comment removed - still checking data.
comment removed - still checking data.
Last edited by alancarp; 10-22-2015 at 10:39 PM.
So I am still at work for another 7 hours, and haven't uploaded the patch.
Any feedback on how my puer human lvl 28 hand wrap monk is going to play? and my bladeforge pure pally lvl 28 s&b is going to play? and my drow wiz lvl 28 is going to play?
any info would be good.
thanks guys
Improved Crit still stacks with Holy Sword. It just no longer doubles Holy Sword.
Worse. You will lose the melee power from the TWF feats, and Improved Crit: Bludgeon no longer gives you a 19-20x2 profile with unarmed. Neither do wraps with Impact. ALL unarmed monks are currently stuck with 20x2.
Worse. You lose a noticeable amount of MRR such that spells and energy traps will hurt more. Your shield bashes will do less dps because holy sword no longer applies to shields. On the plus side, a nice quality of life improvement is that you only need to cast Holy Sword once. It persists even if you switch weapons, automatically applying to whatever is equipped in your main hand. (No more multiple castings if you use more than one weapon.)and my bladeforge pure pally lvl 28 s&b is going to play?
Same as it ever was.and my drow wiz lvl 28 is going to play?
Thanks Man for your help.
So my monk is dust. I take it if IC doesn't work with my wraps, then overwhelming crit is also not going to work.
I now can only crit on a 20. Well that totally sucks balls. and no melee power.....
12, 15, 8, 13, 11, 9, 136. wow im definitely going to get smashed by mobs in the face now.
EllisDee covered the other two and gets a partial for the third. Here's the other part: If your Wizard spent Enhancements and augment slots on negating ASF for heavy (or heavier than robes really) armor you're going to lose a whole lot of PRR since the PRR contribution from armor is now based on your BAB*. (I wonder if Tenser's will boost the armor PRR while it is active?) And you'll lose all of the MRR from the armor, since it went away altogether.
* Although I know that logic isn't a necessary part of game design a friend pointed out to me today how silly it is to base the protective quality of armor on how well you can swing a sword.![]()
I have a 8 ranger/6 monk/6 rogue....
They wanted to ecourage ppl to go pure ranger, they didnt want 6 monk lvls to be a must for monkchers I guess. They could have just removed the dobleshot penalty after manyshot and leave it after 10k stars. Instead they have gimped what was already the gimpiest playstyle in ddo. I m sure that a lvl 6 xbow user w/o rapid reload outpreforms our archers lol. And i did several straight monkcher lives, was happy with new stalker stuff and was really having fun with my archer, had a lot of thinkgs to click, lots of cooldowns to monitor.... It was fun, but now its simply unplayable. I have other legend builds like a Pally, twf assassin, Barbarian, I dont mind the nerfs there, I understand some of it. But to gimp archers like this is insane.
Last edited by Geekhann; 10-23-2015 at 05:43 AM. Reason: typo
Heavy armor / Tower Shield Warlock Tank: BUILD CONCEPT DESTRUCTION. My heavy armor and almost all tower shields are now useless to this guy. The fighter splash is a waste as 90% of the reason for taking it just went away. It will be expensive to make this toon viable again with medium armor and a low ASF shield. Anyone of a spare lesser heart of wood +2?
Winter Wolf Druid: BROKEN. I've got a winter wolf druid with improved critical and testing on the training dummy was only getting critical hits on 19 or 20. As if he didn't have the improved critical feat at all.
Armored non-undead archmage Wizard: MUCH SQUISHIER. Granted 9 base attack bonus has something to do with it. But ouch. He lost over half his damage mitigation.
Pure Swashbuckler Throwing Bard: CONFUSING. In testing with throwing axe confirmed that critical on 15-20 even though description says 16-20. Blow by Blow sonic damage still doesn't work with throwing weapons.
ranger 11 / monk 6 / favored 3 Monkcher: JURY OUT. So many changes. The elemental/force damage may offset the loss of damage through manyshot and thousand stars. The DC arrows are better DC but still far short of useful in Epic Elite. ( Maybe if someone dedicated a AA build to DC maxing but that someone isn't me )
Disappointing, but considering handwraps are bugged, not too surprised animal forms are too.Not looking forward to getting my wolf druid to cap so I can ER->HTR again...
