I expect this to be up on wiki shortly, but in the meantime, here's the complete list of bound shard recipes, grouped by function.
I expect this to be up on wiki shortly, but in the meantime, here's the complete list of bound shard recipes, grouped by function.
Lvl Effect Essences Purified x15 x5 Exotic 1 False Life 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Vial of Pure Water 1 Fortification 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Small Wooden Idol 50 Dodge Bonus 50 Glittering Dust Cryptmoss Worm 50 Healing Amplification 50 Funerary Token Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Negative Amplification 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Cryptmoss 50 Repair Amplification 50 Glittering Dust Signet of the Devourer 50 Sheltering 50 Skull Fragment Cryptmoss 50 Spell Resistance 50 Page Torn from Research Notebook Deadly Feverblanche 100 Striding 100 Lodestone Silver Flame Hymnal 175 Natural Armor 175 Cryptic Message Academic Treatise 225 Protection 225 Mortar and Pestle Glowmoss Spore 175 Insightful False Life 175 5 Cryptic Message Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Fortification 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Silver Bowl 225 Insightful Dodge Bonus 225 5 Zygomycota Fungus Stone Fetish 225 Insightful Spell Resistance 225 5 Smoldering Ember Blister Beetle 275 Insightful Magical Sheltering 275 5 Brass Censer Archaic Logbook 275 Insightful Physical Sheltering 275 5 Crypt Moth Ornate Charm 100 Resistance 100 Romantic Sonnet Fragrant Drowshood 50 Parrying 50 Funerary Token Sparkling Dust 100 Riposte 100 Lodestone Planar Spoor 1 Fortitude 10 String of Prayer Beads Deadly Feverblanche 1 Reflex 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 1 Will 10 String of Prayer Beads Vial of Pure Water 50 Enchantment Resistance 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Illusion Resistance 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Cryptmoss Worm 100 Spell Saves 100 Amulet of the Lost Empire Intact Spore Pod 225 Insightful Enchantment Resistance 225 5 Smoldering Ember Fractured Femur 225 Insightful Illusion Resistance 225 5 Mystical Formula Glowmoss Spore 275 Insightful Spell Saves 275 5 Flint Knife Pouch of Bone Fragments 1 Disease Ward 10 Sweet Whitecap Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Poison Ward 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Small Wooden Idol 175 Insightful Disease Ward 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Bloodfeast Fungus 175 Insightful Poison Ward 175 5 Blessed Candle Academic Treatise 1 Acid Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Cold Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Electric Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Fire Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Light Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Negative Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Poison Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 1 Sonic Resistance 10 String of Prayer Beads Small Wooden Idol 175 Insightful Acid Resistance 175 5 Blessed Candle Academic Treatise 175 Insightful Cold Resistance 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Electric Resistance 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Bloodfeast Fungus 175 Insightful Fire Resistance 175 5 Cryptic Message Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Light Resistance 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Negative Resistance 175 5 Blessed Candle Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Poison Resistance 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Academic Treatise 175 Insightful Sonic Resistance 175 5 Cryptic Message Bloodfeast Fungus 50 Acid Absorption 50 Skull Fragment Signet of the Devourer 50 Cold Absorption 50 Glittering Dust Mark of the Keeper 50 Electricty Absorption 50 Caravan Logbook Research Diary 50 Fire Absorption 50 Blade of the Dark Six Powdered Blood 50 Sonic Absorption 50 Funerary Token Sparkling Dust 1 Acid Guard 10 Amber Vial Vial of Pure Water 1 Evil Guard 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Small Wooden Idol 1 Fire Guard 10 Amber Vial Deadly Feverblanche 1 Good Guard 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Ice Guard 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Lightning Guard 10 Amber Vial Small Wooden Idol 1 Piercing Guard 10 Sweet Whitecap Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Solar Guard 10 Sweet Whitecap Deadly Feverblanche 1 Sonic Guard 10 Sweet Whitecap Vial of Pure Water 1 Undead Guard 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 05:45 AM.
