Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
You're overstating the hitbox issues. This game is so easy that you should be jumping in the middle of EE mobs and swinging while rotating in a circle. You don't "need" to take out casters. You don't "need" to line up attacks. This is DDO 2015. Jump in the middle of those EE mobs and heal through the punishment. They can't kill you anyways. Heck, when I play on my crappy laptop, I jump in the middle of EE mobs WHILE graphically stuttering and still don't die. THAT is where this game has gone. THAT is what the devs are trying to fix.
You and maybe 2 others per server.....If anything is an overstatement it is what you just wrote.

I have 16 alts and only one would I consider EE capable. As in I can enter EE (at level) and contribute. At level he can solo some of the easiest EE content. But he is my completionist with the best gear I have (still missing a few of the little things that could improve him but still mostly top end). Even he doesn't sit in a group of EE mobs for more than a second without having to jump out and heal. Something as easy as Unquiet Graves with 4-5 drow hitting you like Mack trucks even with 100AC/120PRR/70MRR/Displaced/Ghostly you get hit and hit hard.

Displace/Ghostly only stops 45% of hits (presuming you have no appreciable dodge if you have major PRR)
200PRR only stops 50% of damage (and most people don't have 200 - most are around 100)
100 AC doesnt really do anything in EE - so lets call that a miss on a 1 so now we are at hit 40% of the time.

So when you are getting 40% of the time for 100/hit (after PRR) and getting swung at by 4-5 mobs at even on swing a second an 1000HP character is hopping out after 3-4 seconds to heal and maybe you killed one of them during that foray.

Yeah - no that ain't happening. Maybe in WW but not in EE anything.