Hi, just did some tests on the reaper difficulty and its exp rewards and i came up with the following formula for de base experiece:
50 + 3*(2 + QL)*(Skl)
QL = base Quest Level (not the modified quest lvl).
Skl = number of skulls difficulty.
Side Notes:
Not sure if this was stated by the Devs or posted elsewhere already, but i didn't find it so i figured it may be interesting for you folks.
All the quests seem to be giving the same base exp base only on their level and number of skulls (so fast quests will result in more exp/min)
Keep in mind that this is the base experience and it's modified by bonus and penalties.
I gathered my data from quests level 5 to 8, ranging from 1 to 3 skulls. Since the data was pretty linear the formula should fit other levels but let me know if you are getting different results.
According to some comments on this thread this formula may not be the same for Epic quests. I'll try to update on this as soon as i get to test it.