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  1. #101


    It's on my to-do list.

    I very much want to update this thread, but it's pretty labor-intensive to do so.

  2. #102
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    Default Warforged Male Amalgam Fighter Build

    Hello, I am looking for a build as close as possible to this one.

  3. #103
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Einar1990 View Post
    Hello, I am looking for a build as close as possible to this one.
    This thread doesn't do that (@ all: And shouldn't start!)

    Repost in one/both of the custom build threads, that do that specifically, I'm sure you'll find some help:

    o Kent's custom Character Builds
    o Request a Build - Get a Build


  4. #104


    Sitting down to finally update this thread this weekend.

    I'd like to add class passes to each class post. I think I got them all, but let me know if I missed any:

    Bard Pass: Update 22 (June 11th, 2014)
    Paladin Pass: Update 23 (September 29th, 2014)
    Barbarian Pass: Update 24 (December 11th, 2014)
    Rogue Pass: Update 25 (April 6th, 2015)
    Ranger Pass (melee): Update 28 (September 17th, 2015)
    Ranger Pass (range): Update 28 Patch 1 (October 21st, 2015)
    Monk Pass: Update 33 (October 20th, 2016)
    Artificer Pass (Battle Engineer): Update 36 (July 12, 2017)
    Cleric Domains: Update 36 Patch 2 (September 27th, 2017)
    Favored Soul Feats: Update 36 Patch 2 (September 27th, 2017)
    Artificer Pass: Update 38 (April 11th, 2018)
    Druid Pass: Update 38 (April 11th, 2018)

    I'm not looking to include every update where anything related to that class changed. Just the class pass updates. That way you can easily tell if a build has been updated since its class pass(es).

    Also, would it be relevant to include the introduction of the Eldritch Knight and Divine Disciple trees, which happened after the original enhancement pass of Shadowfell?

  5. #105


    Barbarian changes:

    - Added class pass history.
    - Added Barbarian's best friend by painkiller3 to Guides and Info
    - Marked Most optimal gear loadout by Rogann as Obsolete (It's from 2015; should I just remove it?)

    Added Premium Builds:

    R10 Endgame Barb by Gilga1
    THF Melee, Barbarian 20, Dwarf
    10+ Racial AP, Unspecified stats and skills

    Adventures in Theorycrafting: Champions of Silvanus, Ravager by unbongwah
    THF Melee w/Mauls, 12/7/1 Barbarian/Cleric/Fighter, Purple Dragon Knight
    Purple Dragon Knight

    Aasimar Scourge barb by painkiller3
    TWF Melee, Barbarian 20, Aasimar Scourge
    Aasimar Scourge, LR+1 Heart, Various past lives

    I wanted to add 17 barb/3 druid BarBEARian but it's just a thought experiment. No build details are listed.

    EDIT: So, uh, yeah, over two hours to update barbarians. Revising my plan from this weekend to this week.

  6. #106


    Bard changes:

    - Added class pass history

    Added New Player Builds:

    Revisiting the Classics: the Axesinger for New Players by unbongwah
    THF Melee, 12/8 Bard/Fighter, Dwarf or Human, Str-based

    Added Premium Builds (Spellsinger):

    Wail of the Bard by Fivetigers33
    Insta-kills / Crowd Control / Melee, Bard 20, Purple Dragon Knight
    Purple Dragon Knight, Harper Agent, Multiple past lives recommeded

    Max DC Bard by Dielzen
    Crowd Control, Bard 20, Dragonborn
    Dragonborn, Optionally also racial AP and harper

    Builds I still might include but haven't decided. If anyone would like to advocate for or against any of these, please do.

    Dragonborn Spellsinger by Stratimics
    Crowd Control / Nuker, Bard 20, Dragonborn

    ABOSONG CC warchanter bard by Alled78
    THF Melee, 18/1/1 Bard/Fighter/Wizard, Purple Dragon Knight
    Purple Dragon Knight

    Balladeer Blackcloud Terror Bard by Thoden
    Crowd Control / Archer, Bard 20, Elf
    +3 Dex Tome

    My primary criteria when choosing builds:
    • People seem to like it
    • Not a duplicate of an already-listed build
    • Build is mostly finished (Not just a work-in-progress)
    • All build choices intentional (ie: Not "help me fix this old bank mule, I have an LR+5 heart, here's my thinking...)
    • All build choices relevant (ie: No tr templates, where the last 8 levels are the past life class and essentially ignored)
    • No exploits (eg: No 2-level bard splashes that use coup de grace, which apparently doesn't require 5 bard levels)

    I read the entire build thread for all builds that look promising. I even read non-build threads looking for builds, which is how I found the "Max DC Bard" above which looks pretty darn good to me. That's why it takes so long to update these lists. I started updating bards over 5 hours ago! (I ate and did some other things, but still, easily 2-3 solid hours of reading almost every thread in the bard forum dating back to January of 2016.)

