Devs I just want to throw a comment in here and say that I hope you don't retract any proposed changes unless you've shown to be wrong in your calculations or have been proven by players to have overlooked something.
Please do what's best for the game in the long term despite the short term negative feedback here. Also I hope you are getting feedback from other places as well because I think overall players are on board with these changes and a lot of the complaining I feel is coming from a very small but vocal minority of forum posters and I believe the vast majority of threats to quit/cancel subs are much more bark than bite. I hope you don't let that sway you from making the changes that are best for class balance in DDO.
Last edited by axel15810; 10-20-2015 at 02:42 PM.
My DDO youtube channel:
Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.
I wonder if these feats should be open to all classes.
Heavy Armor Training
Requires Fighter Level 2
You gain +3 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Combatant
Requires Fighter Level 6
You gain +6 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Master
Requires Fighter Level 10
You gain +9 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Champion
Requires Fighter Level 14
You gain +12 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Notes: All Heavy Armor feats stack for a total of +30. The lower level feats are not prerequisites for the higher level feats so a higher level fighter could save a feat if he/she wanted to skip Heavy Armor Training and forego the +3 and still have access to Heavy Armor Champion.
You need to use heavy armor to get the benefit from the feats. The level requirement could be level x in the class that have heavy armor mastery (paladin, cleric etc.).
One big benefit of fighters is the abundance of feats so they can easily take these feats. Clerics, paladins are more feat starved so they can't take some of these feats without sacrificing something other important.
Still, I think it should be POSSIBLE for other classes than fighter to put effort into PRR and MRR via feat usage.
Maybe the feats should have the lower tiers as prerequisite or having to take one of the lower 2 to unlock the upper 2. Otherwise most players would just pick the highest tier to get the best bonus for using just 1 feat.
Just jumped on Lammania and made a Ranger, following Arcane Archer Path, and talked to the Guide to get it to level 20. No AP spent on Enhancements.
Starter Bow, 100 arrow stack, cast jump and watched the timer as I held down the lmb for 1 minute.
After 1 minute, 64 shots fired.
I went to Fred and swapped out Exotic Weapon Prof: Khopesh (why is this in the Arcane Archer Path?) for Quick Draw, since the wiki says that it should be the equivalent to Rapid Reload for bows...
After 1 minute, 64 shots fired. No noticeable difference from having this feat.
Deleted the character, and made an Artificer (Crossbow path), again got to 20, only gear was the starter Heavy Repeater, and a conjured stack of bolts. No Enhancements. Used the timer on Resist Acid.
After 1 minute, 46 volleys - 138 bolts used.
Difference in Rate of Fire: 215.6%
I'm unsure if Ranged Alacrity will scale both weapons equally. The Shoot/Reload animation for bows seems to be about 50/50, while the animation on a repeater feels more like 33/66.
Also considering a Repeater's burst-y nature, and for example when shooting a breakable the first bolt kills the target and the other 2 silently have an "invalid target", Repeaters have a higher percentage of missiles that aren't "On-Target" and actually dealing damage than bows. (Yes, I realize that when launching 36 bolts at a critter to kill it, the last 2 not doing damage is a really low percentage.)
Anyway, I'm convinced now, even more so than before, that a 67% reduction in doubleshot is too much.
Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai
Severlin mentioned that fighters get so many feats that they many times are forced to take less than desirable choices. Typically those extra feat slots end up being taken up by Toughness by default, so I was trying to quantify how these feats measured up to that baseline choice. The best reference that I could find (which may be out of date), was Sirgog's thread here. Based upon that article, a Fighter with 70-140 PRR that takes Heavy Armor Master and Champion is slightly better off than taking Toughness, Whereas Heavy Armor Training and Combatant end up being weaker. That's about what I guessed, which means that my fighter that's about to lose 26 PRR can use 2 feats on Master and Champion, lose 44 HP, and end up with 5 less PRR. That's a dreadful solution, which only reinforces my question from earlier- Why are we looking to fix balance issues introduced by individual class passes by changing cross cutting concerns that affect all classes? You probably won't see the same volume of replies on the effects on fighters because, frankly, most people stopped playing them long ago. That doesn't mean that it's any less urgent. Take for example, the classic Kensei build of a TWF Khopesh build. That fighter will lose 7 MP, 26 PRR, and 1 off of his crit profile exclusive of destiny (4 if he is in DC). Folks that created their toons and stuck with them while everyone else TR'd into Swashbucklers, Paladins, etc as each class was boosted will now be nerfed further as you attempt to balance the class specific changes using changes to universal mechanics. A possible unscheduled, class specific fix in 2016 or 2017 is so far out as to be complete vaporware at this point. Is it possible to at least mitigate the PRR changes by making the fighter specific feats be autogranted at certain levels.Heavy Armor Training
Requires Fighter Level 2
You gain +3 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Combatant
Requires Fighter Level 6
You gain +6 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Master
Requires Fighter Level 10
You gain +9 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Heavy Armor Champion
Requires Fighter Level 14
You gain +12 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating while wearing heavy armor.
Last edited by Kieriyn; 10-20-2015 at 04:49 PM.
My first thought is that that would be ridiculous. But on second thought, better PRR/MRR might be an elegant way to balance out fighters and paladins. One mitigates through resistance, the other through better saves.
I'm not saying the feats as outlined should be autogranted; I don't even remember the specific numbers, much less have analyzed them. But assuming there are some magic numbers to balance fighter PRR/MRR with pally saves, I could see putting those magic numbers into the feats and then autogranting them to fighters and letting other classes take them by spending a feat. Sort of like monk forms, but without requiring 1 fighter level.
Maybe autogrant them at odd fighter levels above 6. Maybe make them offer a little per feat, but autogrant a bunch of them. Like +5 at levels 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. Or whatever. My thinking on starting at 7 is that you couldn't get both the autogranted fighter feats and holy sword.
One note for devs to consider: I've recently been brainstorming what my completionist's fighter life will be. All my completionist lives are pure builds. Despite being a pure fighter build, and before the introduction of these new fighter feats, I was already short of feat slots and having to make hard cuts. Basic concept is vanguard using bastard swords:
5 right off the bat for the focus/specialization line for slashing weapons
IC slashing of course, but I'd also like to add in bludgeon and thrown if possible (these are first 2 cuts)
improved trip, for sure (costs 2 feats)
stunning blow
pa / cleave / great cleave
precision and improved sunder, for sure. undead beware!
dragonmark of ddoor
shield mastery, improved mastery & bash
bastard sword
That's up to 22, 24 if I go with three ICs instead of just slashing. As a pure human fighter I get 19 during heroics. So I already need to trim 3 out of my wish list even after I toss out the extra Improved Crit styles, and before these new fighter feats.
Last edited by EllisDee37; 10-20-2015 at 06:02 PM.
i would like to notice that vanguards being described as a "tanks that have too much dps" is complete BS, i play a paladin tank that invested always heavly into defender tree (the tree devs reduced to batmans utility belt for all of splashes and/or prestiges, check it if oyu want most of kotc and vanguards have defender stance on, and those that dont were away for a while and dont know they can) most of points always went into defender who gets 1 ability for dps that does exactly nothing (yes reprisal im talking about you) rest of points always goes into vanguard to get at least some shield bash chance and maybe 1 attack to have some +w bonus. removeing shields out of holy sword hits vanguards? boo hoo defender gets hit even more as it lowers their dps even more, as for immortal vanguards, again devs fault, before new enchancements defender had REQUIREMENTS to take enchancements, those were removed to make it more splasher friendly in turn we have a tree that is bloated with defence and has no offensive abilities in it. to make is more funny no matter how much % of hate generation tanks will get they will always lose aggro if everyone in party does 100 times more damage than they do, to simplify it, if you do 1 damage and everyone does 10 then even 500% hate wont help you. tanks need dps too, and diffrences in dps between classes and weapons should not be measured in 100s of % but in 10s. same should be for defensibility.
