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  1. #81
    Community Member Mofus's Avatar
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    I too have been crafting since they started cc crafting years ago. I agree with some of what the op is saying. The cost of collectables now is to much, especially if you are doing unbound. They need to reduce these if they want the crafting scene to flourish. I'm glad I've been saving collectables since 2009, but I would hate to be someone new to the game trying to make my own items. We need some balance here if we want to bring new players to the game who like to craft.
    Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.

  2. #82
    Community Member KomradKillMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I tried to make someone an unbound item yesterday for Crucible (underwater action - and **** expensive it was too). Everything was made at the unbound altar. Then I made the item to send them... and it became BTA. Is that right?
    What you should have been doing is buying an item with yellow slot,
    crafting cheaper and more useful effects for your level
    and then buying "Topaz of water breathing" augment, min lvl4, from Lahaar at the twelve.
    That is all.

  3. #83
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KomradKillMachine View Post
    What you should have been doing is buying an item with yellow slot,
    crafting cheaper and more useful effects for your level
    and then buying "Topaz of water breathing" augment, min lvl4, from Lahaar at the twelve.
    That is all.
    Sure. Because that's way more convenient when a PuG is just trying to make sure it has what it needs together for a quest than going to a crafting hall, first searching for 'underwater', finding nothing but a wand and so grabbing some cheap pair of ordinary goggles off the AH, slapping together the right effects and just getting on with it. I also bought the wand, as it happens. Just in case the evasion character didn't make it.

    With other five people waiting in the PuG, one of whom needed the item (remember, I wasn't making this for me to fit into a carefully long term planned gear set, we just needed something the evasion person could use if they were going to make the swim, what you have suggested is... perhaps overkill. And requires the equivalent of spending a True Heart of Wood. I mean... really?! To help a total stranger get us through a L14 quest?

    When I linked the finished CC article, having just said two minutes ago I was going to go see if I could make it, the people in chat could not believe I'd been able to turn around just what we needed that fast. I made about 2 crafting converts in that one link - even after we realised the item had for some reason become bound and we were going to have to resort to the wand and hoping for the best. No way anyone was going to be willing to go spend 20 tokens on an augment no matter what, the group would have broken up first, it was a PUG. That's why I didn't even ask for mats - I wasn't making it because someone asked, I was making it because the guy playing the evasion character seemed new, clearly didn't have some gear basics covered and the group needed those basics covered. So I just went and did it. Enlightened self interest, as it were. But it took a good chunk out of my PEDS stack which will take a long time to replace.

    Its that sort of scenario by the way that makes me so frustrated by unbound crafting in CC. This is exactly how I like to use it - to kit myself out and to plug an awkward gap when it comes up out of the blue for someone else. I really, really, hate the Purified Dragonshards limitation. There is no reason unbound crafting couldn't just require the higher level of crafting and more collectibles than its unbound equivalent.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-28-2016 at 08:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  4. #84
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skorpeon View Post
    Is it possible the item was then crafted at the bound items machine?

    Another possibility is that some items are bound to account on equip?
    That is possible. I will triple check before I try anything in future.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    what you have suggested is... perhaps overkill. And requires the equivalent of spending a True Heart of Wood. I mean... really?! To help a total stranger get us through a L14 quest?
    No way anyone was going to be willing to go spend 20 tokens on an augment no matter what, the group would have broken up first, it was a PUG.
    For me personally, I spend 8 astrals for Water Breathing augments, not 20 tokens.

  6. #86
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    Default non scaling prefix becomes bta

    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    That is possible. I will triple check before I try anything in future.
    I have tested this to a limited extent and have noticed non scaling effects will make the item bta as soon as they are added

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by ggmarquez View Post
    I have tested this to a limited extent and have noticed non scaling effects will make the item bta as soon as they are added

    We can do more exhaustive testing for free next time lammania opens.

  8. #88
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    I still think the present CC is far more powerful than anything in the's perfect if you only play one character as you can keep transferring stuff to the next life.

    On a side note the Bubble Belt is fairly easy to get from the CO6 chain.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by undercover69 View Post
    I'm VERY disappointed in how the cannith crafting turned out. It's no longer a part of the game for me because of it's ridiclously difficult recipes.
    I used to craft gear for my younglings, not everything but a ring for one, some boots for another, and now it's just impossible.

