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  1. #1

    Default graphic for monk finishing move broken?

    So i busted out my monk a couple days ago and noticed something... he no longer glows when a finishing move is ready. my hotbar icon no longer shows when a finishing move is ready too. i dont see a thread here in the monk forums or any release notes addressing this. im hoping its a ui setting thats changed that i missed, but whatever it is, can anyone tell me whats going on with that?

    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  2. #2
    Cinnamon Synonym Anemone Sierim's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Just tested out one of my monks, and I'm still showing the lightning "glow" you mentioned. As you also said the move isn't showing up on your hotbar either, is it possible you disrupted the finisher? Drinking a potion, opening a door, activating a lever, swapping weapons, any of those at any point during a 3 move chain would reset the finisher, preventing its use.
    The threadkiller has spoken.

  3. #3
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Are you centered?
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Sierim View Post
    Just tested out one of my monks, and I'm still showing the lightning "glow" you mentioned. As you also said the move isn't showing up on your hotbar either, is it possible you disrupted the finisher? Drinking a potion, opening a door, activating a lever, swapping weapons, any of those at any point during a 3 move chain would reset the finisher, preventing its use.
    to be clear: the finishing move DOES go off. i just dont know when its ready. i have to guess.. well ya know, somewhat guess. fights can get crazy and sometimes hit the button but if its still on a timer it doesnt go off so i can screw up my count... but in the guild ship i can easily get my finishing move ready, but theres not graphic to show it, then i hit the finishing move button and it goes off normally. the mechanic works, just not the ui part

    @vish, yes im centered
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  5. #5
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Oct 2013


    Must be something with your character.
    My level 30 pure melee monk shows the finishing move icon and glow as does my multi class monk (6ftr,4mnk,2wiz-long sword user)
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Powerhungry View Post
    Must be something with your character.
    My level 30 pure melee monk shows the finishing move icon and glow as does my multi class monk (6ftr,4mnk,2wiz-long sword user)
    you mean like in my build? hes a lvl 13 pure monk.
    also I verified its still happening after the patch (was hoping for a ninja fix).
    ill try to find the time for a video maybe.
    suppose I could fiddle around with equipment and maybe enhancements...

    im still very much open to ideas as to whats going on
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  7. #7
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Yndrofian View Post
    you mean like in my build? hes a lvl 13 pure monk.
    also I verified its still happening after the patch (was hoping for a ninja fix).
    ill try to find the time for a video maybe.
    suppose I could fiddle around with equipment and maybe enhancements...

    im still very much open to ideas as to whats going on
    I saw this last life with my PDK Fighter/Monk/Rogue. I didn't check, but I almost always run with post-processing off (but everything else as high as possible).

    It could be related to this.

  8. #8


    (firstly, post effects did nothing to change the issue)
    ok, so i mostly figured it out. i began attacking the dummy on the airship and taking off equipped items one at a time, each time checking finishing move graphic: outfit, goggles, bracers, left ring. after taking off the left ring my glow came back (the ring is just a normal looted con +6 dex+6 ring). i then put them on doing the same as i took them off.... and the glow still works. tell me THATS not weird!

    so the glow is the most important thing to me really, cause i know the finishing move im trying to do... but the icon is supposed to do something too right? none of my icons do anything and to be honest its been so long since ive paid attention, i dont know if they even do anything any more. (im recently back from a very long hiatus)

    heres a short video after the glow was fixed. i guess my question now is: is my hotbar icon(s) supposed to change at all? see video for reference

    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

  9. #9


    Everything is working correctly for my monk on live right now, where I just captured a quickie video test of both the glowing aura and the hotbar icon:

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Everything is working correctly for my monk on live right now, where I just captured a quickie video test of both the glowing aura and the hotbar icon:


    mostly, with some help, i think i figured it out.

    now all i need to do is figure out whats bugging my glow... something equipment related as it's repetitive
    Officer of the
    Order of the Silver Dragon

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