Easy Casters have blue bars
Melees have no bars
You have to look at risk vs reward vs resource consumption
Id go further for casters might as well just splash 2 artis and grab a x bow silver slinger gives pierce n bludgeon so perfect
My electric spells were hitting from 200-800, and my Eburst was hitting for up to 3k.
Compare this to tempests who are doing 25-50 a hit with about 75 SA. They get 5 attacks per second. We get one cast per second.
Wizza's hyperbolic posts drive me nuts because people misunderstand them. I think Wizza gets it, but he doesn't want to be locked out of DPS on his sorc.
My sorc on Live does 6k dps and it takes about 1k sp to kill a 250k hp boss @ that rate.
I have 7k SP. So that's 7*250k damage I can do total.
Lets say I'm doing 10% of my current damage @ Skull 10.
That means I can do 7*25k damage in total. That's about 175,000 damage total.
In other words I could dump my whole blue bar on the Hill Giant on 10skull and do about 1/2 of his health @ 6man scaling. It would take me 10 minutes to do that amount of damage.
That doesn't sound unreasonable does it?
Last edited by Sam-u-r-eye; 10-18-2016 at 01:26 PM.
They said all dmg numbers werent fixed or scaled right yet which is
the only reason ur spells were still doing damage
Were not sure where exactly its at but if blitz is doing around 40 dmg
your probly not gona ever see a spell attack for higher then that
but lets say u do you could dump your entire blue bar in 1 minute flat maybe kill 1 mob
then what the blitzer doesn't care he just keeps on blitzing for free
so what do u do
I also see casters, and I myself, ignore rest shrines all the time, as in most content there's just more than you need.
Can you cite the post where he says spell damage is going to be downscaled even more?
Have you actually played reaper?
No seen the videos and read all the forums u read through them all if you want to
No i have not played nor will i before they finish the class passes
this whole mode being finished before the rest of the passes makes absolutely no sense
only a few builds that have had passes will even be able to complete or contribute
Could i make a sniper cannon sure could and i have finished 3x everything
Would i for reaper probly seems to be a hands down winner
One of the biggest mistakes is / was forgetting about all those spellbooks and working magic system that previous devs have put so much work into.
Those spells define(d) the classes and various playstyles, class strengths and weaknesses and desirability of party member with particular abilities.
We should never have haste, blur or fom on gear, draconic gems or ship resists. Spells like bark or or bard songs should matter, curses or diseases should be much more dangerous, deaths should matter and perhaps have a timer.
Or completely over the top heal amp and self healing for everybody.
That should be the foundation for teamwork and multiplayer aspect, you WOULD want various classes in party, not arbitrary one shot mechanics, or artificial penalties.
There are so many long forgotten class abilities and spells that just don't scale well. CC durations reduced is just big middle finger to people that would LIKE to make life of others easier, nothing else.
But we just reap what we sowed ( did I get that right ? ), consequence of introducing game mechanics like prr, melee power for no reason, each new " class pass" more overpowered than previous one, and designing content around that.
And class passes in the style of add x melee power, y prr and z crit multi. Nothing else.
Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer
Ill ask u same question have u ever played a caster cleric or fvs
in end game les not so much fun these days is it
Not really a fair comparison. I have to buy pots, if I dont, I can't cast spells whereas you can still swing your weapon. And you can have Draconic Reinvigoration, which is crafted in game.
I did no hyporbelic post. This thread is just sharing thoughts. You can't do that dps math, because we have a mana pool that needs to be devoted to CC 24/7 in Reaper. Whatever anyway, I am embracing the one trick pony that Severlin wants. I can't be bothered to argue it anymore honestly, as I'm not changing his mind.
I like Exalted Angel. Now I can CC and heal Rys.
I think that pierce/slash/blunt DR is a huge mistake if the point of that is to cut off physical DPS by X% ammount just do it straight. Like all phsysical damage is reduced by X% for all types of physical damage on every mob rather than make it arbitrary even when you're fighting the same type of mob. I don't think that having to swap weapon or target ( or use celestias, sigh) add any challenge , it's more annoying than anything else.