Pretty much anybody looking to max their PRR (esp. arcane casters) will need to keep a stack of Div Power clickies handy (or cast Tensers).Armored non-undead archmage Wizard: MUCH SQUISHIER. Granted 9 base attack bonus has something to do with it. But ouch. He lost over half his damage mitigation.
Sounds like display is bugged and Swashbuckler bugs with throwing weapons (like not getting +1 crit multiplier) still haven't been fixed.Pure Swashbuckler Throwing Bard: CONFUSING. In testing with throwing axe confirmed that critical on 15-20 even though description says 16-20. Blow by Blow sonic damage still doesn't work with throwing weapons.
It's too bad there's no bow with Bewildering on it; would be a great way of making Paralyzing more useful.ranger 11 / monk 6 / favored 3 Monkcher: JURY OUT. So many changes. The elemental/force damage may offset the loss of damage through manyshot and thousand stars. The DC arrows are better DC but still far short of useful in Epic Elite. ( Maybe if someone dedicated a AA build to DC maxing but that someone isn't me )
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
It seems like the balance pass basically just involved beginning to bring critical effects more into balance. This is not a bad thing, however we would probably profit as a community if we could begin to agree on what we want out of the game systems in terms of balance and playability.
My primary issue at this point is that min/max builds are always going to be a governing influence on the content that is produced and then balanced over time. It's too easy to design something that exploits the strengths of 2 or more classes and that winds up broken in all but the highest difficulty content as a result. What concerns me is that these builds then become a target for content development since the devs don't want them just flying through content without difficulty. That makes normal builds very tough to manage in high difficulty content. An example of this is the ongoing balancing between evasion and heavy armor builds, with content that would challenge either strategy effectively snuffing the other one.
I'm kind of at the point where I'd be happy if the devs balanced content around pure classes with difficulties aimed at what the pure classes were intended to see as easy, moderate and hard difficulty. I'd be ok if exploiter builds were able to fly though that content, with the price of playing an exploiter build being loss of enjoyment in the overall play experience. The alternative seems to be for content to continuously get harder and harder for basic builds with the power gamers then asking for even higher difficulty levels, with a concurrent drain on dev resources to accommodate those demands.
We've got power creep all over the place and the game is very unforgiving for new players coming in as it is. Wouldn't it make sense to cap the difficulties on what the pure classes can accomplish, with appropriate grouping required for some non-elite content, as opposed to watching the power creep get to the point that nobody but the completionists can really play the game at the top end?
I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the armor/tactics feats, but given that the lower feats are not prereqs for the higher I would think the more valid question is whether 2 feats are worth 21 prr, or 3 feats are worth 27 prr/mrr. There's a logical inconsistency in saying fighters don't have enough feats to get everything they need and then be willing to spend a feat to get 3 prr/mrr when you likely already have reasonable amounts of prr/mrr through feats/enhances/equipment.
Annikka (Sorc), Dannikka (F), Jannikka (Rgr)
Tamikka (Bard), Famikka (Rgr)
Bellynda (Cl), Mellynda (M)
Now I know I've said that I'm done posting here. However since you guys have updated the game I would like one final complete list of what you have done....
No comparisons, no doubletalk, Just a complete list of the everything in it's current state.
That way I can at least have the basis to reroll
The Bytcher~
not a single blunt weapon crit chance increase...or bows.
Community Member
I think I gave a more detailed answer here.
Here a short version: While there are certain WL builds and splashes, that can do tremendous damage in a quest, they are still off what current Barb, Pally, Bard and Ranger builds are capable of doing. And most exploiter wolfs and Shuriken expoiter builds. What you are telling us: You (and perhaps some of your group) were galled to see one of the ubers rocking content. I have seen such on quite some builds and players lately, e.g. Bards leading kill counts by a landslide. And I have been running with them on my WL. What you try to showcase to us is the fact that a geared out and maxed PL vet uber build can rock content. The only new information gained here is the fact that WLs can do this too.
There had been a time when the other caster classes were likely uber. Wizzies and Sorcs nuking everything into oblivion, like there would not have been a tomorrow. Nowadays it´s usually melees and some ranged builds doing this kind of stuff. Good to see at least one arcane class beeing able to keep up with meanwhile older EE stuff. Time to get a general caster pass.
