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  1. #1
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Default Warlock Enhancements: Enlightened Spirit

    Hey, everyone. Here's our current design for Enlightened Spirit, one of the three Enhancement Trees for Warlocks in U26. Unlike other Warlocks, Enlightened Spirits turn toward the paths of light, which is reflected in their damage and the types of abilities they get. They're better at close-range AOE than other Warlocks, and have a lot of abilities to support themselves, their allies, and their summons.

    Their Eldritch Blast shape works differently from other trees - Their first Core ability is a toggle which takes Eldritch Blast off of your Auto-Attack... and instead puts the damage out every few seconds as an Aura. While this is active, you can't fire Eldritch Blasts normally, but you can wield weapons or fire spells while the Aura deals damage passively. There are also two large AOE Eldritch Blast abilities in the tree that can be used whether or not you have the Aura active. We expect this tree to be popular with some cross-class builds, but should stand on its own as a Warlock as well.

    Core Abilities

    • 1 AP, class level 1: Eldritch Aura: Stance: While this is active, your Eldritch Blast changes into an aura. It deals the same damage as your Eldritch Blast to all foes in range every 8 seconds. You cannot fire Eldritch Blasts while in this stance, but may attack normally with weapons and cast spells.

    • 5 AP, class level 3: Aura of Courage:You gain immunity to Fear, and all allies around you gain a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against fear. Passive: +5 Healing Amp

    • 10 AP, class level 6: Shape Vestments: While wearing Light Armor, you gain +10 Maximum HP and +5 MRR. While wearing Medium Armor you are proficient with, you gain +20 Maximum HP and +10 MRR. Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 4 seconds.

    • 20 AP, class level 12: Aura of Menace: Toggle: You project a 15 meter Aura of Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 3 seconds. Passive: You gain proficiency with all Martial weapons.

    • 30 AP, class level 18: Spirit Armor: When your Eldritch Aura is active, each time you are hit by an attack, you gain a stack of Spirit Armor. (Spirit Armor: +1 stacking PRR and MRR. Stacks up to 20 times.) Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 2 seconds.

    • 41 AP, class level 20: Celestial Spirit: +2 CON, +2 CHA.Toggle: When enabled, you float above the ground, gain Feather Falling, and are immune to knockdown effects. When enabled, your Eldritch Blasts gain 3d6 Light damage, and you gain 10 Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Universal Spell Power.

    Tier One

    1. Resilience of Body: +2/4/6 PRR
    2. Spiritual Defense: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you and nearby allies get a +1/2/3 bonus to AC. You personally receive 5/10/15 Maximum Hitpoints.
    3. Resilience of Soul: +2/4/6 MRR
    4. Brutality: Multiselector: Brute Fighting (attacks)/Brutal Spellcasting (spells) Toggle: Your damaging (attacks/spells) generate [25/50/75]% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you.
    5. Rewards of Tribute: +1/2/3 Heal, Balance, and Intimidate. Rank 3: +1 Fortitude Save

    Tier Two

    1. Resist Energies: Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Sonic damage, reducing that type of damage taken by 10. The bonus increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. (SP Cost: 75/70/60)
    2. Spiritual Bastion: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you get +3/6/10 PRR, and nearby allies get +1/2/3 PRR.
    3. Power of Enlightenment: Multiselector: Light or Positive: You gain 5/10/15 (Light or Positive) Spell Power and 2/4/6 Universal Spell Power.
    4. Shield: You permanently gain the effects of the Shield spell.
    5. Action Boost: Defense: Activate to gain a +[5/10/15] Action Boost bonus to Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)

    Tier Three

    1. Eldritch Burst: Fire your Eldritch Blast in an AOE centered on you. All enemies caught in the burst take 2d6 Light Damage that scales with Spell Power, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. This ability shares a cooldown with Cleave.
    2. Spiritual Ward: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you get +3/6/10 MRR, and nearby allies get +1/2/3 MRR.
    3. Power of Enlightenment: Multiselector: Light or Positive: You gain 5/10/15 (Light or Positive) Spell Power and 2/4/6 Universal Spell Power.
    4. Fortify Summons: Your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets get +25/50/100% fortification, 5/10/15 PRR, and 5/10/15 MRR.
    5. CON/CHA

