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  1. #1
    Community Member Elor_OnceDark's Avatar
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    Default Some Pale Master Questions

    I'm planning on going some kind of 18 Wiz/2 Rog Pale Master / Instakill build. While getting a high enough DC for killing mobs in EE isn't that kind of an issue, i have some other problems, i haven't found a solution, how to deal with high HP and deathwarded / instakill immune mobs and bosses.
    Even playing as draconic incarnation does not give me enough damage to kill a 120k HP mob, without draining all my SP and clickys. Since I wanted to be solo capable in most quests, this is really an issue.
    Maybe someone of the more experienced PMs has any idea ?

  2. #2
    Community Member Enguebert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elor_OnceDark View Post
    I'm planning on going some kind of 18 Wiz/2 Rog Pale Master / Instakill build. While getting a high enough DC for killing mobs in EE isn't that kind of an issue, i have some other problems, i haven't found a solution, how to deal with high HP and deathwarded / instakill immune mobs and bosses.
    Even playing as draconic incarnation does not give me enough damage to kill a 120k HP mob, without draining all my SP and clickys. Since I wanted to be solo capable in most quests, this is really an issue.
    Maybe someone of the more experienced PMs has any idea ?
    That's the problem most casters face in Epic, not only PM.
    If instakill spells doesn't work, you need to kill them by doing enough damage. And in Epic (especially Elite), mobs have tons of hp, so it cost tons of SP

    Some ways to do it
    - SLA with full meta's (either from heroic enhancement, Epic destinies or Epic Feat)
    - Charmed monster/hirelings/pets (but usually too weak for elite)
    - some mid/long duration area spells/Dot (they usually have better ratio sp/damage than other spells)
    - Twist some ED like "boulder Toss" or "shadow lance"
    - Multiclass to have some heroic enhancement to gain temporary SP like Just reward or Fanning the flames" and cast low sp spells

    But there is no good method, and the HP bags will be a pain

  3. #3
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    google "ddowiki power store items", "ddowiki magical efficiency items", and "ddowiki efficient metamagic items". see if you find anything to your liking.

  4. #4
    Community Member tapster's Avatar
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    Default Enchantment DC

    Question. Does the +2 Enchantment bonus from Shroud of the Vampire stack with all other sources of DC or does it share a bonus type (e.g. equipment, profane, etc.)?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by tapster View Post
    Question. Does the +2 Enchantment bonus from Shroud of the Vampire stack with all other sources of DC or does it share a bonus type (e.g. equipment, profane, etc.)?
    As a general rule, enhancements always stack with everything. All wizard enhancements follow this rule.

  6. #6
    Community Member tapster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    As a general rule, enhancements always stack with everything. All wizard enhancements follow this rule.

  7. #7
    Community Member Elor_OnceDark's Avatar
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    Thanks for the suggestions.
    I already have most of the SP Recovery Items (apart for the Epic Ring of Spell Storing - I'm still missing the seal). The Problem is, the mobs on EE just kill me over time, before i dot them to death.
    Maybe i should invest some feats in heavy armor (i can compensate the spell failure - but i would lose my evasion) ?
    I am also scared of the new changes to deathward for monsters with U34 - more deathward means less instakill and much slower quests.
    Maybe i should just go back to the monkcher ?

    Any reccomendations regarding a secondary element for a PM ? Atm I'm thinking about cold - bad thing is undead are usually immune to negative and cold -> as soon as they are immune to undead to death, i can't do anything but arcane pulse and wait.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Just some advice from a long time PM.

    When dealing with DW creatures you need to turn towards damage spells. At the Epic Elite level I believe you need to review how you use Meta Magic Feats with these spells.

    I find it is a mistake to use Maximize + Empower + Intensify all the time on non-SLAs. Using all of these is the equivalent of 250 Spell Power at the cost of +55 Spell Points.

    With just gear available most casters can get more then 300 Spell Power and even more if they specialize in an element. Look at the base cost of the spell, if it is less then 55 Spell points you might be better off doing multiple casts without metas.

