While crafting another Supertrinket, I found myself 2 Bruised Spoor Pods short for a Ranged Alacrity. So I sent an Arcane Archer out to farm the Ruins of Gianthold. The route was: Teleport to Stormfist point, do the Giant rare nearby (2 packs) then go on to the Gnoll rare (1 pack), slaying on the way. Recall, reset, etc.
I did not count the number of trips, but being stubborn, I did not stop until I had the pods. My take:
1 Amulet of the Archbishop
1 Blade of the Dark Six
1 House Sealed Letter
1 Mark of the Keeper
1 Necromatic Gem
1 Runic Parchment
1 Sour Darkcap
2 Planar Spoors
2 Silver Flame Hymnals
2 Scolarly Notes
2 Signet of the Devourer
2 Charred Sourwoods
3 Lodestones
3 Amulets of the Lost Empire
3 Ceramic Bowls
4 Singed Sourwoods
5 Planar Crystals
6 Romantic Sonnets
7 Funerary Tokens
and finally;
2 Bruised Spoor Pods
Also, 9 assorted Ancient Relics, 34 Cannoth Essences, 8 dissolvable items, and a Collapsed Portable Hole.
The Arcane Archer (lvl 11) was a poor choice for this, but I'm trying to level him to 12 for hand-me-down gear.