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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default Radiant Servant way too expensive!

    Divine Disciple = 81 ap

    Radiant Servant = 85 ap!

    To put the above into perspective Warpriest is 64 ap!

    Now Divine Disciple is also too expensive but the real issue is that a good 40 points in Radiant Servant is required by ANY Pure Cleric and by a large number of Multiclassed builds too {those with only small splashes}!

    This makes Divine Disciple basically unplayable!

    It also hurts Warpriests even with their smaller tree as that tree is mainly defensive and most Warpriests will be multiclassed for offensive melee options!

    Oh and of course - Nothing in the top tier of Warpriest or Divine Disciple comes anywhere near to matching Radiant Aura!!!

    Now obviously I'm not suggesting any nerf to Radiant Aura OR the removal of said Enhancement - Either of which would make me very angry indeed!

    1) Remove the fluff {Divine Cleansing, Bliss, Purge Dark Magics, Divine Healing, Martyrdom} from Radiant Servant and replace some of it with actually useful abilities!
    2) Divine Health is Tier what now? This needs to be placed lower in the tree to make it worth taking!
    3) Reduce the ap cost of the tree as a whole to no more than 70! This goes for Divine Disciple and any other Class trees that currently cost more than that too!
    4) Move Radiant Aura to Core 4!
    5) Triple the benefits of Improved Turning so as to help make TU more viable in high end content
    6) Who uses Pacifism EVER? It's a pointless AP sink and a required Core! Get rid of it and move the current Core 4 {Imp Empower} to Core 2 so as to make room for Radiant Aura at Core 4!

    I'm sure others can come up with better ideas for Divine Disciple than I can - I honestly don't even bother with that tree as if I wanted to play a Shiradi Caster I'd be playing an Arcane
    It would be nice to be able to buff up my CCs and Instakills but Divine Disciple is too heavily biased towards supposed DPS Spells that aren't even worth memorizing!

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    P.S. Feats:

    Roll Improved Turning and Extra Turning into ONE Feat {Improved Turning is the better of the two names for this}!

    Clerics are badly feat starved and this would help immensely!

  3. #3
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree with You, I played a cleric in a static group and it was terrible, I hardly had any advancement as (nearly) every enhancement costs 2AP and couldn't spare points for other trees.
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanordog View Post
    Yes, I agree with You, I played a cleric in a static group and it was terrible, I hardly had any advancement as (nearly) every enhancement costs 2AP and couldn't spare points for other trees.
    Add to this that you really need to put the vast majority of your early ap into Radiant Servant anyway to get your turns up to spec, your Radiant Burst and of course Radiant Aura as early as possible!

    Then you really need the PRR out of Warpriest!

    So Divine Disciple becomes a complete trap!

    P.S. Where is the Offense in the Cleric Trees anyway? Is there any?
    Divine Disciple gives SLAs {which are worthless} and SPwr {which is nice} but that's not real offense!
    Warpriest is a defensive tree! {The Smite is a waste of time!}.
    Radiant Servant has the Turn boosts but apart from that absolutely nothing!

    Where things have gone wrong with Clerics is that all the actual stuff that makes a Cleric a Cleric is in one Prestige {Radiant Servant} whereas it should be available to all Clerics!
    Radiant Servant should probably be the cheapest of the three trees rather than the most expensive!
    Warpriest needs some more offense {Make the smite actually viable! Add a Cleave ability! Triple the benefits of Righteous Weapons!}
    Divine Disciple needs at least double it's current DC boosts AND way before Tier 4/5 {Too much focus on Light/Alignment spells which are notoriously bad!}. Oh and SLAs that are actually useful {Nimbus of Light? REALLY?}.

  5. #5
    Community Member MonadRebelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    P.S. Feats:

    Roll Improved Turning and Extra Turning into ONE Feat {Improved Turning is the better of the two names for this}!

