Silver Flame Hymnals [SFH] - The bane to my existence when it comes to crafting.

I have had to farm SFH until the cows come home and after a while I started tracking my results.

In general when it comes to collectible you pull 1 Rare every 12 to 15 pulls, 1 uncommon for every 3 to 5 pulls and the rest are common collectibles.

That is not the case when it comes to Tier 3 Lore Collectibles.
I have pulled 1 rare for every 29 pulls, 1 uncommon for every 11 pulls and the rest are commons.

Whats even more interesting is I have been pulling a lot more of the one common than the other and when it comes to the uncommon and rares there is a 4|2|1 ratio.

Runic Parchament - 65
Rommantic Sonnets - 109

House Sealed Letter - 12
Silver Flame Hymnals - 5
Scholarly Notes - 2

Tome: History of the Houses - 4
Tome: Lost Songs of Crye - 2
Tome: Codes of Aurum - 1

Abishai Slaughtered - 2,400

These results reflect my historical collections (with the exception of SFH because I have always used a lot of those so I cannot say for sure.)

Thank goodness I don't have to us Scholarly Notes in an kind of volume. As I have more Tome: History of the Houses than Scholarly Notes in the bag.

Anyways to me it seems like something is not working correctly for these collectible nodes.