Greeting programs!!!
I am totally confused by the game
A little background on me:
I started playing two years ago and was very fortunate to have Ellis take me under his wing. He taught me quests, buolds, gearing, etc. I spent a good 7 months building a multi life instakill pm and was in hog heaven
Then life happened and I had to leave off gaming for a VERY long while. Lol. So I am back now, I spent 3 days trying out my pm and it was painful. I read on the forums that DC casting is borked, but I wanted to try for myself. Yep, it sucked! I had a +20 heart lwft in my bank so I used to to switch to a warlock yesterday.
I just want to say that all the info on warlocks is very disjointed and works off the assumption that you fully understand the class, game, gear, quests and new mechanics. It's safe to say I don't understand those things. I have the plus that I still have a large supply of tradeables, Ottos and shards (I spent a lot of time on the AH). But my gear is so waked put and I am struggling to try to find out how to gear out my warlock in what to get easily to start so I can work up towards the epics.
With the LR the warlock is 26, which is horrid, I would preferred to just tr and start over, but my too was trd into a morning lord and grinding two levels before I could tr into a lvl one felt even more painful than this situation .
In short I need some advice and guidance in game if anyone doesn't mind. Please and thank you