    Clerics are badly feat starved and this would help immensely!
    I wouldn't say this would help immensely. I tend to doubt it would do much at all. It's pretty easy to get more turns on a cleric than you'll ever use, and +1 to your turning does almost nothing for you. So rolling those feats into one feat just means there is one feat that won't get much play rather than two. In order to make more turns attractive turns need to be made more useful, and +1 doesn't do that. Making turning viable in EE quests would do a lot more for cleric turning than crunching those feats into one.

  6. #6
    Community Member MonadRebelion's Avatar
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    The central issue with the radiant servant tree is that there isn't really a place for what its about in the game anymore. The radiant servant tree is about healing and removing debuffs. That is the central theme. However, the game is designed now so that everyone can pretty easily heal themselves and get rid of almost every debuff. The result is that there really isn't much reason to go into the tree. If heal has gone the way of the dodo, and that's just how it's going to be, they should change the tree from a healer tree to a doing cool things with turns tree, make turns viable in EE, and make turns do interesting new things.

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MonadRebelion View Post
    I wouldn't say this would help immensely. I tend to doubt it would do much at all. It's pretty easy to get more turns on a cleric than you'll ever use, and +1 to your turning does almost nothing for you. So rolling those feats into one feat just means there is one feat that won't get much play rather than two. In order to make more turns attractive turns need to be made more useful, and +1 doesn't do that. Making turning viable in EE quests would do a lot more for cleric turning than crunching those feats into one.
    Crunching those feats into one is a start!

    I also suggested that the Imp Turning Enhancement be upgraded to give +3 per tier rather than +1 per tier {I wouldn't be disinclined to see the Feat made a Pre-req for this Enhancement either.}.

    People will tell you that TU is "viable" in EEs - It just requires insane Builds {Maxed Cha}, Gear {+6 or higher Tomes!} and Multiple Cleric Past Lives!
    Unfortunately viability is subjective and I don't really consider that high a requirement should be necessary simply for "viable"! Viable does not = Works every single time!

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    I know full well how to build a Turn Specced Cleric - The problem with doing that is that once past lvl 16 that Cleric is an UTTER GIMP! Because it's a Charisma Build meaning no Wis for DCs and no Str for Melee {Maybe I should try PDK?}.
    And even before lvl 16 it needs help in any quest that's not full on Undead!
    No. Just no. You can Turn for example orange named skelly in Reclaiming Memories on elite, and you don't have to be charisma build.
    Doesn't matter either way, fvs or cleric is one of the strongest heroics classes, cleric even more so - BB at 11, Destruction at 13, Implo at 17. Plus DP, Slay Living and Undead to death. You have 35 - 40 DC in your primary school in GH these days - and no fail DCs until the heroic cap basically. BB aoe ticks for 300 - 1000.
    I have made some ( not so good quality ) vids of heroic fvs if you are maybe interested - it's basically the same thing as cleric here.
    There's no stronger heroic zerger except savant and new warlock, imho. But we all like playing different classes of course. Some people seem to really loathe cleric hehe.

    Turning is irrelevant sadly, and the whole RS tree is garbage - stuck in 2012.
    There are only two good things in RS - aura and Sovereignity. And it's usually totally not worth it to spend 30 points for aura - which is nice but more a luxury than practical ability. I never take the aura on caster.

    Cleric past life - 1 to Conjuration is pretty good. Either for Web for arcanes or 50 - 55 DC Cometfall which is THE BEST spell to deal with EE drow at level with a party.
    Your list of "must have" feats on caster cleric is just ...wrong.
    Last edited by Wipey; 07-01-2015 at 06:35 AM.

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wipey View Post
    No. Just no. You can Turn for example orange named skelly in Reclaiming Memories on elite, and you don't have to be charisma build.
    Doesn't matter either way, fvs or cleric is one of the strongest heroics classes, cleric even more so - BB at 11, Destruction at 13, Implo at 17. Plus DP, Slay Living and Undead to death. You have 35 - 40 DC in your primary school in GH these days - and no fail DCs until the heroic cap basically. BB aoe ticks for 300 - 1000.
    I have made some ( not so good quality ) vids of heroic fvs if you are maybe interested - it's basically the same thing as cleric here.
    There's no stronger heroic zerger except savant and new warlock, imho. But we all like playing different classes of course. Some people seem to really loathe cleric hehe.
    1) That Orange named Giant Skelly in IQ2 is DEATHWARDED! Turn doesn't work on him at all!