so what could be done to stop this overpoweredness? first of all make all of the same enchancements doing same thing in diffrent trees NOT STACK, currently its possible just as paladin to take same enchancement from vanguard and from defender and thats just in class, more can be done when splashing in fighter?? ever wondered how those high prr/ac characters are created? look at those...
second thing is that defender prestiges in both fighter and paladin should be reworked, into something that can stand on its own and cant be exploited by other builds to use them as a source of extra survivability, if devs woudl want some ideas for that i have long list of ideas what could be done with them. there should be a visible diffrence between paladin with shield and fighter with shield and not just visual. and vanguard tree should be made into a tree available to all classes, warpriest cleric vanguard? sounds nice?
another thing maybe its time to scale dps and survivability down to the weakest not the strongest and then scaling down enemies to fit, as example when ac underwent its changes, and became todays high 200+ as tank values, a value of 1 ac went down to nothing, remember the time when the defender stance was made to block rage? remmeber why? becouse of 2 ac penalty....... what is 2 ac today? in same way 1 point of prr/mrr is nearly worthless.
as for warlock changes, i think one more change is due, to change chain blast into equivalent of multishot, with limit of how long it can be used and put it on cooldown between those times, as long as chain will be free for constant use warlocks will be overpowered.
"If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
— Groucho Marx
I just logged in and saw that the patch is going live on the 22nd, so further suggestions are most likely moot-at least for this pass. I seriously hope that some thought is put into this anyway, as it's extremely disheartening to be a fighter right now. I guess I'll wait for the patch, evaluate, and see if I finally give in and TR into a Paladin.
With the new patch coming, breaking all criticals and procs builds, Thunderforged stuff REALLY NEED A REWORK !!!!
Actually Thunderforged weapons are only good for 2 things...
- Casters spell power/lore/DC
- And Mortal Fear for fighters. Everything else is BAD...
The idea is to nerf Mortal Fear because it s just ridiculous and to up other interesting effects in TF weapons. (because many are just trash).
To have something balanced between all kind of weapons, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 effects don't have to proc on criticals. Because all weapons don't have the same natural critical range and attack speed !!!!
Of course changes are needed for our actual TF stuff, i m not saying that I have THE solution but TF weapons have to be REWORKED this is sure !!!
and yes, find a way to get all materials spent back...
Here is my suggestion, leave a comment if you like or dislike it and say why.
Thanks for your attention
Ghallanda : Abramax Emerald Archer - Heroic Completionist - Racial Completionist - Epic Completionist
Huge new feat options for fighters. Some of these new feats look promising. I won't, however, be purchasing a Lesser Heart of Wood just to make use of them.
I think we'd all really like to see Lesser Hearts in our inventories when we log back in... I don't think we should all have to buy them when so much is being changed.
I did a little more testing on another alt - I wanted to see how Many Shot would work for burst DPS on a melee centered character
Just getting ready to do a TR/ETR (lucky me)
1st life elf
12 ranger (34 ap in DWS - Teir 5 - 21 ap in tempest) / 8 bard (25 in warchanter) / epic 8
Back to Cabal for One - E Normal - Gardak Bruntsmash beat down.
Range Test
Pinion T1 - all spells and songs I can muster...
On Lamannia-
ManyShot - dropped health bar to below K - shot more arrows 54 sec kill
ManyShot - dropped health bar to below D - shot more arrows 45 sec kill
ManyShot - dropped health bar to below K - shot more arrows 46 sec kill
ManyShot - dropped health bar to below K - shot more arrows 52 sec kill
On Live
Same as above
ManyShot - kill at end ~20 sec
ManyShot - dropped health bar to below D - shot more arrows 52 sec kill
ManyShot - kill at end ~20 sec
ManyShot - dropped health bar to below D - shot more arrows 50 sec kill
Ouch - perfered Live...
So after this test, I wondered if Manyshot was more DPS than melee...
Did two tests with dual wielding Sacrificial Daggers - without any of the clickys from the DWS tree - just straight up attack - dropped him 2 times in under 20 sec...
Conclusion - Manyshot for burst damage will be much less DPS than normal melee...
Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile