You and maybe 2 others per server.....If anything is an overstatement it is what you just wrote.
I have 16 alts and only one would I consider EE capable. As in I can enter EE (at level) and contribute. At level he can solo some of the easiest EE content. But he is my completionist with the best gear I have (still missing a few of the little things that could improve him but still mostly top end). Even he doesn't sit in a group of EE mobs for more than a second without having to jump out and heal. Something as easy as Unquiet Graves with 4-5 drow hitting you like Mack trucks even with 100AC/120PRR/70MRR/Displaced/Ghostly you get hit and hit hard.
Displace/Ghostly only stops 45% of hits (presuming you have no appreciable dodge if you have major PRR)
200PRR only stops 50% of damage (and most people don't have 200 - most are around 100)
100 AC doesnt really do anything in EE - so lets call that a miss on a 1 so now we are at hit 40% of the time.
So when you are getting 40% of the time for 100/hit (after PRR) and getting swung at by 4-5 mobs at even on swing a second an 1000HP character is hopping out after 3-4 seconds to heal and maybe you killed one of them during that foray.
Yeah - no that ain't happening. Maybe in WW but not in EE anything.