    2) BB for 1000 per tick? I doubt I get 100!
    Heck most of the time it does nothing - Just Evade, Evade, Evade!

    3) Destruction is nice, So is Implosion but oh no...Those are two different spell foci! No way can Clerics afford to spend FOUR Feats in Spell Foci!

    4) I'm no Zerger, Never have been and Never will be. But running through the quest dropping BBs behind you maybe faster than a Cleaving Barb/Pally or a Kiting Arti/Ranger but Stronger? No!
    Fast does not = Strong!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wipey View Post
    There are only two good things in RS - aura and Sovereignity. And it's usually totally not worth it to spend 30 points for aura - which is nice but more a luxury than practical ability. I never take the aura on caster.
    I wouldn't ever spend points on Sovereignty if there was anything else I could take to get to Aura - I rarely ever even need to use the Feat {Yes I usually go Sov Host} - It's an Oh Sugar button that is frankly unnecessary!

    Aura however I consider to be a Must!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wipey View Post
    Cleric past life - 1 to Conjuration is pretty good. Either for Web for arcanes or 50 - 55 DC Cometfall which is THE BEST spell to deal with EE drow at level with a party.
    Cometfall? ONE SPELL! {Heck add Deific Vengeance in there too!}.

    A Spell that for some reason is not on the Divine Disciple SLA list and therefore costs an absolute fortune to cast!

    A Cleric Past Life should actually benefit Clerics {and other Divines} more than it benefits Wizards and Sorcs! {The Turn Boosts are nice yes but until TU is actually truly viable in ALL content that's not really enough!}.

  10. #10
    Community Member MonadRebelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wipey View Post
    Cometfall which is THE BEST spell to deal with EE drow at level with a party.
    I prefer Order's Wrath

  11. #11
    Community Member MonadRebelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    People will tell you that TU is "viable" in EEs - It just requires insane Builds {Maxed Cha}, Gear {+6 or higher Tomes!} and Multiple Cleric Past Lives!
    Unfortunately viability is subjective and I don't really consider that high a requirement should be necessary simply for "viable"! Viable does not = Works every single time!
    Anyone who says turning is viable in EEs is either just posturing or showing that are aren't competent judges. By totally maxing you abilities you and gear you can turn a maximum of two ghostly kobolds at a time in 3BC. Anything higher level than that and you're S.O.L. Casting undeath to death and implosion in EE is way more effective at killing undead than turning. Undead are actually quite weak against implosion. Evocation DCs in the mid 60s will clear mobs of undead in EE orchard.

  12. #12
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MonadRebelion View Post
    Anyone who says turning is viable in EEs is either just posturing or showing that are aren't competent judges. By totally maxing you abilities you and gear you can turn a maximum of two ghostly kobolds at a time in 3BC. Anything higher level than that and you're S.O.L. Casting undeath to death and implosion in EE is way more effective at killing undead than turning. Undead are actually quite weak against implosion. Evocation DCs in the mid 60s will clear mobs of undead in EE orchard.
    Um...One question - I can't find my Implosion DC? It doesn't show up on the mouse over!

    How do I work that out?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Oh and of course - Nothing in the top tier of Warpriest or Divine Disciple comes anywhere near to matching Radiant Aura!!!
    My clerics took radiant aura once. Figured I couldn't keep healing the group with it. All other 3 cleric lives (in separate characters) did not take radiant aura and instead healed the group with the much more reliable radiant burst and of course with heal scrolls and the rare heal in case of too much damage.
    I couldn't even get burst charges to run out before I shrined. 25+ of them and regenerating is just too many. Only occasions would be when I was also spamming turn undead to destroy any undead in the dungeon.