  7. #107
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    You may or may not have taken a look at Arti yet, but I suggest Slarden's Reaper build should go under "Specialty Builds" (as well?) - as a Racial Reincarnation template.


  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    You may or may not have taken a look at Arti yet
    I'm going in order; cleric is next. But thanks much for the link.

    Specialty builds are things like disposable iconic event farmers.

  9. #109
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    You currently don't have any "reincarnation templates" - I would think that would be another "specialty" category, but, of course, your thread, your call as to whether you want to include/distinguish such.

    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I'm going in order...
    "Alphabetical" is an order. But so is dominant class - didn't know which you were following.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    "Alphabetical" is an order. But so is dominant class - didn't know which you were following.
    Post order, which IIRC I did in dominant class order so I could add new classes to the end and have it still be consistent and logical. The Table of Contents in the OP is alphabetical, though, because I didn't want to confuse new players who might not even know what TRing is, much less dominant class.

  11. #111
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    FYI, I finally got around to updating my halfling Acrobat builds, so that thread can come off the "obsolete" list.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  12. #112


    Cleric changes:

    - Added class pass history
    - Added categories for premium builds

    Added New Player Builds:

    Trapper Priest by unbongwah
    THF Melee, 15/5 Cleric/Rogue, Human
    (Further thoughts two posts later.)

    Added Premium Builds (Caster):

    Back to Necrocleric...thoughts? by ned_ellis
    DC Caster, Cleric 20, Aasimar

    Fire Angel- Fire Domain Cleric
    Nuker, 17/3 or 15/5 Cleric/Favored Soul, Human
    Third life, Favored Soul

    Added Premium Builds (Battle Clerics):

    Beloved spy of Vol, a vistani Harper cleric by Vish
    TWF Melee, 12/5/3 Cleric/Rogue/Monk, Human
    Third life, +1 Dex tome, Monk, Harper, Vistani

    Added Premium Builds (Healer):

    Cleric Tank Build by Sproutecus
    Healer Tank, 15/5 Cleric/Paladin, Human
    Third life, +5 Con tome for Epic Toughness, 1 Racial AP

    For the Divine Crusade! Healstorm Tank (1 Fighter/ 4 Paladin/ 15 Cleric) by savingsoul
    Healer Tank, 15/4/1 Cleric/Paladin/Fighter, Purple Dragon Knight
    Third Life, Purple Dragon Knight

    Added Premium Builds (Clonk):

    1-30 Reaper Clonklock by Tilomere
    Clonk Warlock (unarmed melee), 8/6/6 Cleric/Monk/Warlock, Human
    Monk, Warlock

    Wa Bam, a 14/6 radiant clonk by Vish
    Clonk (staff melee), 14/6 Cleric/Monk, Dragonborn
    Third life, Monk, Dragonborn

    Added Premium Builds (Archer):

    Endgame radiant AA cleric 13/4/3 Priest of the Silver Flame by Vish
    Archer, 13/4/3 Cleric/Ranger/Fighter, Human
    Third life, +3 Dex tome

    Clericarcher by Selvera
    Archer, Cleric 20, Elf
    Third life

    Added Other:

    Caster Cleric leveling gear by EllisDee37
    Cannith crafted gearsets

    Adventures in Theorycrafting: Messing with Domains by unbongwah
    Collection of various cleric builds

    The Path to Enlightenment by The_Great_Samulas
    Historical Reference

    Hoo boy clerics are taking a while. I dragged my feet all week on this, and now two hours in I'm only halfway through the first page of the Cleric forum. I'm going to go ahead and save my progress now and return to finish clerics hopefully tonight.

    EDIT 1: Did another chunk of clerics, almost through page 2.

    EDIT 2: Currently working on page 3.

    EDIT 3: Finished page 3, giving up for tonight.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Cleric Tank by Dielzen
    Healer Tank, 15/3/2 Cleric/Paladin/Fighter, Purple Dragon Knight
    Third life, +2 Str tome, Purple Dragon Knight
    The build split in the linked post is actually 13/5/2 Cleric/Paladin/Fighter. Frankly, 15/3/2 sounds better!

    More to the point, with all due respect to Dielzen, the 13/5/2 build should not be included in the listing (Dielzen himself makes a major dis on the build in the thread! No level 14 Protection/Luck Domain!). I suspect that the main reason that thread is getting a lot of traffic is because of Unbongwah's Aasimar Angel, which you already have included by proxy via his Adventures in Theorycrafting: Messing with Domains thread.
    Last edited by savingsoul; 05-07-2018 at 01:16 PM.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by savingsoul View Post
    The build split in the linked post is actually 13/5/2 Cleric/Paladin/Fighter. Frankly, 15/3/2 sounds better!

    More to the point, with all due respect to Dielzen, the 13/5/2 build should not be included in the listing (Dielzen himself makes a major dis on the build in the thread! No level 14 Protection/Luck Domain!). I suspect that the main reason that thread is getting a lot of traffic is because of Unbongwah's Aasimar Angel, which you already have included by proxy via his Adventures in Theorycrafting: Messing with Domains thread.
    Thanks much, I appreciate the help.

    I pulled that build out of the cleric post, and you're right, its inclusion was largely driven by all the traffic in that thread. I'm leaning toward including unbongwah's Aasimar Angel directly when I get back to updating the cleric builds. Hopefully I'll finish clerics tonight, but who knows.

    EDIT: By all means, if anyone sees any builds I should pull out, let me know.

  15. #115


    Cleric changes (Part 2):

    - Added New Deities (Update 33) to class pass history

    Added New Premium Builds (Clonk)

    ML Henshin Cleric (Harper) by unbongwah
    Clonk (staff melee), 13/6/1 Cleric/Monk/Rogue, Morninglord, Int-based w/trapping
    Third life, +4 Str tome, Harper, Morninglord

    Added New Other:

    Trapper Cleric by EllisDee37
    Crossbow, 14/6 Cleric/Rogue, Human, Int-based
    Second life, +5 Dex tome, Harper

    Legendary Tank by Vanhooger
    S&B, 15/4/1 Cleric/Paladin/Fighter, Purple Dragon Knight or Human
    Outdated build; Inspiration for Healer Tanks above

    I'm considering Clerics to be finished. I didn't bother going back further than the deity pass (October 2016), figuring anything that hadn't been updated since then is probably obsolete. Also, I had totally forgotten about the Trapper Cleric build I posted and just now added. If anyone thinks it's too outdated or sub-optimal, let me know and I'll pull it. I promise you won't offend me.

    I also added a game change history to the end of the OP:

    Here's a history of major game updates that greatly impact all builds. All of these should be considered "Mendoza lines," where any build that hasn't been updated since one of these updates needs to be viewed as potentially obsolete.

    Aug 19th, 2013: Enhancement Pass (Update 19: Shadowfell Conspiracy)
    Dec 17th, 2015: Level cap raised to 30 (Update 29)
    Feb 2nd, 2017: Reaper difficulty (Update 34)

  16. #116
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    Is this build guide considered out of date now or is it all still valid?

    I know it says which are outdated and all that but it doesn't look like this thread has been touched for about half a year.
    Last edited by aovannor; 01-05-2019 at 03:29 AM.

  17. #117
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    95% still current, and the other 5% are still perfectly solid, just not "the current best they can be" (and you can often see improvements once you look at the build).

    If you look at the individual posts on diff Classes, many did get updated recently.

    Which build(s) were you looking at?

  18. #118
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    Default Solos

    I looked at some builds and wondering the Builds are solid for Soloing 1-20 Elite/R1, not epics.

    Wanting to get Heroic and Racial Completionist, so I need One Solo capable build per classe. Could someone point me out the ones that can do the trick?

    Thanks in advance

  19. #119
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    Default TWF Eldritch Knight Build

    I'll admit, I'm probably being a little lazy but I have searched online and typed in a search here but have not come up with anything close to what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a 2 weapon fighting Eldritch Knight build. If some one has one or atleast knows of a good one and can lead me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Thank you!
    Last edited by GLITRKING; 01-27-2021 at 07:07 PM.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by GLITRKING View Post
    I'll admit, I'm probably being a little lazy but I have searched online and typed in a search here but have not come up with anything close to what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a 2 weapon fighting Eldritch Knight build. If some one has one or at least knows of a good one and can lead me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Thank you!
    I think if you use Strimtom's THF EK Feydark Illusionist, it should get you there.

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