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  1. #1
    Community Member zehnvhex's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default New bank suggesitons

    While organizing my steam games last night I thought that the search filter/tag system would be ideal (if possible) for DDO's bank ui woes.

    Basically the shared UI would be fine as a layout if I can create my own custom filters and tag my items with those filters.

    For example my Shared Bank UI might look something like this:

    [-]Artificer TR
    ||Hand of the Tombs
    ||Silver Slinger
    ||Figurine of Wondrous Power: Alabaster Lioness
    [-]Final Build
    ||+14 Legendary Green Steel Khopesh
    ||Platemail of the Celestial Avenger
    [+]Level 01 TR Set
    [-]Level 12 TR Set
    ||Crafted BP
    ||Crafted Weapon
    ||Great Commander Green Steel Goggles of Existential Stalemate
    [+]Shards of Power


    - Allows for growth in the banking UI
    - Allows player to meaningfully sort their items
    - No need to 'guess' what players want to sort by (value, slot, ML, etc...)
    - Gives player control over the UI instead of fighting it like we usually do
    - Would work great for expanding to shared bank, crafting bank, TR cache and player inventory as well to have a unified UI
    Building a Better DDO

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jul 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    While organizing my steam games last night I thought that the search filter/tag system would be ideal (if possible) for DDO's bank ui woes.

    Basically the shared UI would be fine as a layout if I can create my own custom filters and tag my items with those filters.

    For example my Shared Bank UI might look something like this:

    [-]Artificer TR
    ||Hand of the Tombs
    ||Silver Slinger
    ||Figurine of Wondrous Power: Alabaster Lioness
    [-]Final Build
    ||+14 Legendary Green Steel Khopesh
    ||Platemail of the Celestial Avenger
    [+]Level 01 TR Set
    [-]Level 12 TR Set
    ||Crafted BP
    ||Crafted Weapon
    ||Great Commander Green Steel Goggles of Existential Stalemate
    [+]Shards of Power


    - Allows for growth in the banking UI
    - Allows player to meaningfully sort their items
    - No need to 'guess' what players want to sort by (value, slot, ML, etc...)
    - Gives player control over the UI instead of fighting it like we usually do
    - Would work great for expanding to shared bank, crafting bank, TR cache and player inventory as well to have a unified UI
    User-defined fields is one of the things mentioned in this post

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyed-Pyper View Post


    Something that hasn't been mentioned is functionality in civil areas vs quests. I suggest other features would be needed by players, such as an 'equipment notepad' so to speak, where items anticipated to be used in a quest could be dragged/dropped for easy access. I am thinking of a separate button that opens an inventory tab like is currently used for character and personal bank storage, but perhaps resizable and/or with/without a grid. For example, if I am planning on running Dreams of Insanity, I might want to pull construct bane ammo from crafting storage and restoration scrolls from shared storage and put them in that 'hot tab' along with cure potions and my eternal FoM pot. Not everything can or should be hot-bar'd, and the current inventory tabs can be used to sort gear so that it easy to find in a timely manner. Moving to a single list, regardless of filters, would represent a significant loss of functionality, (unless you include some user-defined filters, and a 'show only in quest' filter, and probably a few others).
    I don't think using the shared bank UI has been very well thought through, especially as being applied to character space. The way a player uses the character inventory is very different than the shared bank, especially in quest.

    If people are not happy about the idea now, it will only get worse when they try to find something in the middle of a fight.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Pyed-Pyper View Post
    The way a player uses the character inventory is very different than the shared bank, especially in quest.

    If people are not happy about the idea now, it will only get worse when they try to find something in the middle of a fight.
    They want to change character bank, not inventory. You can't use character bank in quests.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    They want to change character bank, not inventory. You can't use character bank in quests.
    Ah, thanks for that.

    I stand by my suggestions as pertinent to the conversation, but at least I can stop breaking keyboards.

  5. #5
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    I think the bank would be fine if it was set up like the alternate inventory view where you can show: jewelry, clothing, armor, weapons etc, and it's alphabetized.

    Fine?.... I mean awesome if shared bank was that organized.

  6. #6
    Community Member memloch's Avatar
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    It needs to be able to sort/filter by level range

    Sarlona Server - Blime | Darkgeddy | Youburn | Lakeside

    Past Leader of The Wulfepack - "If you call one wulfe, you invite the Pack"

  7. #7
    Community Member zehnvhex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by memloch View Post
    It needs to be able to sort/filter by level range
    And I would find such a default filter useless for how I have things organized. The devs simplly will not be able to anticipate every way we want things sorted. I think that goes to show how important custom filters/tags would be needed. Such a system allows you keep your organization in tact (which is the advantage of the current UI) while allowing you to switch to a list view.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    I think the bank would be fine if it was set up like the alternate inventory
    It might have been the live stream or on Lam or something but one of the devs said that the alternate inventory can't be used for this. Can something like it be built? Don't know. But from what I understand the existing UI we have can't be. It's hard locked to the character tab in some way I imagine.

    It's also not how I want things sorted. My current bank UI I have one tab for level 20 TR stuff, one for 26, one for 28 and one for all the BtC stuff I absolutely do not want to delete. In the shared UI, even with the various default sorts we have available in the alternate inventory UI there's no way to organize it such that in one panel/filter I have the things I want.
    Building a Better DDO

  8. #8
    Community Member Karrai's Avatar
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    I was thinking something similar to lotro vault where they have tabs that can be rename

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by memloch View Post
    It needs to be able to sort/filter by level range
    Sort and filter would be great. I'd like it if similar items were grouped together with vendors too, Most are that way now. I can't group all rings together in my inventory, my bank or if I'm shopping.

    I've probably spent 30 minutes or more trying to find new gear combinations after I level up.

    Yes, I keep too much stuff. Keeping stuff makes me buy storage. Buying storage makes money for SSG. That is the name of the game.

    As it is now I frequently feel like selling a lot of my inventory and not needing the storage because it's too hard to look through.

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