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  1. #1
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    Default Heroic Low Level Reaper PL Build

    Looking for some help with a build to get some pally past lives.

    This will be for heroics only - level to 18, TR at cap.

    I'm thinking THF as i have a base SOS and some decent axes.

    Ideally, i'd like the build to be able to handle up to 3 skull reaper (might as well get the RXP).

    I'm just back to the game after ~ a year off and back when i did play, i was more of a caster than melee so any and all help is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Honestly, if I were you I'd do a Monk/Pally mix. Evasion saves you a LOT of pain on heroic reaper and stunning fist makes your life a lot easier. Either that or do an artificer mix and pick up a repeater. Doing melee in Reaper takes some technique. It's not impossible, but the limitation on self-healing hits hard and so do the mobs. One bad red hat champion is all you need to make your life a misery.

    Slayer of Evil II in Knight of the Chalice is a no-brainer. Not having to switch weapons for ghost touch when a reaper pops on you will save your bacon.
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  3. #3


    Unless you're committed to melee, I would think a ranged build of any kind would be better. Longbow, crossbow, shuriken, nuker, warlock, etc...

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feats: start with power attack, cleave, (thf if nonhuman), great cleave at 6.
    You save AP in KotC to pick up defense from sacred defender perks early.

    At 12 retrain gcleave for (i)thf.
    Pick up T5 in KotC, including the aoe instakill.

    Keep AC high, PLs help. Spam cleaves and smites and holy retribution.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I'm doing an arty life now and really hating the repeater. Feels like it wastes so many volleys on targets that are already dead.

    What about 10 lock and then the rest pally?

    All i care about is getting the past life.

  6. #6


    well, add trapping in there if just grinding--the xp bonus speeds things up...
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  7. #7
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    Paladin is one of those classes I have not really enjoyed previously. Now, having said that, this life I am playing Ellisdee's Vanguard build since I needed 2 more pally PL's and have wanted to try vanguard for a while, been having a lot of fun with it. I have run a good share of reapers this life and have actually had a comparatively easy time. At least it has been much easier than my previous melee reaper characters. There were a number of runs in a full group where I ended up finishing the fight and backpacking all the caster/nuker/ranged soulstones to the nearest shrine. Only just hit lvl 12 with it so hoping it goes the distance with equal ease.

  8. #8
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iaga View Post
    I'm doing an arty life now and really hating the repeater. Feels like it wastes so many volleys on targets that are already dead.

    What about 10 lock and then the rest pally?

    All i care about is getting the past life.
    10 lock and rest paladin certainly will work not sure how good you could solo reaper 3 but you can easily get your past life. Your survivability will be high but as the quest levels get higher and the monsters get more HP and stronger this build will start to see diminishing returns and your DPS will no longer be growing with the monsters.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragons1ayer74 View Post
    10 lock and rest paladin certainly will work not sure how good you could solo reaper 3 but you can easily get your past life. Your survivability will be high but as the quest levels get higher and the monsters get more HP and stronger this build will start to see diminishing returns and your DPS will no longer be growing with the monsters.
    I had forgotten about this thread til now ... to update, i went with a 10/10 pally/lock split and the above quote sums things up perfectly. It was really hard to die, to anything, including traps. I went 1-10 as a lock, and it was easy. Then as i started adding more and more pally, my relative damage kept getting worse and worse. Towards the end i'd just zerg til DA, turtle and burst til everything was dead - the AOE damage helped, but it was a slow process to be sure ...

  10. 05-24-2017, 05:40 PM

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