Community Member
The Hatchery
Community Member
Community Member
The Hatchery
Testing on dummy with a wold druid. Criticals have improved but .....
Previously ....
Wolf form crits only on 19 and 20 regardless of improved critical feat.
Now .....
Wolf form crits on 18, 19, and 20 but not 17.
So it's +1 crit range from the feat for the wolf. Not +2.
I'm not on board with a lot of the changes, but I find the exploitation of this person's story by another poster unhappy with the changes really disturbing. This story was posted by the original poster once. It has now been plastered in at least two or three other threads by someone using it to apparently claim that the changes are so bad they are literally ruining someone's life. Personally, I wouldn't claim someone as a friend and use them and their personal life for my own purposes.
A little snark, no vitriol.
(with credit to HungarianRhapsody)
Graceana (currently a caster bard)
My alts are put out to pasture
The Casual Obsession
Community Member
As you wish, but 4 Feats for 30 prr/mrr is a garbage, and I do not think many people is willing to sacrifice more than two feats in its, I think it. Feats are very important. Other better solution is a feat like Toughness. That you can get always you want and you get 5/10/15 prr/mrr if you have light/medium/heavy armor. Then it can be a little useful.
Outside your personal tastes, you have to see the impact on the game. The long run this detracts diversity to the game, less melle dps, less tanks, more melle with evation (goodbye lv 20 capstons), and very more warlocks and mechanics.
Last edited by raeslys; 11-01-2015 at 10:28 AM.
I got pretty aggravated recently due to handwraps being gimped by the change combined with chronic lag making the game unplayable and I raged about quitting the game.
After talking with a fellow guildie, (a software developer herself), and seeing some other posters here who seem maintain pretty steady positive perspectives, regardless of their own game playing challenges..AND fellow guildies who LOVE their monk toons but didn't miss much of a beat when their wraps got nerfed.. ..I had a change of heart about quitting this game.
Still..the mere thought of the lag which has been an old persistent issue still aggravates me and I cringe at the thought of upcoming holidays where I have personally had more time to play, but haven't been able to due so to game stopping lag.
Yet in all fairness..I didn't want to deal with submitting bug reports everytime it happened and maybe some submitted details can help with the issue.
Some folks don't seem even really bothered by it..and maybe if I had more time to play..the subject might be a shoulder shrugger for me as well.
In the spirit of Occam's razor however..I do think and will say..if a customer pays for a product..seems like they should be able to use it.
Especially a video game during the holidays...but enough of that. What I will commit to on that topic is to try to do something productive with the frustration with deep breath and detailed bug report and see where that goes.
Hopefully at least some transparency about the lag root causes to start.
Ok ..that was a focus on LAG.
Now. Before and after balance change with my barbarian.
Very first barb toon for me. I was inspired by a video I saw a month or so ago of Eth doing CITW EH PDK with hammers and then a great post by Red Sonja on some logistics of how to approach a 2wf barb build.
It just looked really fun and I wanted to try a different melee toon to play thru martial epic tree lives but I also wanted survivability and was hoping fast healing, blood strength and consecration twist would get me that on my lil toon with not so many past lives yet...
Before the change I decided to test her with some Whelon quests on Epic Hard solo. I did 2 of the quests. Loved it. Very fun. Look ma no hireling! :-D
2WF-warhammers main hand drow with stunning and offhand thunderforged.
PDK Level 26
Ravager mainly for the blood strength and other treats.
After the change:
Same build same weapons and I finished the chain.
Maybe slight difference in dps and I hardly noticed the 1 sec cooldown on blood strength at all...especially with fast healing ticking as well.
The quests 'felt' a little more challenging especially with the crowned shadar kai but it probably should feel kinda challenging for Epic Hard solo....even after a few past lives.. (I only have 4 or 5 at this point on Ferbear.)
Overall for me on the barb pre and post change, I was able to complete some epic hard quests solo and that was very fun.
Eventually I hope to be able to do some epic elites just as smoothly on any class and contribute effectively and funly to any groups I run with.
Thankies for reading.
Apologies for previously unproductive angry rantz. (I totally blame the FerretBarbarian Raging RoaawerrFrenzy!) X-D
Last edited by FerretBabette; 11-04-2015 at 07:37 PM.
Gimme a cookie or the remote gets it