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  1. #1
    Community Member Riekan's Avatar
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    Default DC caster final life after U29

    I'm just finishing up my first completionist character with x3 cleric/wizard/sorcerer/favored soul and singles in everything else. I ground out all the caster gear from DoJ, and have a few new loot gen items that are nice. I'm just about done with the last life and will be ready to flip to final life either Monday or Tuesday.

    I'm torn between a pale master necro/enchant wizard and a necro/evo cleric. Either way I want to try a DC build again and finished completionist for the extra DC.

    Anyone seen a comparison between the 2 lately?. I'm leaning towards morninglord wizard, but pulled a +15 wisdom +6 spell pen goggles out of LTS so now I'm rethinking.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Proud Officer of the Guild of the Black Dragon on Sarlona.

  2. #2
    Community Member Wulverine's Avatar
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    Go with your wizard and make a Greensteel tier1&2 14 INT +7 insightfull INT stick. (add +2 exceptional when you get around to it).

    In the end go with what seems most fun to play for you.
    Last edited by Wulverine; 01-17-2016 at 08:15 AM.
    Thelanis -- Wulverine + [Funkaholic, Funkatronic, Funkarific]

  3. #3
    Community Member Riekan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wulverine View Post
    Go with your wizard and make a Greensteel tier1&2 14 INT +7 insightfull INT stick. (add +2 exceptional when you get around to it).

    In the end go with what seems most fun to play for you.
    I agree that new green steel is the way to go. Mostly wondering what people's opinions are on how they both work in end game these days. Would like to be ee viable.
    Proud Officer of the Guild of the Black Dragon on Sarlona.

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riekan View Post
    I agree that new green steel is the way to go. Mostly wondering what people's opinions are on how they both work in end game these days. Would like to be ee viable.
    A strong DC caster with Crowd control is a critical role in the LE Raids. If you have the gear/PLs for it, being able to kill trash with Necro is very helpful as well.

    Make sure you can hit the Spell Pen numbers first, then a good enchant DC. If you can cover that and still have options, take your Necro DC as high as you can.

    Wizards are highly viable (almost to the point of being required) for smooth completion of LE raids. For lesser EE content, the addition of Arcane Pulse and Greater Ruin give casters a decent (if expensive) direct damage option as well.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    A strong DC caster with Crowd control is a critical role in the LE Raids. If you have the gear/PLs for it, being able to kill trash with Necro is very helpful as well.

    Make sure you can hit the Spell Pen numbers first, then a good enchant DC. If you can cover that and still have options, take your Necro DC as high as you can.

    Wizards are highly viable (almost to the point of being required) for smooth completion of LE raids. For lesser EE content, the addition of Arcane Pulse and Greater Ruin give casters a decent (if expensive) direct damage option as well.
    This is largely false. In LE HoX, an insta-killing caster is highly desirable. In no other LE raid content is an insta-killing DC caster worth much. A good melee wins hands down in almost all such content. A WIZ is not remotely required for a smooth completion of any LE raid other than LE HoX. A capped/maxxed WIZ does add value to the final fight in LE TS (bring Arcane Pulse). For the rest of the run, melees still win.

    I have no idea what kind of crack Andoris is smoking, but it must be very good. Trash killing is a melees game these days. Maybe you can hook me up with your connection, Andoris?
    Last edited by etotheipi; 01-23-2016 at 01:02 AM.

  6. #6
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by etotheipi View Post
    I have no idea what kind of crack Andoris is smoking, but it must be very good. Trash killing is a melees game these days. Maybe you can hook me up with your connection, Andoris?
    Would some good crack help you notice he never said "bring a wizard to kill trash", but actually said "bring a wizard for the crowd control, and if you can kill some trash with it, too"?
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  7. #7
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Enchant wizard seems inferior to evoc druid- they get earthquake that affects more mobs than dances and holds and epic cone of cold feat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  8. #8


    I can't say for sure, but I think in terms of pure DC, wizards can get higher than clerics for all schools. Even if it's not much, every little bit helps. Plus wizards get better persistent crowd control than clerics do. (Though the point about druid earthquake is well made.)

  9. #9
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by etotheipi View Post
    This is largely false. In LE HoX, an insta-killing caster is highly desirable. In no other LE raid content is an insta-killing DC caster worth much. A good melee wins hands down in almost all such content. A WIZ is not remotely required for a smooth completion of any LE raid other than LE HoX. A capped/maxxed WIZ does add value to the final fight in LE TS (bring Arcane Pulse). For the rest of the run, melees still win.

    I have no idea what kind of crack Andoris is smoking, but it must be very good. Trash killing is a melees game these days. Maybe you can hook me up with your connection, Andoris?
    So when my wizard in LE shroud has nearly 50% of the total (across the entire raid group) kills, that means that I can't kill trash as good as the melee's?

    Just because your wizard sucks doesn't mean the rest of ours does

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    So when my wizard in LE shroud has nearly 50% of the total (across the entire raid group) kills, that means that I can't kill trash as good as the melee's?

    Just because your wizard sucks doesn't mean the rest of ours does
    Shush... No no no... that um melee loving guy is right. No need to increase monster saves or spell resistance or hp (again). We need more EPIC EXPLOSION STUFFS.

    Dear Devs, casters are terrible at trash killing in legendary. We're mostly just there for /clap emotes for the mighty 3000 hp steel swingers and a rez scroll here and there. (though because we're so jealous of the awesome melee types we only give them raise deads).

