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  1. #1
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    Angry Loads everything perfectly until after character selection

    Does anybody know why I can't get Dungeons and Dragons Online to work on Dell Inspiron 3451 on windows 10? It has intel graphics.
    I downloaded it perfectly fine, it selects each world perfectly and you can go into the store and everything on the character selection screen perfectly but when I load into the game the character does not move at all. The loading screen just to get into the game takes over 10 minutes. I finally load and it freezes just to sit there until it finally disconnects.
    If i reduce the graphics all I get is a frozen game with the added bonus of a black screen. You can see the health and the quick slots, sometimes if you repeatedly press esc during the loading screen that will come up when your character loads but you still can't click on ANYTHING.
    I have had this game run on Windows xp with dsl connection, on windows 7 slow wifi connection, I got it to even work on linux through wine albeit was only for a day, so why in the world won't it run on this brand new computer? I am getting so irritated. I just want to play the game I spent actual real life money on.

  2. #2
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    1. When launching the game run it as Adminstrator.
    2. Use TurbineLaucner.exe to run the game.
    3. Allow incoming and out going connections through your firewall for TurbineLauncher.exe and DnDClient.exe
    4. If you have installed DDO in to the Program Files folder then that could be causing issues since Windows 10 doesn't like anything messing with files in those folders.
    5. If you have 4GB or more of RAM then enable pre-cache feature in launcher (it's in the options somewhere).


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    1. When launching the game run it as Adminstrator.
    2. Use TurbineLaucner.exe to run the game.
    3. Allow incoming and out going connections through your firewall for TurbineLauncher.exe and DnDClient.exe
    4. If you have installed DDO in to the Program Files folder then that could be causing issues since Windows 10 doesn't like anything messing with files in those folders.
    5. If you have 4GB or more of RAM then enable pre-cache feature in launcher (it's in the options somewhere).

    I do run it as Admin,Firewall is disabled because I had an issue with my last computer with firewalls and ddo. I have it placed in the desktop. andI have 2gb of ram.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Rawrargh's Avatar
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    2gb of ram AND win10 might be an issue...

    Just went and googled the PC and it barely lives up to the recommended requirements except that there is no dedicated GPU in the laptop (as far as I could see).

    This is just speculations as I've never tried running ddo on anything but my trusty desktop.
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  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
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    In addition to the prior advice, also try this when at the character selection screen:

    - Click the "Options" button in bottom left.
    - Click "Graphics"
    - At top of popup, check the box "Detect Optimal Settings" and watch for changes to Direct X, as it may revert you.
    - Regardless if the box check does change anything, if Direct X (DX) is set higher than 9, consider rolling it back to 9 if it is set higher, and see if that helps at all.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawrargh View Post
    2gb of ram AND win10 might be an issue...

    Just went and googled the PC and it barely lives up to the recommended requirements except that there is no dedicated GPU in the laptop (as far as I could see).

    This is just speculations as I've never tried running ddo on anything but my trusty desktop.
    I'm running lotro with high graphics on this computer, I've also run toontown, runescape, and I'm going to try running neverwinter later today because I really just don't like lotro anymore. The ram isn't the issue it's something on ddo's side.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuclear_Elvis View Post
    In addition to the prior advice, also try this when at the character selection screen:

    - Click the "Options" button in bottom left.
    - Click "Graphics"
    - At top of popup, check the box "Detect Optimal Settings" and watch for changes to Direct X, as it may revert you.
    - Regardless if the box check does change anything, if Direct X (DX) is set higher than 9, consider rolling it back to 9 if it is set higher, and see if that helps at all.
    I've tried all of the directx options and I've tried the Optimal settings more than once.

  8. #8
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    The 2GB of RAM is not going to help by any means so I would recommend trying to see if that can be upgraded to 4GB at the very least.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    The 2GB of RAM is not going to help by any means so I would recommend trying to see if that can be upgraded to 4GB at the very least.

    I dont have the money to get a new ram. I also run lord of the rings on this computer in HIGH graphics and everything else and this game has the exact same specs so it should run perfectly fine.

