I'm looking for a Mantle of Stria. I've run the Bloody Crypts at least 5 times already and I'm getting a little tired of running it. Does anyone have one?
I'm looking for a Mantle of Stria. I've run the Bloody Crypts at least 5 times already and I'm getting a little tired of running it. Does anyone have one?
I think I might have 1 floating around, just let me know who to mail it to and I will forward it.
I would have a sig, but Someone might be offended by it so I will just list characters.
Vicinity, Proximity, and far to many bank toons too list.
-Sorry to any bank toons that are offended by me not listing mine-
Ravensguard, Ghallanda
The character that needs it is Morrien. How much do you want for it?