Apologies if this has a topic already (I checked but couldn't see one), I don't mind deleting or merging if necessary.
OK so, a discussion about potential restrictions for reaper mode (if any); annnnd go!
My thoughts; maybe linking it to the true resurrection and iconic resurrection system, the idea being you ensure a level of player quality and experience entering dungeons on reaper and in particular pub grouping for reaper. The flaws with this idea come in with the notion of ottos boxes diminishing the idea that it will ensure player experience, also for players who have not and never intended to utilise the TR system.
Another idea as Nokowi previously brought up would be linking it to level 30 content (giving us things to do at such levels), but to take that further linking it to epic content, possibly as even a replacement of the epic dungeon system, but more functionally as an attachment to the epic system (only epic quests have a reaper option basically), this idea is limiting in the scope of the availability of reaper mode in game, but as epic content expands so would reaper modes potential. It also adds more options and purpose to epic level play, and would help stem the power creep that may occur extending to legendary content.
Of course there is the idea of no restrictions too, but what is everyone's thoughts on it? Do you support any of the ideas here, or have your own input?