So just came back to the game and in a bind. I made the shadowscale docent without really reading it needed Mithraal or adamantine Body. I would love to have the 3% double shot and 20 percent range speed, but i just dont have any room for one of those feats (mithral I assume because of evade). With everything listed below I just cant see myself giving any of them up. I love quicken for my bladeforge heal and everything else effects my dps. THE only thing I can think of doing is dropping crippling strike or opportunist for improved evasion and getting rid of epic reflex. BUT I love never getting hit by traps..and if I drop that and go improved evasion, when i roll a 1 i will take half damage.
I don't know what to do Btw my character is 18rog/2 arti mechanic build with Leg Dred ED
My feats:
Rapid shot
Rapid Reload
Improve Crit
Combat archery
Improved precise shot
Doubleshot epic
Epic reflex
Holy Strike Epic
Rogue feats
Slippery Mind
Crippling strike