    2) The collectables required are too rare. Pulling the resources of all my chars I can make 1 weapon with acid damage. Just 1. If I make 1 ML 5 for a char starting now I just can't make another when he hits lvl 10 or 15.

    3) Cannith Crafting should be something for the newbies and occasional players to dab with. Why? Because an elite player already has named items that compete or perform better. They don't need the CC.

    4) As a result of 1 and 2 the crafting became totally elitist. My crafter is just no longer viable. Now there are absolutely no crafting for newbies and long gone returning players. Is that the goal? To scare away those who did not play 24/7 in the last few years?

    5) With a waning playerbase, playerbase avoiding lower levels and much of the loot going to deconstruction the AH and ASAH are almost empty, making it impossible to find an item to properly gear a newly created char, consequently the game just got harder for newbies.

    I'm very disappointed in you, Turbine.

    I agree with these points

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Folker View Post
    I agree with these points
    I second this.
    Used to be able to craft a few things, now zip. Got a boatload of collectables all useless to me as I seem to forever be missing that one extra collectable. I hate it.

  11. #91
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    i was surprised by having to convert my old essenses into the new cannith essense
    i doubt i will ever do it, but i got up to lvl 25 under the old system, lol
    i try to sell stuff on the ah that i think is at least half-way worth something, and i keep the really interesting rng loot for myself, for future use.
    how bout make rng items craftable straight away, without haveing to disjunct them, so you can remove a prefix or suffix, or rather than removing, you just replace, or add-to, depending. So, +1 acid sword of hitpoints can become +1 acid sword of vorpal strikes, or other.
    i agree about how crafting should be more accessible for newbs and others and not a grind-chore. If you want to make some type of crafting for elites, then do that. The whole idea of the essenses was great, and now there is just one essense? How boring.
    do something with gems
    true neutral poster... note the grey in my 'rep'
    kool-aid in my coffee! YEAH!
    {save me from myself}

  12. 04-02-2017, 09:17 PM

  13. #92
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    Unhappy was umable to play for months before the cannith crafting "fix" or after either,

    so I did not now the change was coming so I am screwed because
    1) I had to redisjunct every item I had already prepared for shards because the new system won't let me do anything to them if I don't
    2) all of my saved up Enhancement Spirits and shards are completely useless now. cannot use them in the new system or sell them or de them, so i'm out all the time and effort it took to make them in the first place and that really ****es me off
    3) do not have the time or patience to do the farming(same run of whatever, nth amount of times) everybody says is needed to maybe get 1 or 2 mats an hour when you need 10+ for 1 **** item, and definitely do not have the money to buy anything from anywhere

    the only "good" things are they did put in a conversion from old essences to new one and there is only 1 essence now and bound items are to account instead of to character that made it, like it should have been all along

  14. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by nimgurth View Post
    so I did not now the change was coming so I am screwed because
    1) I had to redisjunct every item I had already prepared for shards because the new system won't let me do anything to them if I don't
    2) all of my saved up Enhancement Spirits and shards are completely useless now. cannot use them in the new system or sell them or de them, so i'm out all the time and effort it took to make them in the first place and that really ****es me off
    3) do not have the time or patience to do the farming(same run of whatever, nth amount of times) everybody says is needed to maybe get 1 or 2 mats an hour when you need 10+ for 1 **** item, and definitely do not have the money to buy anything from anywhere

    the only "good" things are they did put in a conversion from old essences to new one and there is only 1 essence now and bound items are to account instead of to character that made it, like it should have been all along
    Not sure what to say on #1 and #2 other than that I feel your pain. That part kinda sucks especially if you are a returning player who was away during all this. Sadly, the only way to look at it is probably "water under the bridge." Doubt SSG will do anything about it.

    #3 - it's not as bad as it sounds. I wouldn't describe farming for mats as fun in any way, but if you know what to farm for what, it doesn't take all that long. It is also fairly predictable. Download EllisDee's character planner that now comes bundled with a crafting planner and it'll point you exactly where to go to get what you need.

    There are a few more benefits to the new crafting system.

    Leveling is much more straightforward than before - basically just requires essences and the path is very clear.

    ... and the big one:
    What you can craft is much more powerful now. A crafted gear set could definitely compete with a named item gear set.

    Hope you can find a way to make it useful for you.
    Last edited by SuperNiCd; 04-03-2017 at 11:07 AM.

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