Lvl Effect Essences Purified x15 x5 Exotic 100 Strength 100 Bruised Spore Pod Amulet of the Six 100 Dexterity 100 Sour Darkcap Polished Ore 100 Constitution 100 Runic Parchment Glass Phial 100 Intelligence 100 Ceramic Bowl House-Sealed Letter 100 Wisdom 100 Singed Soarwood Silver Flame Hymnal 100 Charisma 100 Romantic Sonnet Charred Soarwood 275 Insightful Strength 275 5 Crypt Moth Ornate Charm 275 Insightful Dexterity 275 5 Crypt Moth Pouch of Bone Fragments 275 Insightful Constitution 275 5 Ancient Text Hairy Trumpet 275 Insightful Intelligence 275 5 Brass Censer Archaic Logbook 275 Insightful Wisdom 275 5 Brass Censer Hairy Trumpet 275 Insightful Charisma 275 5 Ancient Text Ornate Charm 1 Balance 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 1 Bluff 10 String of Prayer Beads Deadly Feverblanche 1 Concentration 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Vial of Pure Water 1 Diplomacy 10 String of Prayer Beads Deadly Feverblanche 1 Disable Device 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Vial of Pure Water 1 Haggle 10 String of Prayer Beads Deadly Feverblanche 1 Heal 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Hide 10 String of Prayer Beads Deadly Feverblanche 1 Intimidate 10 String of Prayer Beads Deadly Feverblanche 1 Jump 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 1 Listen 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Move Silently 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 1 Open Lock 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Vial of Pure Water 1 Perform 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Vial of Pure Water 1 Repair 10 Page Torn from Research Notebook Vial of Pure Water 1 Search 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Spellsight 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Spot 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 1 Swim 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 1 Tumble 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 175 Insightful Balance 175 5 Cryptic Message Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Bluff 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Concentration 175 5 Blessed Candle Academic Treatise 175 Insightful Diplomacy 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Bloodfeast Fungus 175 Insightful Disable Device 175 5 Cryptic Message Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Haggle 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Academic Treatise 175 Insightful Heal 175 5 Blessed Candle Bloodfeast Fungus 175 Insightful Hide 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Intimidate 175 5 Cryptic Message Academic Treatise 175 Insightful Jump 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Bloodfeast Fungus 175 Insightful Listen 175 5 Blessed Candle Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Move Silently 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Open Lock 175 5 Cryptic Message Bloodfeast Fungus 175 Insightful Perform 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Repair 175 5 Blessed Candle Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Search 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Academic Treatise 175 Insightful Spellsight 175 5 Cryptic Message Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Spot 175 5 Cryptic Message Silver Bowl 175 Insightful Swim 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Tumble 175 5 Blessed Candle Academic Treatise
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 05:34 AM.
Lvl Effect Essences Purified x15 x5 Exotic 50 Accuracy 50 Caravan Logbook Signet of the Devourer 50 Armor-Piercing 50 Skull Fragment Cryptmoss Worm 50 Deadly 50 Blade of the Dark Six Mark of the Keeper 50 Seeker 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 100 Doubleshot 100 Lodestone Headsman Beetle 100 Doublestrike 100 Small Planar Crystal Scholarly Notes 100 Melee Alacrity 100 Sour Darkcap Fragrant Drowshood 100 Ranged Alacrity 100 Bruised Spore Pod Amulet of the Six 225 Insightful Accuracy 225 Mortar and Pestle Fractured Femur 225 Insightful Deadly 225 Mortar and Pestle Stone Fetish 225 Insightful Seeker 225 5 Slime Mold Blister Beetle 50 Shatter 50 Skull Fragment Powdered Blood 50 Stunning 