here ya go wonedream
A randomly-generated dungeon in DDO would end up being Shadow Crypt on steroids: Maybe a dozen or two different room styles, with a random group of mobs standing in the center of each room.
Today's procedural generated landscape capacity. This is a landscape that had been procedurally generated, and it looks more natural and convincing then hand placed stuff. It is amazing!
Looking at this makes DDO seem... out dated. It makes MMORPGs seem... out dated.
The game that utilizes this process to produce this level of graphics, along with smooth sailing in such a place, that can produce various kinds of landscapes from mountain country wilderness, to country farm/suburbs, to cities, sewers, forests, volcanos, or even other planes of existence...
That is where I will be when that game is developed. And anyone saying it wont happen I laugh at, because look at how fast technology AND software systems are developing. It is inevitable and I know it. Just a matter of time.
Will DDO begin to lead the way.. or will it become so outdated when a competitor does this first that it turns into a graveyard along with 98% of all the other constrained and limited systems.
The ONLY way to create a REAL experience of vast endless exploration and adventure is by using a system that can generate infinite variables (which can be altered to control how reality itself if formed) instead of a system that uses statics only.
This is heavy stuff, I LOVE IT, we are talking about the raw life stuff itself now... CREATION!!!
I am forced to think about God, and philosophy even as I consider our own existence and the vast Universe around us, let alone a world so large we will never fully explore it. DDO has a wonderful PLANAR system, it could take this process and lead the path, so that we end up exploring not only a massive world itself that would make our mouths water with excitement, but beyond, to the outer planes or other places.. astral place.
No pre determined adventure needed. A procedural system that puts us all in our own unique paths, that can intertwene where and when we meet.
This will happen. And it is beyond any doubt when it does it will dominate the market of online gaming once it does.
Ill keep posting these lovely 3d places, and teasing the minds of those who can make them but are unwilling.
Last edited by Wonedream; 03-29-2017 at 12:09 PM.
there is some space exploration mmo that does this--an AI generates countless star systems and folks explore and/or stake out/defend some.
I don't like the absence of the human element. We are already putting machines between us, warping our communication--go too far and then there is a vast desolation of solipsistic pseudo-experience.
The folks in their 20s in industrialized nations grew up on distorted mechanized relationships & sadly may not know the difference
What does that have to do with whether a procedural generation created an interesting place for me and my pals to explore or if it was done by people taking a lot of time?
I will enjoy both, but one will always present new situations while the other wont.
Procedural generated reality wouldnt change DDO reality in terms of game mechanics, how your toon developed, fights, etc. It would give us more places to explore. We are already in a online virtual reality, so I don't really get what you are trying to say here.
This has already been done in simpler versions...
"One of the earliest games to use procedural world generation was Rogue. Made in 1980, it featured dynamically generated, 2D, grid-based dungeons. Thanks to that no two playthroughs were identical, and the game has spawned a whole new genre of games, called "roguelikes". This type of dungeon is still quite common over 30 years later.
In 1996, Daggerfall was released. It featured procedural 3D dungeons and cities, which allowed the developers to create thousands of unique locations, without having to manually build them all. Even though its 3D approach offers many advantages over the classic 2D grid dungeons, it isn't very common."
And here is a tutorial explaining how EASY EASY EASY EASY EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSY to do it is
I think Ill check out the Daggerfall game. It looks fun even outdated as it is, its still using a more sophisticated and interesting method then this static only method I see now.
Yeap.. time to check out Daggerfall.. (I really am looking for good games like this, if DDO is a doomed hamsters wheel, I will go where I can at least feel like I am moving around... even if it is a procedural trick :P)
I decided to start looking over this list of games that are already doing this.
Many of them are 2d or poorly done.
But many of them are not...
There are some very impressive games on this list, interesting enough that I want to check them out now.
Dungeon Nightmares 2 looks incredible...
Novus Inceptio... DDO you ought to do stuff like this with torches and light...
I realize more and more DDO has way too many things missing... and problems... are we just gonna keep getting new dungeons and classes and none of the core real issues improved???
Maybe it really is time to make DDO V2... or perhaps just play something else if DDO remains static and fixed?
I suppose what I need to hear or now is the long termed VISION of SSG to have any idea at all of where this is all leading to. I am running on hope this game will somehow go beyond TRing the same stuff over and over... and start using real brilliance to make a truly genius work of art game that is the most fun to play ever... but I am not seeing any signs... so I will just start a thread asking them directly easy enoughLet us know what the long ranged vision for this game is...
I read through this thread and well ... WOW ...
All I will add is that I hope you realize that what you are asking for likely requires an engine update to accomplish, at least accomplish in a form that doesn't feel like pure noname brand processed cheese. If it is to happen, look good and run smooth then I fully expect that an engine update is required.
