Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
I've posted a Deep Gnome Illusionist. I could've just gone with a conventional Pale Master, of course, but that didn't seem to play to their racial bonuses.
Story time:

So yesterday I logged into a dummy iconic artificer to update the wiki for the arcanotech changes, did a quick update on arcane archer, then ran my data crawler so I could post a new version of the planner. The crawler output showed "Invalid wiki link: http://ddowiki.com/page/Svirfneblin_enhancements" in the errors section, meaning it failed to scrape descriptions for deep gnomes. Confused, I go to the wiki and see the page is named Deep Gnome instead of Svirfneblin. So I start adding a custom wiki link for the Svirfneblin tree when I think "Wait a minute; the wiki mirrors the game..."

So I log in to check by creating a character. I don't own Deep Gnomes but you can still see it in the iconic race selection. Oh no, it's actually named Deep Gnome in the game. Gah! So I spent the next half hour frantically updating the various places in the code where race names are hardcoded. So annoying.

Probably for the best, though. I was concerned when I first set it up as Svirfneblin that it would be confusing to new players, but assumed that that's what it was called in-game.