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Cryptmoss Worm 50 Tendon Slice 50 Glittering Dust Sparkling Dust 50 Vertigo 50 Withered Cryptmoss Cryptmoss 100 Combat Mastery 100 Singed Soarwood Moonstone 225 Insightful Shatter 225 5 Slime Mold Blister Beetle 225 Insightful Stunning 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Warehouse Ledger 225 Insightful Tendon Slice 225 5 Zygomycota Fungus Stone Fetish 225 Insightful Vertigo 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Glowmoss Spore 275 Insightful Combat Mastery 275 5 Flint Knife Ornate Charm 1 Diversion 10 Sweet Whitecap Deadly Feverblanche 1 Incite 10 Amber Vial Khyber Prayer Pamphlet 50 Bashing 50 Withered Cryptmoss Sparkling Dust 50 Deception 50 Withered Cryptmoss Research Diary 50 Shield Bashing 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Cryptmoss 50 Shield Spikes 50 Caravan Logbook Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 100 Assassinate 100 Small Planar Crystal Planar Spoor 175 Insightful Diversion 175 5 Chipped Bone Talisman Ivory Scorpion Icon 175 Insightful Incite 175 5 Blessed Candle Silver Bowl 275 Insightful Assassinate 275 5 Brass Censer Pouch of Bone Fragments 50 Acid Effect 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Powdered Blood 50 Bludgeon Effect 50 Skull Fragment Cryptmoss Worm 50 Cold Effect 50 Blade of the Dark Six Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Electric Effect 50 Funerary Token Research Diary 50 Fire Effect 50 Withered Cryptmoss Mark of the Keeper 50 Force Effect 50 Funerary Token Research Diary 50 Light Effect 50 Withered Cryptmoss Mark of the Keeper 50 Negative Effect 50 Blade of the Dark Six Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Piercing Effect 50 Glittering Dust Cryptmoss 50 Poison Effect 50 Caravan Logbook Powdered Blood 50 Slashing Effect 50 Caravan Logbook Sparkling Dust 50 Sonic Effect 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Signet of the Devourer 100 Bleed 100 Bruised Spore Pod Moonstone 100 Chaos Effect 100 Small Planar Crystal Silver Flame Hymnal 100 Evil Effect 100 Amulet of the Lost Empire Charred Soarwood 100 Good Effect 100 Lodestone Glass Phial 100 Law Effect 100 Smoldering Ember Moonstone 100 Maiming 100 Sour Darkcap Silver Flame Hymnal 50 Aberration Bane 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Soul Gem: Aberration 50 Animal Bane 50 Withered Cryptmoss Soul Gem: Animal 50 Chaotic Outsider Bane 50 Funerary Token Soul Gem: Essence of the Destroyer 50 Construct Bane 50 Funerary Token Soul Gem: Living Construct 50 Dragon Bane 50 Blade of the Dark Six Soul Gem: Dragon 50 Dwarf Bane 50 Skull Fragment Soul Gem: Dwarf 50 Elemental Bane 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order 50 Elf Bane 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Soul Gem: Elf 50 Evil Outsider Bane 50 Blade of the Dark Six Soul Gem: Essence of the Dominator 50 Giant Bane 50 Caravan Logbook Soul Gem: Giant 50 Gnoll Bane 50 Funerary Token Soul Gem: Gnoll 50 Goblinoid Bane 50 Withered Cryptmoss Soul Gem: Goblinoid 50 Halfling Bane 50 Blade of the Dark Six Soul Gem: Halfling 50 Human Bane 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Soul Gem: Human 50 Incorporeal Bane 50 Skull Fragment 50 Lawful Outsider Bane 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Soul Gem: Essence of the Crusader 50 Magical Beast Bane 50 Skull Fragment Soul Gem: Magical Beast 50 Monstrous Humanoid Bane 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Soul Gem: Monstrous Humanoid 50 Ooze Bane 50 Withered Cryptmoss Soul Gem: Ooze 50 Orc Bane 50 Caravan Logbook Soul Gem: Orc 50 Plant Bane 50 Caravan Logbook Soul Gem: Plant 50 Reptilian Bane 50 Glittering Dust Soul Gem: Reptilian Humanoid 50 Undead Bane 50 Glittering Dust Soul Gem: Undead 50 Unnatural Bane 50 Caravan Logbook 50 Vermin Bane 50 Skull Fragment Soul Gem: Vermin 100 Charisma Damaging 100 Bruised Spore Pod Polished Ore 100 Constitution Damaging 100 Amulet of the Lost Empire Fragrant Drowshood 100 Dexterity Damaging 100 Lodestone Intact Spore Pod 100 Intelligence Damaging 100 Smoldering Ember Headsman Beetle 100 Strength Damaging 100 Singed Soarwood Scholarly Notes 100 Wisdom Damaging 100 Small Planar Crystal Amulet of the Six
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 05:40 AM.
