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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    As I update the feat conversion map for your latest release, I've found some confirmed issues from using the actual planner instead of rummaging around the data file.

    Missing Feats

    Past Life: Delver of the Forbidden (Warlock)
    Half-Elf Dilettante: Warlock
    Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Handwraps
    Skill Focus: Spellcraft
    Wind through the Trees

    Unsurprisingly, they're all relatively new additions to the game.

    Also, I was also unable to take any deity all the way to 20 on a favored soul. I was trying to confirm that the last deity feat is typed "DamageReduction", but none of the Beloved Of feats would work which prevented any DR feats from showing up.
    Another good set of catches. I will add these to my suddenly very large list of things to fix
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  2. #62


    Finished the import/export routines for your build format, works great. I'm super pumped. The downside of VB6 is that it's so old I have to roll all my own libraries from scratch. Recursive functions aren't really my strong suit, but even so I muddled through and ended up with a nice little xml parser I'm happy with. (My initial rudimentary parser for your feats file wasn't recursive, which is why it didn't work very well.)

    Now focusing on other features so I won't be doing much more testing in the near future. I did add pretty formatting to my export files to make them easily readable in notepad:
          <Name>Kensei Warpriest</Name>
    A final thought is that I would redo your folder structure a little. Something like:

    - Move the five xml files from the main folder into a new folder: \Data
    - Move the item xml files to \Data\Items
    - Move all five image folders under a new folder: \Images
    - Add a new empty folder in the zip: \Save

    Then when a new user unzipped it for the first time, their main folder would look like this:


  3. #63
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    Made quite a bit of progress on the list of things raised by EllisDee37:

    Warlock: 1st pact spell awarded with pact selection, not incorrectly as a pact feat selection at warlock level 2
    Feature: Cleric domain/deity, Warlock pact/save and Favored Souls Follower/Beloved of feats will now auto populate when main feat selected and on class changes
    Feats: Effects which are dependant on a number of class levels now apply totals correctly (e.g. Air Domain, Evocation at levels 2, 6, 12 and 18, Flurry of Blows at 1,2,4 etc)
    Feats: Additional feats to overcome code limitations removed. (Flurry of Blows variants and Cleric Domain feats which were automatically assigned)

    Fix: Training and revoking a past life feat now re-enables the 28/32 point build selection buttons
    Feat: Intensify spell extra semicolon in name removed
    Feat: Missing "Past Life: Delver of the Forbidden" (Warlock) added
    Feat: Missing "Half-Elf Dilettante: Warlock" added
    Feat: Missing "Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Handwraps" added
    Feat: Missing "Skill Focus: Spellcraft" added
    Feat: Missing "Wind through the Trees" added
    Fix: Skill Perform no longer needs to be a class skill to train
    Fix: Level up view now shows a skills associated ability again
    Feats: The following Feats are now set to "Train" when previously set to "Automatic"
    ---Beloved of the Lord of Blades
    ---Beloved of the Silver Flame
    ---Beloved of the Sovereign Host
    ---Beloved of the Undying Court
    ---Beloved of Vulkoor
    ---Undying Call
    ---Vulkoor's Avatar
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Beguiling Defense" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Fiendish Resilience" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Thought Shield" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Pact Magic: Fey" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Pact Magic: Fiend" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Pact Magic: Great Old One" removed

    Many of the the beloved of line of favored soul feats are still missing so only 5 of the deity lines can be taken to cap. I will be working on getting these in over the next few days.
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  4. #64


    I'm adding Aasimar and Vistani Knife Fighter to my builder now because why not, right? I can always update when they go live if there's any changes.

    My only question is what will you name the Aasimar bond feat channel? Your current racial bonus feat channel names are:


    My guess is AasimarBond. Let me know if you plan to go with something else.

    EDIT: I decided to just add two feats instead of a selector feat for the bonds:

    Bond of the Fallen
    Bond of the Protector

    My assumption is that those are the names you'll be using as well.