    Tier Four

    1. Medium Armor Proficiency: Passive: You gain proficiency in Medium Armor, and the ability to cast arcane spells in medium armor without arcane spell failure.
    2. Retribution: Your Eldritch Blasts, Melee Attacks, and Ranged Attacks gain 1d6/2d6/3d6 Light damage that scales with Spell Power.
    3. Cure Moderate Wounds SLA: Heals 2d6+4 hp plus 1 point per caster level (max 10), as per the Cure Moderate Wounds spell. (Cooldown: 3 Seconds. SP Cost: 8/6/5)
    4. Imbue Summons: Your summoned creatures/hirelings/pets gain 10/20/30 Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power
    5. CON/CHA

    Tier Five

    1. Spirit Blast: Fire your Eldritch Blast in an AOE centered on you. All enemies caught in the burst take 10d6 Light Damage that scales with spell power, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. This ability shares a cooldown with Great Cleave.
    2. Beacon: While your Eldritch Aura is active, all allies within your Aura gain +10 Healing Amp. You personally receive an additional +10 Healing Amp.
    3. Break Forth: Calling upon your patron, you convert the space around you into positive energy, healing 1d8 plus 1 per Warlock level to all nearby allies, remove 1d4 negative levels and 1d6 points of ability damage. Undead take 1d8 Positive damage per Warlock level (Will save for half). (Metamagic: Empower, Empower Heal, Maximize, Quicken. Spell Resistance: Yes)
    4. Displace Summons: Your summoned creatures/hirelings/pets gain a permanent 25% Concealment, as per the item effect "Lesser Displacement", and 10% Dodge.
    5. Displacement SLA: The caster's appearance becomes extremely blurred, giving enemies a 50% miss chance when attacking. (Cooldown: 3 seconds. Activation Cost: 6 SP)

      As usual, this is all subject to feedback and change. Let us know what you think!
    Last edited by Steelstar; 05-20-2015 at 02:34 PM. Reason: Flipped some numbers!

  2. #2
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    Default Blast change?

    All the enhancements focus on light damage. Is this a mistake part of a earlier design or will Feypact warlocks now do light and force damage blasts? If so will it be changed to Celestial pact? Break forth is obviously a celestial patron.. Will we see new or different feats for feypact?
    Last edited by Jetrule; 05-20-2015 at 02:41 PM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  3. #3
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    All the enhancements focus on light damage. Is this a mistake part of a earlier design or will Feypact warlocks now do light and force damage blasts? If so will it be changed to Celestial pact?
    Neither. In this tree, you can get Light damage that scales with Spell Power out of Retribution (for both Eldritch Blasts and weapon attacks), Spirit Blast, Eldritch Burst, and Celestial Spirit. All of this stacks on top of what you're getting from your Pact.

  4. #4
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    I love it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    How will permament shield interact with eldritch arcanes upgrade to grant 10 prr?

    Is the blast dc based? The activated one
    Summon upgrades? In ddo? Why?
    Why radiant burst? Could this not be something inovative?
    Also what is its cd? From break forth that is

  6. #6
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    Considering the SP constraints of a Warlock, the Resist Energies SLA is overly expensive for a single target buff, since even fully upgraded it is only cheaper than casting individual resists if you need to resist all 5 types. I'd suggest dropping the SP cost to [50/40/30], which is more useful in general questing where only 2 or 3 types of resist are needed.

  7. #7
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    How will permament shield interact with eldritch arcanes upgrade to grant 10 prr?
    Good question, I don't know offhand. I'll look into it, and get back to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    Is the blast dc based? The activated one
    It's literally an Eldritch Blast - The base damage does not have a save, but Pact damage (and the Light damage added here) do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    Summon upgrades? In ddo? Why?
    Because P&P Warlocks are often summoners, and Summons can ultimately use all the help they can get.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackheartox View Post
    Why radiant burst? Could this not be something inovative? Also what is its cd? From break forth that is
    It could potentially be different. We went around trying to re-invent the wheel for a while, and ultimately decided this ability was almost exactly what we wanted in this slot. Cooldown's the same as Positive Energy Burst. We're open to suggestions for AOE healing abilities of similar power levels to put in this slot instead, and interested to hear your thoughts on how to make it different!