    Though obviously boss damage even with added PantsOnHeadRuin and ArcanePulse creates a consistency issue if you're not chugging sp potions every 5 spells.
    Last edited by Gratch; 01-27-2016 at 05:35 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  11. #11
    Community Member Unsinful's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    Enchant wizard seems inferior to evoc druid- they get earthquake that affects more mobs than dances and holds and epic cone of cold feat.

    I have 2 of every caster past life 3 wiz and 3 cleric and I run an 18 wiz 1 cleric 1 bars who rocks 157 necro dc at lvl 30 (highest achieved on live). I don't have completionist and I have run 5k sp and I never have problems in quests. I also have never done an epic past life. I find the only thing holding me back is the occasional champion that is immune to insta deaths and they aren't present in raids. A well made wiz can underly destroy LE content. I find that the only one out killing me is the rare triple completionist master of all past lives players.

  12. #12
    Community Member BigErkyKid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by multipro View Post
    I have 2 of every caster past life 3 wiz and 3 cleric and I run an 18 wiz 1 cleric 1 bars who rocks 157 necro dc at lvl 30 (highest achieved on live). I don't have completionist and I have run 5k sp and I never have problems in quests. I also have never done an epic past life. I find the only thing holding me back is the occasional champion that is immune to insta deaths and they aren't present in raids. A well made wiz can underly destroy LE content. I find that the only one out killing me is the rare triple completionist master of all past lives players.
    I have a truck and I run over mobs with it.

    Now seriously, what kind of build can achieve 157 necro? This seems biZarre to me, to say on it softly.

  13. #13
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by etotheipi View Post
    This is largely false. In LE HoX, an insta-killing caster is highly desirable. In no other LE raid content is an insta-killing DC caster worth much. A good melee wins hands down in almost all such content. A WIZ is not remotely required for a smooth completion of any LE raid other than LE HoX. A capped/maxxed WIZ does add value to the final fight in LE TS (bring Arcane Pulse). For the rest of the run, melees still win.

    I have no idea what kind of crack Andoris is smoking, but it must be very good. Trash killing is a melees game these days. Maybe you can hook me up with your connection, Andoris?
    I haven't run tempest spine in a few months but my PM lead the kill count by a huge margin every single run I joined. It's possible they raised the saves like they did in LE Shroud, but insta-kill and cc both worked fine in there. CC is very helpful in LE shroud.

    Melees are better overall at soloing compared to PMs just because they don't have to worry SP or about what to do when they can't instakill, but PMs are still performing well in my opinion.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  14. #14
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I can't say for sure, but I think in terms of pure DC, wizards can get higher than clerics for all schools. Even if it's not much, every little bit helps. Plus wizards get better persistent crowd control than clerics do. (Though the point about druid earthquake is well made.)
    Cleric Druid Fvs Sorc are great at evocation. The biggest advantage a wizard has for necro, illusion and enchantment is all the extra feats to fit in spell pen + high DC.

    Also the best race for PM also happens to have bonuses for spell pen and enchantment - that is a big plus.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  15. #15
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by multipro View Post
    I have 2 of every caster past life 3 wiz and 3 cleric and I run an 18 wiz 1 cleric 1 bars who rocks 157 necro dc at lvl 30 (highest achieved on live). I don't have completionist and I have run 5k sp and I never have problems in quests. I also have never done an epic past life. I find the only thing holding me back is the occasional champion that is immune to insta deaths and they aren't present in raids. A well made wiz can underly destroy LE content. I find that the only one out killing me is the rare triple completionist master of all past lives players.
    Can you give us a breakdown on your necro dc?
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  16. #16
    Community Member Morroiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Can you give us a breakdown on your necro dc?
    A breakdown would be lovely. I've played around with it as best I can...there must be some kind of exploit going on to achieve that...

    Somebody else posted (I think it was holyavatar) 120+ necro dcs shortly after U29 or U30. They didn't provide a breakdown either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    A new harder difficulty is likely to just be that: harder, without giving commensurate power...Ideally, at the very hardest edge of difficulty, we would not know how long it would take until all quests are completed on that difficulty.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riekan View Post
    I'm just finishing up my first completionist character with x3 cleric/wizard/sorcerer/favored soul and singles in everything else. I ground out all the caster gear from DoJ, and have a few new loot gen items that are nice. I'm just about done with the last life and will be ready to flip to final life either Monday or Tuesday.

    I'm torn between a pale master necro/enchant wizard and a necro/evo cleric. Either way I want to try a DC build again and finished completionist for the extra DC.

    Anyone seen a comparison between the 2 lately?. I'm leaning towards morninglord wizard, but pulled a +15 wisdom +6 spell pen goggles out of LTS so now I'm rethinking.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    if you've got the past lives done, make it a sorc

    the casting times and cooldowns are irreplaceable

    as a first lifer you can make a good CC wizard... as a complete kitted out DC caster you can easily overkill with a wizard,

    there is also another lovely thing you can do with a sorc in relation to DC casting, use the exhaled angel line, you get to boost your charisma, you also get the passive stance that boosts charisma +2, theres a charge that gives another +2 charisma, and the core most importantly gives

    +3 DC to all schools (stacking)

    , twist the DC and spell pen from other lines

    my current sorc has 84 un-buffed enchant DC, 87 with pots (store/yugo) and the EA charge, and thats even without taking greater/epic enchant focus feats, currently adding to that the slaver set (3 piece = +2 DC, 5 piece = +4 DC and +2 charisma)

    so if you can get your sorc to have unbuffed 89 enchant DC, spell pen 60+ and still Dish out the hurt like a sorc... why bother with a wizard :P

    faster casting + faster cooldowns you will enjoy more, dont forget the 3 ETR past lives to reduce cooldowns even futher

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