    I find Metas on non-SLAs are more efficient when things have to die quickly, but it is more efficient to cast non-meta's spells (not SLAs) multiple times. I know it sounds like it will take longer but in many cases 2 casts at a lower cost are doing more damage then a single cast at higher cost.

    As a PM I also carry items to boost at least two elements/damage types both spell power and critical multiplier. Also, I tend to carry swappable School DC items if I need to boost a different school a bit higher. I will also switch spells based on content, even at a shrine if I find my spell choices are not working well. This is a powerful ability that many overlook on a Wizard build.

    In my opinion and experience I have found that overuse of Meta's on non-SLAs is usually the biggest spell point leak a caster will have.

    That being said, getting a damage spell SLA or two that you can Meta will also help.

    Just a note on Stacking DOT spells, have a non-meta'd version for the initial stack and use the Meta'd version for the final stack. Arcane Pulse you can stack to five rather quickly so getting the first 4 stacks is not about their damage as much as it is about getting the 5th Tier's damage started as quickly as possible. Once these are at max stacks then use the meta'd version. That Right Click meta selection is your friend in spell point savings.

    Some other tricks that can help.

    If deathwarded but not deathblock use of Globe of Invulnerability (Scrolls [Portable Hole] work as well as cast, also available on Staff from Dessert Raid). Kite mobs into this globe and their Deathward will be suspended as well as any other 4th level or below spells.

    Greater Dispel Magic is an option but it is more a one on one.

    Mortigan's Disjunction should be on option to work against Deathblocked Mobs but I've had little success with this option.
    Last edited by Enoach; 02-02-2017 at 09:51 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Elor_OnceDark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Just some advice from a long time PM.

    When dealing with DW creatures you need to turn towards damage spells. At the Epic Elite level I believe you need to review how you use Meta Magic Feats with these spells.

    I find it is a mistake to use Maximize + Empower + Intensify all the time on non-SLAs. Using all of these is the equivalent of 250 Spell Power at the cost of +55 Spell Points.

    With just gear available most casters can get more then 300 Spell Power and even more if they specialize in an element. Look at the base cost of the spell, if it is less then 55 Spell points you might be better off doing multiple casts without metas.

    I find Metas on non-SLAs are more efficient when things have to die quickly, but it is more efficient to cast non-meta's spells (not SLAs) multiple times. I know it sounds like it will take longer but in many cases 2 casts at a lower cost are doing more damage then a single cast at higher cost.

    As a PM I also carry items to boost at least two elements/damage types both spell power and critical multiplier. Also, I tend to carry swappable School DC items if I need to boost a different school a bit higher. I will also switch spells based on content, even at a shrine if I find my spell choices are not working well. This is a powerful ability that many overlook on a Wizard build.

    In my opinion and experience I have found that overuse of Meta's on non-SLAs is usually the biggest spell point leak a caster will have.

    That being said, getting a damage spell SLA or two that you can Meta will also help.

    Just a note on Stacking DOT spells, have a non-meta'd version for the initial stack and use the Meta'd version for the final stack. Arcane Pulse you can stack to five rather quickly so getting the first 4 stacks is not about their damage as much as it is about getting the 5th Tier's damage started as quickly as possible. Once these are at max stacks then use the meta'd version. That Right Click meta selection is your friend in spell point savings.

    Some other tricks that can help.

    If deathwarded but not deathblock use of Globe of Invulnerability (Scrolls [Portable Hole] work as well as cast, also available on Staff from Dessert Raid). Kite mobs into this globe and their Deathward will be suspended as well as any other 4th level or below spells.

    Greater Dispel Magic is an option but it is more a one on one.

    Mortigan's Disjunction should be on option to work against Deathblocked Mobs but I've had little success with this option.
    Thanks a lot ! Thats a great help. Back to my all time favorite class it is . Thanks for all the advice.

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