    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    I'll reply in depth later but for right now this is looking weak for one of your two 'melee' oriented trees, especially for being the mainly melee proposed one.
    It's not so much "Melee-oriented" as "Melee-compatible".

    Quote Originally Posted by legendkilleroll View Post
    If you took unholy blast or penetrating blast from other tree, would they apply to the aura or the two aoe attacks?
    Absolutely! And if you took Retribution here, the Light damage would apply to other styles of Eldritch Blast as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by gwonbush View Post
    Considering the SP constraints of a Warlock, the Resist Energies SLA is overly expensive for a single target buff, since even fully upgraded it is only cheaper than casting individual resists if you need to resist all 5 types. I'd suggest dropping the SP cost to [50/40/30], which is more useful in general questing where only 2 or 3 types of resist are needed.
    Good thoughts, we'll talk about the SP cost.

    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    What if you wear Heavy Armor? What about robes?

    Regarding Resist Energies: I'd rather make it single element AoE, to make it different from the epic SLA. Maybe combine with Protection from Energy, or a small MRR buff.
    No effect in Heavy Armor or Robes. Resist Energies is a single-target version, unlike the Epic SLA.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xerio View Post
    This, looks awesome.

    I'm actually looking forward to giving this class a run now.

    any chance heavy armor proficiency & ASF removal can be put in for a tier 5?
    Glad to hear it!

    There's a lot of incentives in other classes right now to go Heavy armor, or no armor at all; there aren't as many to stick with Light or (especially) Medium at the moment. As Warlocks are often Light-armor users in P&P, we wanted to support that here, and provide some incentives if you choose to go up to Medium. I think you could definitely make a Heavy-armor Warlock work though, either through multiclassing or good gear setup.

  8. #8
    Community Member edrein's Avatar
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    I'll reply in depth later but for right now this is looking weak for one of your two 'melee' oriented trees, especially for being the mainly melee proposed one.

  9. #9
    Community Member legendkilleroll's Avatar
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    If you took unholy blast or penetrating blast from other tree, would they apply to the aura or the two aoe attacks?

  10. #10
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edrein View Post
    I'll reply in depth later but for right now this is looking weak for one of your two 'melee' oriented trees, especially for being the mainly melee proposed one.
    I am interested in where you feel it falls short. I think as a 12 warlock, you can splash something and gain quite a bit from this. Or mainline pally and 6 warlock for some pretty high end utility. Or do an 8/6/6 war, wiz, fighter and see what you can turn yourself into. I dunno, theory wise it can be pretty strong if you tune it right. In the end Lamannia will be the test to prove its worth. but on paper here, it looks strong.

  11. #11
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Neither. In this tree, you can get Light damage that scales with Spell Power out of Retribution (for both Eldritch Blasts and weapon attacks), Spirit Blast, Eldritch Burst, and Celestial Spirit. All of this stacks on top of what you're getting from your Pact.
    Ok I have very few quibbles from a game design stand point. The line meant to enhance Hirelings and summons is very strong. If Hirelings are on their game. The usefullness of any enhancements that benefit hirelings or pets is predicated on the possibility of summons Pets and hires being usefully programmed and following orders.

    Otherwise the enhancements feel very strong and strike me as being similar to a melee cleric in divine crusader epic destiny.

    I just have nerd issues with the tree being in flavor and in effect a celestial pact tree. The great old ones have weird and sinister mind bending abilities in both the feats and corresponding tree. We don't know yet about Fiendish pact. But this tree in no way corresponds to a fey pact.