    32 or 34 points in radiant servant. 46 or 48 points in Divine Disciple. Solo healed EE Caught in the Web.

    Now, of course if you go warpriest, radiant aura may be useful, because you generally stay close to the monsters and the gorup so you want passive healing. But Divine Disciples can just run up to the group, activate a burst and run away to start casting their SLAs again.

    Another reason you may want to go tier 5 in radiant servant is if you want your cures to have no max level. This comes in very handy if you want to heal fast and cheap. A cure light wounds with no max level will heal at least 150 HP. Then count the critical chance and healing amp and you will be able to heal half the HP bar of the target.
    Last edited by Faltout; 06-29-2015 at 08:49 AM.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  14. #14
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    My clerics took radiant aura once. Figured I couldn't keep healing the group with it. All other 3 cleric lives (in separate characters) did not take radiant aura and instead healed the group with the much more reliable radiant burst and of course with heal scrolls and the rare heal in case of too much damage.
    I couldn't even get burst charges to run out before I shrined. 25+ of them and regenerating is just too many. Only occasions would be when I was also spamming turn undead to destroy any undead in the dungeon.

    32 or 34 points in radiant servant. 46 or 48 points in Divine Disciple. Solo healed EE Caught in the Web.

    Now, of course if you go warpriest, radiant aura may be useful, because you generally stay close to the monsters and the gorup so you want passive healing. But Divine Disciples can just run up to the group, activate a burst and run away to start casting their SLAs again.
    1) Radiant Burst is buggy and tends to go off early {before you're actually in place} if you're running up to group to cast it.
    2) Good luck doing that in a moving group on the run - With Aura you know that either they'll drop back to run alongside you for a few secs or you'll catch them when they hit the next group of mobs AND you can always throw you know...A HEAL if someone gets really low.
    3) That's still 32-34 pts in a secondary tree which leaves precious little for elsewhere {Warpriest or Racial} and also hurts your main tree {Disciple}!
    4) If you're gonna spend that many points in Radiant anyway I really can't understand why you wouldn't take Aura as just the constant self-healing is by far the largest benefit of any single enhancement in ANY tree {never mind Clerics!}.

    Aura is very powerful but rather than removing it from the equation {game} or nerfing it I'd prefer to see it put back where it belongs - RS Core 4!
    This puts it where it was pre enhancement trees and allows Disciples and Warpriests to take it while still mainlining their own trees!

    Yes - The benefits are clearly skewed more towards Warpriests than Disciples but you simply can't tell me that a Flame Strike {lol} or Mass Inflict Mod Wounds {Rofl} SLA or +1 Evoc or Necro DC comes even close to the benefit of Radiant Aura!
    If that DC Boost was +3 Evoc or Necro or +1 to ALL Spheres then maybe but as is not a chance!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    1) Radiant Burst is buggy and tends to go off early {before you're actually in place} if you're running up to group to cast it.
    Of course, of course. And also it takes 100 astral shards from your account every time you use it...
    2) Good luck doing that in a moving group on the run - With Aura you know that either they'll drop back to run alongside you for a few secs or you'll catch them when they hit the next group of mobs AND you can always throw you know...A HEAL if someone gets really low.
    If the group is on the run they:
    1) Don't need my healing. They are zerging either to victory or to their death. Nothing I do will matter.
    2) Are in between fights. I will catch up with them in the next fight and throw the burst to heal the initial damage 10 monsters did before they died.

    Also heals cost sp and need targeting. I just want to throw a mass heal/restore in the general area around me. THEN I worry about who I missed and if he is within line of sight.

    You say that whoever needs a heal will drop back to run alongside me. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Please tell me you do not seriously believe that. I do not expect anything of that sort from the group. I will tailor my heals to the group's needs. Not the other way around.

    3) That's still 32-34 pts in a secondary tree which leaves precious little for elsewhere {Warpriest or Racial} and also hurts your main tree {Disciple}!
    44 points are plenty to take all the goodies from divine disciple. I hope you don't believe that for a tree to be your main you need to take it all, right? In any build I've played I've never spent more than 50 points in a single tree. Because there are some key abilities tied to my build and the rest is irrelevant.

    If you're gonna spend that many points in Radiant anyway I really can't understand why you wouldn't take Aura as just the constant self-healing is by far the largest benefit of any single enhancement in ANY tree {never mind Clerics!}.
    Because I take tier 5s from disciple. Flame Strike and spell power. I haven't yet taken any DCs as I haven't played a DC cleric, but +1 DC is very precious. Ask anyone that plays a DC build. They even waste 2 epic feats on 1 DC.

    Yes - The benefits are clearly skewed more towards Warpriests than Disciples but you simply can't tell me that a Flame Strike {lol} or Mass Inflict Mod Wounds {Rofl} SLA or +1 Evoc or Necro DC comes even close to the benefit of Radiant Aura!
    Ok, let's talk about the "benefit" of Radiant Aura. What exactly is it? You heal yourself mainly without the need to think about it. In what builds would that be desired? In warpriests that fight enemies instead of thinking about healing, Disciples that focus on non-stop casting of SLAs without thinking about healing. Melee multiclass builds that focus on fighting instead of healing.

    Ok, here's what I play: I play a radiant servant that follows the group in close distance and stops at safe distance from fights. You won't see me near the party because I avoid AOEs and aggro (monsters love to aggro clerics). So, healing aura will NEVER heal anyone else. Burst however will heal on demand everyone around me. The most important thing is the "on demand" part. I keep an eye on HP bars and stop casting SLAs to heal. So, when I want to heal I need much more healing than one tick of the aura can provide. I probably need burst + quickened heals.

    And now about healers that use Aura: I recently run VoD 18-21 on my pally. There were 2 clerics in the group both using auras. I was always on Suulomades and I'd be damned if I got even one tick from those auras while fighting. I never got a heal either. All my healing was from LoH. Seems like the clerics were away from the group using auras on the casters (lol) and throwing DP stacks at him.
    Then we did Hound and the cleric let the pally that was tanking die right at the start. I wasn't near the center at the time, but I bet he had healing aura on and standing at a safe distance from Xyzzy.

    TL;DR: Healing Aura: Useless on HEALERS, Priceless on FIGHTERS (by fighters I mean people that are inside the battle)
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  16. #16
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Right off the bat I'm going to have to disagree with your assessment of the Divine Trees.

    First the "requirement" of Positive Energy Aura for a cleric/splash build is really dependent on the build as well as the play style. If used while in close combat with other melee it is more a DR ability then a healing one. Use of this type is more common in Zerg or even fast passed groups as they are not standing around to be healed, so unless you are running in the pack these types of groups receive no benefit from the Cleric Aura.

    Builds that benefit from ticks such as Cleric builds using Primal Spirits benefit as the Aura provides the DR as well as a source of ticks for spirits which is valuable while in Tree form as an example.

    So speaking as one that runs in groups from Flower to "Don't blink" I can say that not having Radiant Aura has not effected my ability to keep pugs/guild/channel groups up and moving forward
    all the abilities that you mention as fluff play to different play styles, Divine Cleansing, Purge Dark Magics and Divine Healing all work well with builds that have low SP available for healing purposes but find that they have Turns to Spare - Not every quest has undead in it.

    Divine Health at Tier 4 is in the right tier - Tier 4. This requires level 4, lowering this to far would put it competing with the Paladin Level 3 access to Divine Health.

    On the reduction of the cost - Here I can agree that every tree should have the similar "cost" in available points. Where I disagree is that All Trees should be shooting for 80 points. This gives a person the option to spend all of there AP and get the whole tree and only that tree, or go with 41 points and get about 50% of the tree and points to spend else where. The idea is flexibility and not tying a person to specific builds to be viable.

    Now moving the Radiant Aura to Core 4 would be a big change. Currently a player must be level 12 (only 5 of those levels needs to be cleric) and have spent 30 points in the Tree. With this change, the player will not only need to be level 12, but need 12 Cleric levels but only spent 20 AP in the tree. There will be a lot of Ents screaming if this change occurred, let alone any build that uses only 5 levels of Cleric for the Radiant Aura - This will kill a build choice. Personally I would have preferred Burst and Aura reversed as I see Burst as truly the stronger of the two abilities as it also has a restore like feature and has a larger burst healing potential then the Aura.

    I actually disagree with the Tripling of the Improved Turning to make Turn Undead more viable. The Problem is Undead CR translation to HD. Turns are based on HD and the way Undead are currently handled with their CR, the HD are knocked out of proportion with what they should be. Turbine needs to fix this so that Turn Undead outside of Radiant will still be a viable way for a cleric to at least stun/fear undead.

    Pacifism - The only use I have found is if I'm in a situation where the only contribution I should make is party healing and spell points are tight so needing to use non-meta healing. I agree this does not occur often, let alone most geared clerics can already make a cure serious wounds heal for a large amount for a low XP cost thanks to gear as well as healing amplification.


    I personally run a War Priest that uses the capstone as well as 4 of the 5 Tier 5s

    Divine Vessel with capstone is 20 conduit for 20d4 Fire and 20d4 Light damage (Spell power applies) While it does not sound like a lot of damage to some, it does tend to add up especially on boss fights or large groups. I do tend to turn this off if I happen to be running with a Bard that uses songs (Respect to the CC)

    Wrathful Weapons - I actually use the Heavy Mace of the Faith line (Mostly for D&D Clerics of early editions only using bludgeon style weapons so flavor) but combine that with the racial I have a +8 to using Heavy Maces (+4 if I use a Morningstar or Hammer). Since I don't have room for PA with my feat choices, this +8 is my replacement with the advantage that I don't take -5 To Hit.

    Magic Backlash - I only take two tiers but even 20% (or 1 in 5) times being cast upon knocking that caster on its bum helps to reduce its effectiveness against me or the party. This could mean one less AoE cast or even one less heal attempt leaving it open to be killed.

    Divine Intervention - I find this helps me in two ways. One it is a good tool in preventing my untimely death to a single failed save or bad choice while melee. It is also a great way to help another party member survive in a situation that is rather hairy. It still has a few other places where it is helpful, but I do mainly use it to prevent my own death, and it has saved me on a number of occasions.

    I only take enough in Radiant Servant to get blast and Turn Undead destroy ability. The rest is spent in the Morninglord Tree or War Priest and I'm pretty happy with my abilities which allow me to be in the middle of Melee or single handedly heal a raid group of 12.

  17. #17


    I agree with Fran that the cleric trees are too expensive, but disagree on just about everything else. ("Just about"; pacifism is indeed useless, and I would be glad to see aura return to its rightful ML12 core position.)

    Divine Disciple is good for caster clerics, and 40 AP in radiant servant is of course not required for pure clerics. It sounds like you may be a big fan of turn-based clerics? That's not all clerics. My necro cleric spends 42 in DD and 33 in RS, and he has both aura and pretty good turning ability.

    The spells you get from DD cores are great.

  18. #18
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Totally agree. RS is way too expensive. Condense turn undead, and make the prerequisite, 3 tier 2 pointers cheaper. Divine disciple also should be a bit cheaper.

  19. #19
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    agree with RS and DD being way to expensive. a quick adjustment pass would be appreciated to bring these tree into line.

  20. #20
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Right off the bat I'm going to have to disagree with your assessment of the Divine Trees.

    First the "requirement" of Positive Energy Aura for a cleric/splash build is really dependent on the build as well as the play style. If used while in close combat with other melee it is more a DR ability then a healing one. Use of this type is more common in Zerg or even fast passed groups as they are not standing around to be healed, so unless you are running in the pack these types of groups receive no benefit from the Cleric Aura.
    Actually I've found it to be the other way round.

    When a group is on the move a burst will at most get one or two + yourself...and that's when it goes off properly rather than behind you because you were running when hitting it!
    Aura meanwhile means that you know full well that everyone in the party knows they can drop back if they need that tick...and yes you can throw a heal if someone's really low!

    Aura also works far better in groups that do stick together with the Burst as an oh heck button on top.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Builds that benefit from ticks such as Cleric builds using Primal Spirits benefit as the Aura provides the DR as well as a source of ticks for spirits which is valuable while in Tree form as an example.

    What Cleric build is going to be in a Primal Destiny when maxed out? By Cleric I don't mean 10+ levels of something else!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    So speaking as one that runs in groups from Flower to "Don't blink" I can say that not having Radiant Aura has not effected my ability to keep pugs/guild/channel groups up and moving forward
    Player skill does come into the equation and the best players can handle this game even when playing a clearly gimped build as as has been shown many many times on these forums!

    If permanently playing in a static group and that group is synergising then it doesn't matter how you build your Cleric {or indeed any Character} because the group knows what you're capable of and what you're not capable of and will work around you.
    Most of us don't have the benefits of a group like this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    all the abilities that you mention as fluff play to different play styles, Divine Cleansing, Purge Dark Magics and Divine Healing all work well with builds that have low SP available for healing purposes but find that they have Turns to Spare - Not every quest has undead in it.
    Oh come off it!

    Divine Cleansing is utter fluff and completely unnecessary!
    Purge Dark Magics is a waste of AP with the Dispel Magic CRs being so completely out of whack!
    Divine Healing is a Joke!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Divine Health at Tier 4 is in the right tier - Tier 4. This requires level 4, lowering this to far would put it competing with the Paladin Level 3 access to Divine Health.
    No it wouldn't!

    Paladin Divine Health is a FREE FEAT!

    Clerics must spend points to get it...Points that are far better spent elsewhere! - It's not worth a Tier 4 slot because by that time you have more than enough ability to remove these debuffs through other means on a Cleric anyway!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    On the reduction of the cost - Here I can agree that every tree should have the similar "cost" in available points. Where I disagree is that All Trees should be shooting for 80 points. This gives a person the option to spend all of there AP and get the whole tree and only that tree, or go with 41 points and get about 50% of the tree and points to spend else where. The idea is flexibility and not tying a person to specific builds to be viable.
    Where did I say that every tree needs to have 80 points to spend in it?

    I've actually stated the complete opposite of this on numerous occasions {not just in this thread!} and feel that NO Tree should have a total cost higher than 60! {I'll accept 70 if the Devs don't want to drop the costs that low}.

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Now moving the Radiant Aura to Core 4 would be a big change. Currently a player must be level 12 (only 5 of those levels needs to be cleric) and have spent 30 points in the Tree. With this change, the player will not only need to be level 12, but need 12 Cleric levels but only spent 20 AP in the tree. There will be a lot of Ents screaming if this change occurred, let alone any build that uses only 5 levels of Cleric for the Radiant Aura - This will kill a build choice. Personally I would have preferred Burst and Aura reversed as I see Burst as truly the stronger of the two abilities as it also has a restore like feature and has a larger burst healing potential then the Aura.
    No. No. No.!

    Why the heck should a 15th Lvl Druid with 5 Cleric levels get the biggest benefit of a Lvl 12 Pure Cleric?

    Heck most Clerics can't afford Aura till Lvl 14-15 anyway unless they completely gimp their builds at low levels just to get it!

