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What I meant by that is it may encourage people to get packs early. By not acknowledging that drop rates were lowered, you avoid a discussion about whether or not that is fair. I don't think this would be the most ethical approach, but it would be better than making a statement which was untrue. Which as I've said, I don't think is being done intentionally here.
But there is the possibility that someone is mistaken about drop rates working as they believe them to be. I very much doubt either Severlin or Cordovan checked all the relevant code before giving us their assurances. What they told us is presumably how they believe things are, which isn't necessarily the same as how they are.
I'd actually like to see drop rates standardised and/or published because I think the chest reroll mechanic for AS is gambling which potentially uses real money without the house providing a fair disclosure of the odds. It's not like a lottery or casino where you can figure it out by yourself.
There was a period of time when named items had a very small drop rate in ToEE, and people got burned spending shards rerolling those chests. The same is true of the Jack Jibbers Blade, a very useful item which appears to have an unusually low drop rate. That's a nice little earner for the company.