Lvl Effect Essences Purified x15 x5 Exotic 1 Wizardry 10 Sweet Whitecap Small Wooden Idol 50 Spell Penetration 50 Withered Cryptmoss Signet of the Devourer 175 Insightful Wizardry 175 5 Ruddy Fungus Ivory Scorpion Icon 225 Insightful Spell Penetration 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Blister Beetle 50 Abjuration Focus 50 Blade of the Dark Six Powdered Blood 50 Conjuration Focus 50 Glittering Dust Mark of the Keeper 50 Enchantment Focus 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Evocation Focus 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Cryptmoss Worm 50 Illusion Focus 50 Withered Cryptmoss Cryptmoss 50 Necromancy Focus 50 Funerary Token Sparkling Dust 50 Transmutation Focus 50 Caravan Logbook Research Diary 100 Spell Focus Mastery 100 Bruised Spore Pod Amulet of the Six 225 Insightful Abjuration Focus 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Warehouse Ledger 225 Insightful Conjuration Focus 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Fractured Femur 225 Insightful Enchantment Focus 225 5 Slime Mold Stone Fetish 225 Insightful Evocation Focus 225 5 Smoldering Ember Fractured Femur 225 Insightful Illusion Focus 225 5 Mystical Formula Glowmoss Spore 225 Insightful Necromancy Focus 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Blister Beetle 225 Insightful Transmutation Focus 225 5 Zygomycota Fungus Glowmoss Spore 275 Insightful Spell Focus Mastery 275 5 Flint Knife Pouch of Bone Fragments 50 Combustion 50 Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order Powdered Blood 50 Corrosion 50 Skull Fragment Mark of the Keeper 50 Devotion 50 Cryptmoss Worm Larva Signet of the Devourer 50 Glaciation 50 Glittering Dust Research Diary 50 Impulse 50 Funerary Token Cryptmoss 50 Magnetism 50 Caravan Logbook Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Nullification 50 Caravan Logbook Sparkling Dust 50 Radiance 50 Withered Cryptmoss Cryptmoss Worm 50 Reconstruction 50 Skull Fragment Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest 50 Resonance 50 Blade of the Dark Six Sparkling Dust 100 Potency 100 Sour Darkcap Planar Spoor 225 Insightful Combustion 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Warehouse Ledger 225 Insightful Corrosion 225 5 Smoldering Ember Fractured Femur 225 Insightful Devotion 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Blister Beetle 225 Insightful Glaciation 225 5 Mystical Formula Glowmoss Spore 225 Insightful Impulse 225 5 Zygomycota Fungus Fractured Femur 225 Insightful Magnetism 225 5 Mortar and Pestle Blister Beetle 225 Insightful Nullification 225 5 Slime Mold Warehouse Ledger 225 Insightful Radiance 225 5 Mystical Formula Glowmoss Spore 225 Insightful Reconstruction 225 5 Smoldering Ember Stone Fetish 225 Insightful Resonance 225 5 Slime Mold Stone Fetish 100 Acid Lore 100 Duskbrood Trumpeter Polished Ore 100 Cold Lore 100 Lodestone Charred Soarwood 100 Electricity Lore 100 Small Planar Crystal Silver Flame Hymnal 100 Fire Lore 100 Sour Darkcap Fragrant Drowshood 100 Force Lore 100 Romantic Sonnet Planar Spoor 100 Light Lore 100 Singed Soarwood Moonstone 100 Negative Lore 100 Smoldering Ember Scholarly Notes 100 Positive Lore 100 Runic Parchment Headsman Beetle 100 Repair Lore 100 Bruised Spore Pod Amulet of the Six 100 Sonic Lore 100 Amulet of the Lost Empire House-Sealed Letter 150 Spell Lore 150 Cryptic Message Academic Treatise
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 05:33 AM.