  5. #65
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    Default Build now available

    Another week, another release with many updates and fixes. All the changes in this build from are:

    UI: Enhancements info tip now always show required AP even when met
    Feats: Epic Arcane Past lives no longer erroneously grant 1% Sonic Absorption
    New: Aasimar race added
    Enhancements: Aasimar racial tree added
    Feats: Aasimar bond feat type and feats added
    Item: Resonation necklace now correctly includes Sonic resistance and bonus energy resistances are insightful, not competence
    Export: Spell power, critical chance and multiplier table added to forum export output
    Feats: Missing Beloved of and damage reduction feats added for Favored Souls
    ---Unknown DR type listed for many damage reduction feats in the wiki. Placeholder feat added for these
    ---Duplicate Undying call and Vulkoor's Avatar feats removed
    Breakdowns: Stacking enhancement effects (Like Human: Don't count me out) will now have the correct number of stacks on file load.
    Feats: You can now only ever have one "Follower of" and "Deity" feat slot regardless of how you multiclass between Cleric, Paladin and Favored Soul.
    Fix: File load issue introduced in 28/32 point build fix fixed.
    Warlock: 1st pact spell awarded with pact selection, not (incorrectly) as a pact feat selection at warlock level 2
    Feature: Cleric domain/deity, Warlock pact/save and Favored Souls Follower/Beloved of feats will now auto populate when main feat selected and on class changes
    Feats: Effects which are dependant on a number of class levels now apply totals correctly (e.g. Air Domain, Evocation at levels 2, 6, 12 and 18)
    Feats: Additional feats to overcome code limitations removed. (Flurry of Blows variants and Cleric Domain feats which were automatically assigned)
    Fix: Training and revoking a past life feat now re-enables the 28/32 point build selection buttonsFeat: Intensify spell extra semicolon in name removed
    Feat: Missing "Past Life: Delver of the Forbidden" (Warlock) added
    Feat: Missing "Half-Elf Dilettante: Warlock" added
    Feat: Missing "Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Handwraps" added
    Feat: Missing "Skill Focus: Spellcraft" added
    Feat: Missing "Wind through the Trees" added
    Fix: Skill Perform no longer needs to be a class skill to train
    Fix: Level up view now shows a skills associated ability again
    Feats: The following Feats are now set to "Train" when previously set to "Automatic"
    ---Beloved of the Lord of Blades
    ---Beloved of the Silver Flame
    ---Beloved of the Sovereign Host
    ---Beloved of the Undying Court
    ---Beloved of Vulkoor
    ---Undying Call
    ---Vulkoor's Avatar
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Beguiling Defense" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Fiendish Resilience" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Thought Shield" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Pact Magic: Fey" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Pact Magic: Fiend" removed
    Feat: Erroneous feat "Warlock: Pact Magic: Great Old One" removed

    As always see my signature for a link to the latest release.
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
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  6. #66


    What are you going to name the new iconic? I can't decide:

    Scourge of the Undead
    Aasimar Scourge
    Scourge Aasimar

    I checked on lamannia, and the in-game name was "Aasimar: Scourge of the Undead", which is a bit long for my taste.

  7. #67
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    Default Build now available

    Another release fixing a lot of issue and introducing a few new features. Full list:

    Augments: Eternal Faith and Silver Flame augment effects fixed
    UI: Spell tooltips now display spell DC (Not correct for SLAs yet)
    Export: Trained Spells and DCs added to forum export
    Export: Equipped gear added to export
    Feats: "Small Size Bonus" feat is now automatic for Deep Gnome, Gnome and Halfling and is no longer trainable.
    Feats: All special feats are now sorted alphabetically
    Feats: Warforged body feats grant correct AC, Max Dex Bonus etc
    Feats: Can now define multiple stances (not just one)
    Enhancements: Vistani Knife fighter tree added with effects.
    Item: Legendary boots of the devils commands - Fortification is now correctly an Enhancement bonus
    Items: Data optional fields reduced for armors/docents by handing things as effects
    Items: Added first Cloth, Light, Medium, Heavy and Docent items to test items in this slot
    Item selection dialog: Can now filter armor types
    Icons: Many racial and past life icons updated
    New: Scourge Aasimar iconic race added
    ---Uses copy of Aasimar racial tree for now
    Breakdowns: Armor check penalties now subtract from a skill/attack bonus, not add to it.
    Breakdowns: Spell critical chance and spell critical multipliers no longer erroneously count the base skill as a bonus (like spell power)
    Stances: Cloth, Light, Medium and Heavy Armor stances are now under program control
    ---Centered stance partially under software control (needs weapons for full control)
    ---For War/Bladeforged, stance is controlled by your body type feat
    ---For all non-forged controlled by the type of armor worn.
    Kensei: Shattering strike no longer requires an "Unknown Enhancement" to train.
    Kensei: Haste boost now correctly costs 1ap per tier, not 2
    Kensei: Weapon Focus groups now require Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization and Greater Weapon Focus feats at the relevant tiers
    ---Archery: Ranged
    ---Axes: Slashing or Thrown
    ---Crossbows: Ranged
    ---Druidic: Bludgeon, Pierce or slash
    ---Heavy blades: Slash
    ---Light blades: Pierce, slash or thrown
    ---Maces or clubs: Bludgeon
    ---Martial arts: Bludgeon, slash or thrown
    ---Picks and hammers: Bludgeon, pierce or thrown

    As per usual see my signature for a link to the latest version.
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    What are you going to name the new iconic? I can't decide:

    Scourge of the Undead
    Aasimar Scourge
    Scourge Aasimar

    I checked on lamannia, and the in-game name was "Aasimar: Scourge of the Undead", which is a bit long for my taste.
    I went with Scourge Aasimar. As can be seen in the most recent build where it is available. Had to make some assumptions about the enhancement tree. Just copied the regular Aasimar tree with a couple of enhancements for the the Scourge bond feat,
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  9. #69
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    Spell DC bug report.

    Just noticed I am adding the whole of the casting stat rather than the stat bonus to the spell DC. duh. (So an int of 30 is giving 30 to the spell DC when it should give 10)
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  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Ordinary View Post
    Had to make some assumptions about the enhancement tree. Just copied the regular Aasimar tree with a couple of enhancements for the the Scourge bond feat,
    I transcribed the entire tree for my data files and posted it here.

    EDIT: Also, I didn't notice the new update. I'll check it out.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I transcribed the entire tree for my data files and posted it here.

    EDIT: Also, I didn't notice the new update. I'll check it out.
    Just a note, I have since renamed by "Scourge Aasimar" race as "Aasimar Scourge" for the next build if that affects your export routines.

    Its surprising just using the planner myself how many problems or little glitches I spot. So much to do still.
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  12. #72
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    Default Build now available

    Lots of changes in this version:

    Feats: Added "Arcane Lore", "Religious Lore" and "Wilderness Lore" feats. Auto assign to relevant classes at relevant levels.
    Fix: Spell DCs now correctly use the ability bonus, not the ability total. (e.g. 30 Int now gives +10, not +30)
    Feats: Duplicate Epic Spell Power: "Acid" "Cold, "Fire, "Electric" and "Sonic" feats removed.
    Rename: "Scourge Aasimar" renamed "Aasimar Scourge"
    Spelling: All "Gransmaster" typos fixed in "Grandmaster of Flowers" tree. (Fix in place for older file load)
    Aasimar: Now gives +2 wisdom build points to match live (vs Lammania info which was +1 Wis, +1 Cha)
    Aasimar Scourge: Auto assigns Scourge bond, can no longer select the bond type at level 1
    Feats: "Aasimar Scourge Racial Traits" feat removed. Now uses the "Aasimar Racial Traits" feat as well
    Aasimar Scourge: Feat "Favored enemy: Undead" now trains automatically at level 1
    Icons: Vistani tree icon added
    Icons: Aasimar Scourge bond icon added
    Feat: Monk AC Bonus due to levels reworked as a single feat with a set amount per level, increasing at levels 5,10,15 and 20
    Feat: "Bladeforged" feat effects added (AC, Saves, Spells)
    Enhancements: War Soul tree split from cleric Warpriest. Both trees now present if a FvS/Cleric multiclass.
    War Soul: Divine Might multi selector added
    Warpriest/War Soul: Divine Might anti-requisite added (Know the Angles)
    Warpriest/War Soul: Divine Might anti-requisite added (Each others Divine Might)
    Item: Cloak of Night upgraded to level 28
    Items: Started adding level 20+ named cloth/robe armors
    Aasimar Scourge Enhancements: Tree updated to correct version (no longer a copy of the regular Aasimar tree) - some effects still missing
    Aasimar Enhancements: Blessing icon fixed
    Feats: All "Favored enemy" feat variants no longer require a level of ranger. As they can only be selected in a favored enemy feat slot.
    Feats: "Improved Feint" no longer requires "Combat Expertise" as a prerequisite.
    Feats: Mithral Body and Adamantine body feats are partially excluded for forged druids. (If druid taken at level 1)
    Race: Half-Elf Lesser Divine Grace now works correctly, plus many dilettante feat effects updated
    Half-Elf: Enhancement tree enhancement names updated
    Items: Legendary Slave Rags item effects fixed
    Items: Legendary Emissary's Vestments item effects fixed
    Menus: "About DDOCP..." renamed "About DDOBuilder..."
    Augments: Shadow armor augments added (only cloth armor references at the moment)

    As per usual, see my signature for a link to the latest release.
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  13. #73
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    Default Build now available

    Not so much work this week as I spent too much time in game. Changes include:

    Changes for Update 36.4:
    Aasimar Scourge: Destroyer of the Dead now passively grants +4 Melee and Ranged Power in addition to its other bonuses.
    Aasimar Scourge: Greater Scourge Weapons now passively grant +2 Melee and Ranged Power in addition to existing bonuses.

    Other work:
    Aasimar Scourge: Racial tree missing effects added.
    Fix: User controlled stances are now controllable again.
    Breakdowns: Percentage bonus breakdowns now apply to total correctly. Rounds down to nearest whole number.
    ---These need to be verified fully. Only checked with a couple of effects.
    Enhancements: Many tree effects updated where percentages were being applied.
    Enhancements: All effects with a "Duration" field, removed. No longer going to model these.
    Augments: Sacred and Eternal Faith Augments effects fixed. (again)
    Breakdowns: Off Hand Attack Chance breakdown added.
    Breakdowns: Off Hand Doublestrike breakdown added.
    ---Many off hand Doublestrike effects fixed.
    Enhancements: Stalwart defender effects that require multiple stances active fixed.
    Vistani: "Widsom" effects now correctly "Wisdom".
    Xml: Dice elements now support an "Energy" element. (e.g. 2d6 Acid damage)
    Engine: Many new energy types supported, evil, good, pierce, slash, bludgeon, untyped etc
    Spells: Self buff spell effects are now supported
    ---First pass of spell effects added
    Enhancements: "Greate Weapon Aptitude" now correctly called "Great Weapon Aptitude"
    Engine: All spell/feat/enhancement/items effects are verified on load
    ---All Weapon Attachment effects fixed (multiple trees)
    ---Mechanic: Rapid Fire effects fixed
    ---Exalted Angel: Blood and Radiance effects fixed
    ---All new spell effects checked for errors (not functionality)

    As per usual see my signature for a link to the latest release.
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
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  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Ordinary View Post
    Warpriest/War Soul: Divine Might anti-requisite added (Each others Divine Might)
    Don't forget KotC Divine Might.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ordinary View Post
    Enhancements: All effects with a "Duration" field, removed. No longer going to model these.
    Does that mean stuff like Divine Might won't be modeled?

    For my Kensei Warpriest, whose breakdown I just posted the other day, I consider all of Power Surge, Action Surge: Strength and Divine Might to be "always on" when I play him since I get 11:00 per shrine of all of them. (Divine Might is essentially unlimited.)

    Taking those three enhancements away, his 94 strength would drop down to 64, which would be a substantial misrepresentation of the build if I were theory-crafting and quickly eyeballing totals. (Action Surge isn't a reliable buff unless you have Power Surge.)

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Don't forget KotC Divine Might.

    Does that mean stuff like Divine Might won't be modeled?
    I just checked my Enhancements.xml file and Divine Might has in fact been nerfed by me in this way. I will do a pass again on these and probably set them up as Stances which you can toggle on/off to have the bonus apply. Much easier rather than trying to model effects with durations.