    Radiant Aura used to require Lvl 12 in Cleric {yes there was only one Prestige at that time}. I feel it should be put back to only requiring Lvl 12 in Cleric! {And the 3 earlier Radiant Cores} so as to make it available to Warpriests, Disciples and Cleric Multiclasses without hurting their main Tree!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    I actually disagree with the Tripling of the Improved Turning to make Turn Undead more viable. The Problem is Undead CR translation to HD. Turns are based on HD and the way Undead are currently handled with their CR, the HD are knocked out of proportion with what they should be. Turbine needs to fix this so that Turn Undead outside of Radiant will still be a viable way for a cleric to at least stun/fear undead.
    Yes Turbine needs to fix TU to be viable in EE Content - Heck it falls off rapidly after about Lvl 8 unless you're a max Cha build!

    However: Which is easier for Turbine to do...Make Improved Turning Enhancement worth 3 per AP spent and merge Imp. & Extra Turning Feats into one Feat OR An entire rebuild of the game to make TU viable with what we have?

    Also: I don't believe a further 6 points in Imp Turning will be OP and may not be even noticeable in EEs except on absolutely maxed out Turn Builds which being Cha based will be weak as Casters or Melee

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Pacifism - The only use I have found is if I'm in a situation where the only contribution I should make is party healing and spell points are tight so needing to use non-meta healing. I agree this does not occur often, let alone most geared clerics can already make a cure serious wounds heal for a large amount for a low XP cost thanks to gear as well as healing amplification.
    This ability was clearly added in for Flavour Builds - I hate to remove Flavour but it hurts everyone else so maybe move it to Tier 1 so the Flavour builds can CHOOSE to take it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    I personally run a War Priest that uses the capstone as well as 4 of the 5 Tier 5s

    Divine Vessel with capstone is 20 conduit for 20d4 Fire and 20d4 Light damage (Spell power applies) While it does not sound like a lot of damage to some, it does tend to add up especially on boss fights or large groups. I do tend to turn this off if I happen to be running with a Bard that uses songs (Respect to the CC)

    Wrathful Weapons - I actually use the Heavy Mace of the Faith line (Mostly for D&D Clerics of early editions only using bludgeon style weapons so flavor) but combine that with the racial I have a +8 to using Heavy Maces (+4 if I use a Morningstar or Hammer). Since I don't have room for PA with my feat choices, this +8 is my replacement with the advantage that I don't take -5 To Hit.

    Magic Backlash - I only take two tiers but even 20% (or 1 in 5) times being cast upon knocking that caster on its bum helps to reduce its effectiveness against me or the party. This could mean one less AoE cast or even one less heal attempt leaving it open to be killed.

    Divine Intervention - I find this helps me in two ways. One it is a good tool in preventing my untimely death to a single failed save or bad choice while melee. It is also a great way to help another party member survive in a situation that is rather hairy. It still has a few other places where it is helpful, but I do mainly use it to prevent my own death, and it has saved me on a number of occasions.

    I only take enough in Radiant Servant to get blast and Turn Undead destroy ability. The rest is spent in the Morninglord Tree or War Priest and I'm pretty happy with my abilities which allow me to be in the middle of Melee or single handedly heal a raid group of 12.
    I've got nothing against the Tier 5 Divine Disciple or Warpriest Enhancements except that they lock me out from taking Radiant Aura!

    If I could get to within 1 point of max DC then +1 DC would obviously be a no-brainer but without being a Completionist with 3 Wizard and 3 Cleric Past Lives this is an Impossibility!

    Wrathful Weapons is really nice but comparing it to Radiant Aura is pointless as the Aura will win every time!

    Divine Intervention - This is a buffed up Death Pact and has the exact same issues!
    Biggest among them being the inability to move away before getting back up and therefore the inevitably of dying immediately upon recovery!
    However: Make Death Pact work like DI and I'd definitely take it as one of my Lvl 8 Spells!

    Oh and those SLAs:
    Inflict Mod Wounds Mass should be Critical Wounds!
    Flame Strike should be Cometfall! {At least until the Devs fix Flame Strike's ridiculously long casting time which means the mobs are never in range when it actually goes off!}
    Even then it would still be inferior to Radiant Aura but at least it wouldn't be so blatantly awful!

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