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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Warpriest Favored Weapon question

    I'm in the process of building/running a cleric whos deity is Blood of Vol, I'm saying this so you know what my weapon choices are, and no, I'm not going to change it.

    That said, does the Warpriest enhancement, Righteous Weapons, extend to daggers ? Since daggers are the favored weapon. The only problem is that they are not listed in the enhancement.

    The character is currently a level 8 dual wield Halfling Cleric build, Divine Disciple and Radiant Servant enhancements.

  2. #2


    Yep. Blood of Vol followers have dagger as their favored weapon, so any enhancement that boosts favored weapons will boost daggers.

    Do the enhancements say any weapons by name? I thought they all just said "your deity's favored weapon."

    Keep in mind that the Warpriest tree was released years before the new deities (like blood of vol) so they couldn't have named daggers by name anyway.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    The list of weapons was based on the list that existed prior to the deities that were added.

    As one that has used this tree for Maces and Warhammers I can assure you that the Favored Weapon enhancements work for your favored weapon.

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