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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Excellent thoughts. Agreed on all counts.
    Oh, really? 8)
    How about ins deadly applied to ever hit and add DPH and DPS, when vampirism have internal cooldown and not applied to ever hit and not add DPH and dps but only give HP? 8)

  2. #22
    Community Member Niminae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enguebert View Post
    A little feedback about the ML10 extra

    For a ML10 (and up to ML16), Ins.Deadly give only a +2
    Vampirism give 1D2 (2D2 from ML13)

    In N/H/E, between 10 and 20, i find that vampirism is more useful than ins.Deadly
    For reaper, go for Ins.Deadly because vampirism is reduced by reaper self-healing debuff and is nearly useless
    I crafted a ML 14 weapon with vampirism for my druid life and it was very useful in heroics/slayers/challenges (~15 HP healed/hit) and still decent in R1-2 (~7/hit). Above that it was nigh useless. I really only added the vampirism because I didn't have anything better to put on it, but it was a learning experience. I'd think that an actual melee class (I ran a casting build and only swung the weapon as a source of a little additional damage) using any fighting style would be seeing a lot more hits and a lot more incoming healing from a vampirism weapon despite the internal cool-down on the effect. I did have over 100 hamp at 14th so that helped a lot, builds with less hamp will see less healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by xenon211 View Post
    Well that is good to know. Guess it was changed in the crafting update then.
    When the new random loot system was first released alignment effects on the weapon did not get added to the weapon for purposes of DR breaking. So your weapon with 2d6 good/evil/lawful/chaotic damage was just doing 2d6 extra damage, just as if you had crafted on bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage.

    They have since fixed alignment damage types, they now add to the weapon's damage type line (for example: magic, good, slash). But physical/untyped damage types (bludgeoning/piercing/slashing) and elemental types (fire/etc.) still do not break DR.

    Crafting Bludgeoning damage on a crossbow, for example, will not break a skeleton's DR to your piercing bolts despite the fact that you have added the bludgeoning effect to the weapon.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Niminae View Post
    Crafting Bludgeoning damage on a crossbow, for example, will not break a skeleton's DR to your piercing bolts despite the fact that you have added the bludgeoning effect to the weapon.
    Which is WAI, as per dev statements. The comparison has been made to shield spikes, which add piercing damage to your shield but do not turn your shield into a piercing weapon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    Oh, really? 8)
    Yes really.

  4. #24
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    Awesome to see you updated this m8 great stuff! Quick question...

    The default weapon is ML10 so what do you do before then? Just craft a lower level one and make do or use easy(ish) named items (Carnifex)?
    Still curious about this m8 if you have a moment


  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    The default weapon is ML10 so what do you do before then? Just craft a lower level one and make do or use easy(ish) named items (Carnifex)?
    Named weapons (ie: Carnifex), lootgen, or crafted (force of slashing, maybe?) all work fine for the early levels.

  6. #26

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Yes really.
    Well, I have directly opposite opinion. Ins deadly always add DPS, while vampirism almost absolutely useless and begin be useful only at lvl30 when you take Scion of the Shadowfell feat.

    I have crafted weapons with vampirism and after long use can say I prefer ins deadly at any time day or night. 8)

  8. #28
    Community Member Niminae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Which [typed physical damage not adding to the weapon damage type line] is WAI, as per dev statements. The comparison has been made to shield spikes, which add piercing damage to your shield but do not turn your shield into a piercing weapon.
    That comparison is a very poor one, considering that they have released weapons (Silver Slinger is but one example) which break other physical DR types. Shields are not weapons and work very differently, so pointing to shields as an example is a flawed position. Weapons should behave in a consistent manner, but CC weapons do not in this regard. Add Good to a weapon and you break Good DR. Add Silver to a weapon and you break silver DR. Add Piercing to a weapon and you should break Piercing DR. Add Cold to a weapon and you should break cold DR.

  9. #29


    hey Ellis, how about a new category for offhand buff weapons? Even as an occasional swap.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  10. #30
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Named weapons will likely be better depending on your build, but in case you end up not having a good named weapon to use, here's a solid crafted option:

    ML10 +4 1.5[W] Force (or Light) 3d6 Cold Iron of Aligned w/Ins. Deadly 2

    This is a solid all-around weapon for trash...

    Cold Iron + Aligned makes this quite a versatile DR breaker...

    The absolute perfect version would also have a red slot... for slotting byeshk bypass...
    What about stick builds? If you can't go Cold Iron and are stuck with "wood", what do you suggest as a good plan here? (Again, assuming you haven't pulled one of the named beauties.)

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    What about stick builds? If you can't go Cold Iron and are stuck with "wood", what do you suggest as a good plan here? (Again, assuming you haven't pulled one of the named beauties.)
    I would probably buy a blessed cold iron staff in the store.

  12. #32
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Named weapons will likely be better depending on your build, but in case you end up not having a good named weapon to use, here's a solid crafted option:

    ML10 +4 1.5[W] Force (or Light) 3d6 Cold Iron of Aligned w/Ins. Deadly 2

    Out of curiosity, why not flametouched iron metalline?

