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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Give us more than just Kill Counts

    Hi everyone, first of all i want to previously apologise for my english, i never had english particular classes and everything i know about your language is due to this game, that i play for 5 or 6 years already

    So, i was thinking about posting this idea for a long time, i just don't use to participate of the community as i should, but here we go

    Too many threads about nerfs, this is a co-op game, and since the time when i begin people are complaining about op builds or classes.

    Necro wizards and their wail, monkchers and 10k stars + manyshot, bards (yeah, bards), barbarians, and now warlocks, just to tell a few that i can remember. I have a theory that those guys who complain that much are just playing hard, because in LEs raids, you rly want your partners to be as good as they can. But this is not a thread of hate, actually i don't waste time with this kind of stuff, i'm posting this because i like this game and i want to present a possible solution for this problem.

    All those threads of nerfs always have a mention about kill counts, (which is not necessarily dps, btw) "that build is op because it leads kill counts", "because that guy kill stuffs before i reach the mobs", "it's ruining my fun" (omg, That's DRAMA) just a few examples.

    So, give us more than kill counts to compare, since this game is an reproduction of the best pen and paper RPG ever, and the "roles" are a big deal in this table RPG, we should encourage people to cover more than one role.

    (Btw, that awful MMO on the market that was once a great single player game..... "neverwhat"?!?....... oh yeah, they have this).

    Starting with the holy trinity:

    -DPS : how much dps was inflicted by each player, (at least top 5)

    -Tanker: how much damage each players has taken,
    or how much damage each player has mitigated, (again, at least top 5, i will stop writing this, you got it right?)

    -Healer: how much HP each player have healed,

    Than you can add a few more if you want:

    -For instankillers: Kill Counts (finally)

    -For CCers: Mobs rendered to helpless

    and the list of possibilities goes...

    So, that's what i think that would be a solution for all those nerf threads made by people who can't stop competing about everything, even on a co-op game, very simple : give them more to compete than just kill counts

    More important than that, even if it not help with the complain about op classe, this will encourage people to play another role, and so they might discover to be better in these other roles, and so they will recovery their "lost fun"

    I don't have any knowledge about programing games, thats just an idea from somebody who have played this game for 5 or 6 years and would like to play more and more hehe

    If you think it's not possible, due to program of the game and technical stuffs like that, i guess everybody going to understand, but if you could that would be awesome for everybody, try it at least for the Raids, even if only for the new ones

    thank you, i'm sry for the wall of text hehe

    cya, take care

    EDIT: of course it's too easy for somebody to just throw and idea like this without any knowledge about what he is talking, if its even possible.
    i'm just posting this to present an idea, it still need to be evaluated, and than adapted for work in DDO
    and of course, without raising the lag hehe
    I hope it can help to develop this amazing game
    Last edited by blackzombie_deathson; 11-14-2016 at 01:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Mar 2012


    I like the idea(lol in WoW you have lots of player made add-ons in case turbine doesn't want to spend their time) but remeber that won't stop the whiners, they will keep playing their toon awfully anf will come to the forum asking for "nerf evrrybody so i can be on the top" which is the really reason of such drama, becaudr let's assume it, idc if some players like using warlock, it's their fun not mine what is on risk xD
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  3. #3
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackzombie_deathson View Post
    So, give us more than kill counts to compare
    It's been suggested before, and is still a good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackzombie_deathson View Post
    -For CCers: Mobs rendered to helpless
    That won't quite do. Lots of CC doesn't render helpless, but is still clearly CC: trip, Web, daze, dancing, fear, Fascination, knockdown of various sorts.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  4. #4


    For CC, maybe a time total for mobs effected? As in, you trap 3 mobs in a web for 30 seconds, that adds 90 seconds to your "time controlled" stat.

  5. #5


    there have been numerous threads suggesting other reports and even special bonuses to add, to no avail.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  6. #6
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Would love to see more detailed information on party DPS, individual DPS, kill vs save ratio's...
    Min/ Max/average damage per encounter, quest averages...
    Ratio's to evaluate optimal healing, damage, survivability, group dynamics...

    Unfortunately the drama that would ensue would be devastating...
    the you suck because you only did x damage average and should be doing y ...
    you didn't contribute because of ... and heres the screen shots to prove it....

    Now if they would be so kind as to let us export our personal data activity..
    Then I could look at my own ratio's and do some data analysis to see where I could optimize...

    or even training rooms that give counters...
    a variety of selectable mobs with selectable timed encounters and scorecard tracker...
    Something where we can test a variety of weapons/attacks in in a controlled testing environment.. different scenario's, test debuffers, bypasses, dr breakers, self buffing downtime vs timed battle, self healing vs party healing, etc....
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