex (since my mate will be tankink anyways) to get int up as well so that i wont get a negative modifier. For Feats im really clueless, thought i'd start with passage dragonmark and thoughness and after that khopesh special or weapon finesse and all those dmg modifiers.

We mainly just wanna play casual pve (albeit we do wanna tackle down heroic/elite dungeons) so any help regarding this build would be greatly appreciated.