  10. #10
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrayvenRose View Post
    I dont have the money to get a new ram. I also run lord of the rings on this computer in HIGH graphics and everything else and this game has the exact same specs so it should run perfectly fine.
    DDO is an older game than LotRO and likely built by a different team with different specs and lessons learned from DDO issues. Thinking that DDO should work just because another game does will only add to your frustration.

    You say that the lappie is brand new. Maybe take it back to the store and trade it for one that will run DDO (even download DDO on target computer to test run before buying).
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  11. #11


    I have personal experience running DDO with 2 GB of RAM (which I did for maybe 2 years) then 3 GB (for maybe a year) then 8 GB for the past couple years. 2 GB is simply not enough; it thrashes your hard drive into the ground. There isn't enough to cache anything, so everywhere you go, every single loading screen, will thrash as if it's the first time you went there. Everything you do is slow slow slow.

    3 GB is really the minimum requirement. With 3 GB the game caches normally, so re-entering any area you've already been will load super quick. I detected no difference running with 3 GB and 8 GB, so as far as I can tell, 3 GB is all you need. (I was running Win7 at the time, though, so it's possible Win10 might require a little more.) Regardless, 2 GB is just too little.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and back when I had 2 GB, loading the game took many minutes. Probably not quite 10 minutes, but it was an unbreakable ritual that any time I loaded the game, after the (super long) load into the character select screen, after selecting my character I would go smoke a cigarette while the world loaded. Actually, counting the wait to get to character select, 10 minutes sounds about right.

  12. #12
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    Well, I have 8 gigs of RAM and I'm having the same issue, only it's limited to the time of day. After 6PM the game either freezes at the loading screen after character selection, or the first frame after entering the game proper. I'm apparently not the only one having this issue.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by ChosenWriter View Post
    Well, I have 8 gigs of RAM and I'm having the same issue, only it's limited to the time of day. After 6PM the game either freezes at the loading screen after character selection, or the first frame after entering the game proper. I'm apparently not the only one having this issue.
    I also had this problem on my current computer. (8GB of RAM, Win10.) After going back and forth with the support guys for a week or two with no progress I gave up and stopped playing the game. This was back in May, I think. I haven't set foot in a quest since then.

    When U32 first hit lammania I downloaded it to check out cannith crafting, which also involved logging into the game proper to put my collectable/ingredient bags on my crafter so he'd copy over with them. The game appears to work fine for me now.

    So, I guess, try not logging in for several months and see if the problem goes away by itself like it did for me.

  14. #14
    Community Member Nyata's Avatar
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    the daytime thing reminds me of something. I am not sure if it's a worldwide universal, but still might be worth checking out.

    Here, pretty much at about 6 PM, a lot of ISPs throttle performance of internet connections, or maybe they get throttled simply by the amount of traffic that suddenly happens past 6 PM. it's when most people are at home and on the internet, and whatever combined bandwidth is usually enough to spread around to all people online jsut isn't between 6 PM and about 10 PM.

    might be worth to check your connection speeds and so on and compare them daytime wise.

  15. #15
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    Though of that, but if that were the issue it'd be a problem for everything. It's only this game. SWTOR works fine, X-Box One stuff works fine, Internet works fine, downloads are fine.

  16. #16
    Community Member boredman's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Try the ddo preload

    Quote Originally Posted by CrayvenRose View Post
    I do run it as Admin,Firewall is disabled because I had an issue with my last computer with firewalls and ddo. I have it placed in the desktop. andI have 2gb of ram.
    It may be related with only 2gb of ram. I have a pc with 4gb ram and win 8 and run fine but on an old laptop with win xp and 2gb of ram i was having the same issue as you, game loads fine till character selection even loads the game and inventory buffs but always disconnect with the red cross not able to do anything inside till disconnect from the server.

    At least i was able to use the ddo preloader v2:

    and the problem got solved. (Most of the times the preload works fine but sometimes the preloader can't load and says you need at least 2gb of free ram so I assume it may be related to that)

    I wonder how many people with old pc's have left the game because of this problem...

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