  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
    Out of curiosity, why not flametouched iron metalline?
    Metalline Flametouched Iron
    Devil Bosses (Pit Fiends and Horned Devils)
    Trash Devils
    Xoriat Demons
    Mind Flayers

    Cold Iron of Aligned
    Trash Devils
    Thaarak Hounds

    If you find a rare cold iron w/red slot and slot byeshk, add Mind Flayers and Xoriat Demons to the list.

    Vampires and Werewolves would ideally be handled via an undead beater: Light Effect (silver) of Unnatural Bane

  14. #34
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Crafted up a ML4 Force of Slashing with a lesser acid augment for now since I'm using rapiers atm, I did toy with possibly picking up khopesh at some point then using a feat swap to switch to the brush hook later on but that's miles off yet.


  15. #35
    Community Member Merfyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    The only reason to make an undead beater is to have a bludgeoning weapon for skeletons, and only because some quests are all skeleton, all the time. Also piggyback incorporeal into the undead beater for versatility.

    ML4 +2 Good 2d6 (Bludgeon) of Undead Bane 2d10 (Ghostbane)

    The key for this weapon is the ghostbane augment from Mabar. If you don't have one you'll need a separate weapon to deal with incorporeals.

    In a perfect world this weapon would also be silver for the vampire boss at the end of Necro1, but that's really a trivial quibble.

    The bludgeon works for skeletons, good bypasses ghostly skeleton dr in delera's, and the ghostbane augment handles wraiths and specters. It's ML4 so that it's available in time for all the early level wraiths in Catacombs, Delera's, Necro1 and the Depths chain in House Deneith.

    ML10 +4 1.5[W] Light 3d6 (Bludgeon) Silver of Unnatural Bane 3d10 w/Ins. Deadly 2
    ML10 +4 1.5[W] Light 3d6 (Bludgeon) of Unnatural Bane 3d10 w/Ins. Deadly 2 (Vampire Slayer)
    For those of us who are cheap... er, budget conscious, what're the losses if constructing the ML4 version along the lines of the ML 10 version? I mean, "good" needs Lodestone = 15 & Glass Phial = 5, while "Undead" needs a freakin' Soul Gem.

    Seems like Delara's is identified, so assuming we get the Mabar ghostbane with a minimum of grindiness, what won't we be able to hit at level?

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Merfyn View Post
    For those of us who are cheap... er, budget conscious, what're the losses if constructing the ML4 version along the lines of the ML 10 version? I mean, "good" needs Lodestone = 15 & Glass Phial = 5, while "Undead" needs a freakin' Soul Gem.

    Seems like Delara's is identified, so assuming we get the Mabar ghostbane with a minimum of grindiness, what won't we be able to hit at level?
    You won't be able to hit Ghostly Skeletons in Delera's, which have DR/Good.

    EDIT: Feel free to switch the Undead Bane to Unnatural Bane if you have no reliable way to make your own soul gems. Unnatural Bane is super cheap, it looks like.

  17. #37
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    You won't be able to hit Ghostly Skeletons in Delera's, which have DR/Good.

    EDIT: Feel free to switch the Undead Bane to Unnatural Bane if you have no reliable way to make your own soul gems. Unnatural Bane is super cheap, it looks like.
    Unnatural bane is the only bane that is worthwhile today. I was quite surprised when I looked at it and saw how useful it is. If I remember correctly it works against abberations, constructs, magical beasts and undead. You fight a lot of monsters in those groups.

    The other banes are a waste of ingredients.

  18. #38
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    Unnatural bane... If I remember correctly it works against abberations, constructs, magical beasts and undead...
    You don't remember correctly, altho' close(ish) - it's undead, aberrations (e.g. beholders, rust monsters, driders), and monstrous humanoids (e.g. sahuagin, werewolves, minotaurs, harpies), which, agreed, makes it very useful indeed.

    ("Humanoid" bane is another winner, but you can't craft that.)


    There are ~some~ other bane effects which are not a complete waste, depending on your willingness to swap for specialty occasions and how many clubs you want to carry in your bag. There are some enemies that you may really want to kill quickly, before they can do their worst, and depending on how good your DPS is in general you may want/need all the help you can get against such.

    But that's personal preference, and, again, the exception, not the rule.

  19. #39
    Community Member Merfyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    ("Humanoid" bane is another winner, but you can't craft that.)
    I started hoarding any decent "Humanoid Bane" I happened to find, with the expectation that it's going to eventually get much harder to find, like "Tidal", "The Sun", & "Lacerating"

    It would be very, very nice if some of those were made available as special Cannith recipes. Using those "Mystical" drops, perhaps.
    Last edited by Merfyn; 05-21-2019 at 05:15 PM.

  20. #40
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Now that we are getting different base material types dropping in game now I thought I would give this a bump! Specifically now that Blueshine is dropping (albeit rarely it seems) then we can finally make some very nice twink kit.


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