The last time they did that the game was an unmitigated disaster for literally years and it actually got worse before it got better. With the extra years of spaghetti code piled on top I have to expect that another engine update is just as likely to blow up, probably more so.
Thus it brings the DDO2 option. History has shown that if you bring out a "2" and keep the "1" alive you end up with a fragmented audience in each that is smaller than the original. So that would mean they shutdown DDO to do it. Honestly if you expect players to just walk away from everything and then start over that is not going to happen. Sooooo that leads us transferring characters (and loot) from DDO to DDO2 .
Which circles back to if my character and loot are the same why didn't you just update the engine ... it's a vicious circle and I am of the opinion that the community, game and company are too small to roll the dice and fall into that circle and also too small to risk building out a whole new game that fails.
I agree it's a cool idea but I would really be surprised if it could or does ever happen.
I would love to see random dungeons. One problem with the game right now is that I've run every quest (except the 3 new ones) a lot and I would love something that isn't too predictable. Something where you have an idea of the level (based on the level selected when you enter) and the size (also selected when you enter) but you have no idea where the end goals are located or exactly what you will encounter is a great idea.
Agreed it is a great idea.
IF it is done correctly.
IF it looks good.
IF it plays smoothly.
IF it fits well with existing systems.
IF it reward appropriate loot / XP based on time.
IF it doesn't break other quests getting installed.
It's a lot of "if's" really but I don't think that it's not obtainable. What I doubt is the ability for SSG to get this done in an appropriate time frame, with an appropriate budget resulting in actual game growth or at a minimum the halt of the slow bleed out.
I will say that Reaper seems to have breathed some life back into the game and attracted in some new people for sure and that is a good thing. If you could do this and cover all those if's then I think it would be a home run. However you make a misstep in there and I think you very quickly lose all the gains Reaper gave you, especially if this end up skewing Reaper XP.
Today's random gen pic.
Devs, use this link and study what this expert is saying.
We can have this here soon, and it will make the game about 50 times better then it is... take how good game is and multiply that by 50 by adding procedural generated dungeons so content is endless, on demand, and full of surprises.
These series of videos are provided by a professional and explain how this can be done. I know other ways too, but this gives a thorough walk through for one of the ideas so it is worth review for the Dev team, so they can start implementing this and make game 1000 times better.
And this last video
Shows what an example of a simple procedural generated dungeon. It looks great, lots of fun, and I would love to run in it. Graphics are good enough for me, and the fact that I would NOT know quest in advance is the biggest appeal of all.
DDO will be so so so much better if it implements procedural generated quests, as I said, this can turn DDO from an arena race track hamster wheel into an actual virtual Universe!
Edit.. that Dungeon is beautiful! Graphics are great. It looks wonderful, this can be done, and it can be awesome!
DDO needs this!
Yay more legal and technical issues!!! Be happy that we got Wil Wheaton and Elminster and get back to your wheel.
Total BS, there is no legal issues with adding procedural generated dungeons to game. That is a total fabricated manipulative deception. How low can you go? Still trolling as normal for you I see...
The only problems there would be are technical, and with proper technique they aren't even that.
I didn't know you were privvy to the very secretive licensing agreement for DDO! Oh wait right you don't know what licensing is.
So, there is some agreement that DDO never use procedural generated dungeons??? For some reason this smells like gramh ******** to me, oh it is!
Can you actually explain anything other then your rambling vague statements that almost always lack any supportive evidence at all?
And now I will Add yet another pic of a Procedural Generated Dungeon so gramh the troll doesn't manage to digress this topic!
(thereby converting every troll remark he makes into an opportunity to share, present, and display more of what is possible with this wonderful system!)
You do know that nobody cares about this thread by now right?
Keep going troll boy. Keep making false claims and painting your fantasy of "everyone is on my side" bs... and keep helping me because as I said.... I WILL take every troll remark you make and use your fire against you... replying every time with more and more pics of PGs... and there are 1000s and 1000s of them all over the internet, so I got enough ammunition to keep going as long as you keep trolling.
And now for ANOTHER pic since gramh the troll is obsessed with attempting to undermine this thread and get last word in... I wont let him do that, so lets look at another picture now...
This one could be in the sky, in the plane of dreams, or floating on water... lots of ways that this could be a place we quest in, and changing every time still. There is so much potential with this, and I see so many positive replies that I do not concern myself one bit over gramhs deceptive remarks.
Procedural Generated Dungeons are AWESOME!!!
I can almost guarantee that by tomorrow this time you'll be the only one posting in this thread or it won't even make it to first 20 threads active.