This is a caster's damage, at the moment, in the new Reaper difficulty:
As you can see, it's non-existant. This leads to the next question: are casters supposed to be CC-bots in the Reaper difficulty? With a SP pool and doing such low damage, there is no way you are expecting us to use damage dealing spells. In the old epics, every caster hated being a Mass-hold bot, and even then, we could do enough damage to feel useful (Wall of Fire, Dots). This mode excludes any other option that is not being a CC-bot.
And if yes, why are the hard-CC spells duration 1/3 or 1/4 to what they actually are on live? PW:Stun lasts for 8 seconds, with a 30s cooldown. In this mode, it lasts barely 2 seconds. Burst of Glacial Wrath, a new spell, has a duration of 2 seconds as well.
In the same way, are Divines expected to be heal bots? They have even less SP and insta-kills, with mobs being champions, won't really work too much.
EDIT: As I said in the other thead, procs from ePL, LGS stick and probably (not tested) Shiradi still do full damage. Is it WAI? Are you expecting casters to be in Shiradi in this mode?
Please note, since I've seen people jump at conclusions already: in no way I'm saying this difficulty is easy, hard, good or bad yet. It's obviously an early preview, with bugs. I just want to talk about Devs' and people's expectations for this mode for these classes.