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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Item defense for all

    If the new patron tree happens with wis to damage etc... Please make sure it has item defense, staff builds really need it. I'm currently on a rog/monk and can burn through 3-4 staves (all with adamantine ritual) a quest.

  2. #2


    /signed enthusiastically

    When I saw the thread title I thought you were going to say add it to every racial tree, but adding it to a patron tree is even better in some ways. (And worse in others.)

    So, I guess, devs, if you don't add it to a patron tree, could you add it to every racial tree?

  3. #3


    please add to Harper
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    please add to Harper
    I looked at harper and it's just kinda packed. I think we have a better chance at getting it in a new tree than adding it there. Anywhere would be nice.

  5. #5
    Community Member Dawyrm's Avatar
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    'How many abishai packs before my adamantineV Bloom breaks apart this time?..'

  6. #6
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I argued previously that it should have been in rogue mechanic. Harper would be a good place too, just replace the Weathered Traveler, I can't think of anyone who would use 3AP for 3 universal elemental resistance. But 3 AP for 75% chance to negate item wear? Now that's something that would be useful.
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  7. #7
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    /Not signed.

    They should instead tweak the durability mechanics and remove the "hardness vs CR" check. It makes no sense at all, it's not like hardness of items increases with level.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    If the new patron tree happens with wis to damage etc... Please make sure it has item defense, staff builds really need it. I'm currently on a rog/monk and can burn through 3-4 staves (all with adamantine ritual) a quest.
    very ncie idea i was thinking same but with orbs and adding it to feats just like shield mastery or other weapons ahve masteries,now thinking about it staff mastery would also be a fantastic ideas
    it would just let players use weapons they like to see more instead of being forced to use x/shield and even more so now in reaper mode.

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