Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
Why dumbfounded? Various flavors of this attitude have been around forever; the classes, races, and builds change, but the "y u hatz meh?!?!?!?" is everywhere, pretty much on every game ever.

Some of it is loosely true-ish: DM/dev has a vision for a class that is dramatically different than the player's vision, friction ensues, and people get passionate (rather a few of my posts back in the Rogue Wars were infraction worthy, for instance). It isn't hate, though, it's just a different vision. Unless it differs from mine, on my fave class, in which case it's hate.
Yep people always think they're persecuted or being actively hated on or neglected in every game...

It's just easier to say "y u hatz meh!?!?" than it is to consider a nuanced position like: it's a small staff and they have a lot on there plate.

It's especially puzzling to see people who really should know better putting such a silly viewpoint out there