    Now I just need to find a diff tool to compare the old and new enhancement files. Not got one on my home PC.
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  16. #76

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ordinary View Post
    I just checked my Enhancements.xml file and Divine Might has in fact been nerfed by me in this way. I will do a pass again on these and probably set them up as Stances which you can toggle on/off to have the bonus apply. Much easier rather than trying to model effects with durations.

    Now I just need to find a diff tool to compare the old and new enhancement files. Not got one on my home PC.
    After further investigation today. I realised Divine Might was not being modeled at all in the previous version, so I didn't nerf it.

    So today I tried to get it working and it turned out to be a semi-royal PITA. Divine Might has an Effect structure in my design which can't be supported, which is an ability bonus to an ability. So I had to hard code it in C++ in the relevant breakdown. It also means that the War Soul Divine Presence and Divine Will needed to work in the same way. Getting those working was also a PITA as they apply to tactical DCs (easy) and weapon damage bonus's (no so easy), but it did find a fundamental error in my code for converting an Ability total to a mod bonus. How I missed this during development I do not know.

    This work should lend itself to further simplification on the effect xml as I can eliminate the "Divider" field and work out the relevant totals in a different way that is already supported. But that is for tomorrow.
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  18. #78


    Just an FYI that I added your builder to the Character Building section in the ddowiki dashboard.

    EDIT: Doing a once-over on my export routine, I installed and created a brand new build, fighter, level 1 feat choices don't include all the exotic weapon proficiency choices. I was looking to see what the handwraps feat is called internally (singular or plural?) but half the list is missing. The only choices I get are:

    Exotic Weapon: Great Crossbow
    Exotic Weapon: Kama
    Exotic Weapon: Khopesh
    Exotic Weapon: Repeating Heavy Crossbow
    Exotic Weapon: Repeating Light Crossbow


    Bastard Sword
    Dwarven Axe

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Just an FYI that I added your builder to the Character Building section in the ddowiki dashboard.

    EDIT: Doing a once-over on my export routine, I installed and created a brand new build, fighter, level 1 feat choices don't include all the exotic weapon proficiency choices. I was looking to see what the handwraps feat is called internally (singular or plural?) but half the list is missing. The only choices I get are:

    Exotic Weapon: Great Crossbow
    Exotic Weapon: Kama
    Exotic Weapon: Khopesh
    Exotic Weapon: Repeating Heavy Crossbow
    Exotic Weapon: Repeating Light Crossbow


    Bastard Sword
    Dwarven Axe
    I double checked these feats and they were all working as expected.

    As a note: Bastard Sword, Dwarven Axe and Handwraps require Strength 13 to be available at level 1.
    Shuriken is automatically assigned for Fighter 1, so should not be selectable but does appear in the automatic feats list.
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  20. #80
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    Default Build now available

    Another week, another release. Not so much done this time around as have been busy with other things.

    Changes in this build:

    New: Enhancement selections can now define stances.
    Enhancements: "Divine Might" stance and effect added for War Priest, War Soul and Knight of the Chalice.
    War Soul: "Divine Presence" and "Divine Will" effects added. Hard coded in C++ as Effect class does not support these.
    Fix: Ability value to bonus bug fixed (pretty fundamental one too as it could affect loads of totals)
    Feats: Special feat "Inherent Racial Action point" added
    Enhancements: Divine Might is mutually exclusive across KoTC, War Soul and War Priest trees. And cannot be selected alongside "Know the Angles"
    Enhancements: All Efficient Metamagic variants of Empower, Maximize, Enlarge, Quicken and Heighten are now mutually exclusive across all enhancement trees.
    Internal: Updated XML object verification code. Many more issues in the XML now reported and can be fixed.
    Feats: Many feat effects fixed (found with XML verification update)
    Enhancements: Many enhancement effects fixed (found with XML verification update) - many still to go!
    Feat: "Halfling size bonus" feat removed, as generic "Small Size Bonus" replaced it.
    UI: Requires "One of" or "None of" tooltip content reworked due to many requirements on metamagics

    As per usual, see my signature for a link to the latest version.
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