Maybe it's time to toy with elite difficulty for some quests. For example, was running the lead-in series to Eveningstar, the stuff in harbor, on elite. Two players, just second and third lifers, two hirelings and two VIP freebie alabaster cats.
We started to notice how wide the difficulties gap is between hard and elite. On hard it was borderline a snooze fest, on elite our hirelings, who were fully buffed with resists, died instantly just a few rooms in to casters. Zero time to react or manage, which happens sure, it's DDO, but over and over. I know, we should use cookie cutter min max broken builds and come back with twenty past lives and sixteen hotbars of raid clickies and learn 2 play and all that. :P But bear with me a moment.
Maybe, instead, elite can cool it on the one ******** with some quests and leave that to reaper. I know elite had to provide done challenge to a huge range of characters and lives/builds, and I'm not suggesting universally easier. It should be harder than hard, but the gap between hard and elite seems huge, whereas elite to reaper 1 is tiny. Anything we could do elite we could do reaper 1, anything we couldn't do reaper 1 we couldn't do elite, and it was just as much a curb stomp. I guess that's what seemed wonky to me specifically. Maybe difficultly should curve a little less sharply now that reaper exists to help provide a more varied upper end - elite doesn't have to catch all anymore.
Tl;Dr - elite should be harder than hard, but the gap from hard to elite feels like a mile wide while elite to reaper 1 is an inch, total gimme.