Lvl Effect Essences Purified x15 x5 Exotic 1 ML 1 10 20 ML 2 20 30 ML 3 30 40 ML 4 40 50 ML 5 50 60 ML 6 60 70 ML 7 70 80 ML 8 80 90 ML 9 90 100 ML 10 100 110 ML 11 110 120 ML 12 120 130 ML 13 130 140 ML 14 140 150 ML 15 150 160 ML 16 160 170 ML 17 170 180 ML 18 180 190 ML 19 190 200 ML 20 200 210 ML 21 210 220 ML 22 220 230 ML 23 230 240 ML 24 240 250 ML 25 250 260 ML 26 260 270 ML 27 270 280 ML 28 280 290 ML 29 290 300 ML 30 300 310 ML 30 (Power Level 31) 310 320 ML 30 (Power Level 32) 320 330 ML 30 (Power Level 33) 330 340 ML 30 (Power Level 34) 340
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 05:47 AM.
Okay, that's all the posts I need.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 05:49 AM.
Wow m8 that was fast! Thanks for doing this
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The Pack Horse (mule)
Thanks EllisDee37. This is really helpful. Will you also be doing this for unbound?
Those are some high collectable costs. The unbound must be really painful.
No, but only because all the recipes will be on wiki shortly. (I was talking to the guy who was compiling the data for wiki while I was compiling these lists.)
The purpose of these lists is to give a simple overview, grouped by function, to help crafters get a feel for the big picture in terms of making stuff for themselves.
I am considering writing a cannith crafting planner, similar to my character builder lite, but as of right now I haven't committed to the idea. It's attractive in that it should be really simple, but then JJ may beat me to it with an online version.
Quick thoughts after browsing the lists:
What's the difference between "Bashing" and "Shield Bashing"?
I'd probably add the word "save" to the individual save shards: Fortitude, Reflex and Will become Fortitude Save, Reflex Save and Will Save.
"Light Lore" sounds kind of goofy. Shouldn't it be named "Radiance Lore"? Either way, my cleric is pumped!
My Pale Master is drooling over "Light Resistance" and "Negative Amplification."
"Insightful Incite" cracks me up when I mentally pronounce it.
It's nice to no longer need greensteel mats for outsider banes. Those names are kind of goofy, though.
"Pouch of Bone Fragments" should be pluralized as "Pouches of Bone Fragments."
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 06:53 AM.
Bio - Guild Leader of Roll For Initiative (Cannith Server)
Useful Links - Cannith Completionist List - DDO-Wrapper (custom installer) - Forum CSS Tweaks
Cannith Crafting Service - Collectible Farming - DDO Character Planner - CC Weapon Recipes Redux
UI Skinning - Rogue's Blackbird UI Skin
My Guides - BBcodes - Unlocking More Storage - Reduce File Size For Signature Image
My Builds - Epic Challenge Farmer v2 (Warlock) - Swiss Army Knife Challenge Farmer (Falconry)
The Pack Horse (mule)
This is a really nice list. I like how it lays out the costs of everything nice and neatly.
Thank you!
And, yes, you guys, the unbound recipes are ungodly horrible! But, you see that soon!![]()
Last edited by ZhenBuYaoShi; 08-13-2016 at 06:44 AM.
The current wiki data dump can be found here. It has everything, both bound and unbound in each line. (Awesome!)
As I figured, the wiki version as a single table is a touch unwieldy to casually browse. It also appears to be in shard machine order, which is mostly grouped by function but not completely.
The only purpose of this thread is to help people get an initial feel for the system. Wiki will of course be the official (and complete) reference.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 08-13-2016 at 06:48 AM.