    Fey are the representation of nature spirits elves and faeries. They can be any alignment but all tend to be mischievous tricky and nature oriented. This tree is obviously the tree more in line with The ideas and mythos of midieval monotheism especially the christian tradition, and in D&D best expresed by the celestial pact. The two view points have long been distinctly different cosmologies throughout our worlds history and two sets of colors for the fantasy palate so to speak. Mashing them together is very interesting in a rpg character if drawing from different sources. However having a warlock choose a fey base and then have no fey power corresponding tree available just seems wrong and in a way clueless to lore history and the whole fantasy genre in general.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  12. #12


    Pure warlocks are unable to take the Empower Healing Spell metamagic feat, correct?

    I ask because you have two abilities here that can be boosted by Empower Healing Spell, which is weird for a class that can't take the feat.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    10 AP, class level 6: Shape Vestments: While wearing Light Armor, you gain +10 Maximum HP and +5 MRR. While wearing Medium Armor you are proficient with, you gain +20 Maximum HP and +10 MRR. Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 4 seconds.
    What if you wear Heavy Armor? What about robes?

    Regarding Resist Energies: I'd rather make it single element AoE, to make it different from the epic SLA. Maybe combine with Protection from Energy, or a small MRR buff.
    Last edited by cru121; 05-20-2015 at 03:03 PM.

  14. #14
    Community Member Xerio's Avatar
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    This, looks awesome.

    I'm actually looking forward to giving this class a run now.

    any chance heavy armor proficiency & ASF removal can be put in for a tier 5?

  15. #15
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    About Retribution, which imbues Eldritch blasts, melee attacks, and ranged weapons with Light damage that scales with spell power, Does this effect apply to ranged weapons (such as Shuriken Throwers)?

    Also, if I do 2d6-3d6 light damage that scales with spell power, if I have 400 Light Spell-power, what would my max damage be? Can this damage be affected by metamagics?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey, everyone. Here's our current design for Enlightened Spirit, one of the three Enhancement Trees for Warlocks in U26. Unlike other Warlocks, Enlightened Spirits turn toward the paths of light, which is reflected in their damage and the types of abilities they get. They're better at close-range AOE than other Warlocks, and have a lot of abilities to support themselves, their allies, and their summons.

    Their Eldritch Blast shape works differently from other trees - Their first Core ability is a toggle which takes Eldritch Blast off of your Auto-Attack... and instead puts the damage out every few seconds as an Aura. While this is active, you can't fire Eldritch Blasts normally, but you can wield weapons or fire spells while the Aura deals damage passively. There are also two large AOE Eldritch Blast abilities in the tree that can be used whether or not you have the Aura active. We expect this tree to be popular with some cross-class builds, but should stand on its own as a Warlock as well.

    Core Abilities[/B]

    • 1 AP, class level 1: Eldritch Aura: Stance: While this is active, your Eldritch Blast changes into an aura. It deals the same damage as your Eldritch Blast to all foes in range every 8 seconds. You cannot fire Eldritch Blasts while in this stance, but may attack normally with weapons and cast spells.

    • 5 AP, class level 3: Aura of Courage:You gain immunity to Fear, and all allies around you gain a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against fear. Passive: +5 Healing Amp

    • 10 AP, class level 6: Shape Vestments: While wearing Light Armor, you gain +10 Maximum HP and +5 MRR. While wearing Medium Armor you are proficient with, you gain +20 Maximum HP and +10 MRR. Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 4 seconds.

    • 20 AP, class level 12: Aura of Menace: Toggle: You project a 15 meter Aura of Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 3 seconds. Passive: You gain proficiency with all Martial weapons.

    • 30 AP, class level 18: Spirit Armor: When your Eldritch Aura is active, each time you are hit by an attack, you gain a stack of Spirit Armor. (Spirit Armor: +1 stacking PRR and MRR. Stacks up to 20 times.) Passive: Your Eldritch Aura now affects enemies every 2 seconds.

    • 41 AP, class level 20: Celestial Spirit: +2 CON, +2 CHA.Toggle: When enabled, you float above the ground, gain Feather Falling, and are immune to knockdown effects. When enabled, your Eldritch Blasts gain 3d6 Light damage, and you gain 10 Melee Power, Ranged Power, and Universal Spell Power.

    Tier One

    1. Resilience of Body: +2/4/6 PRR
    2. Spiritual Defense: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you and nearby allies get a +1/2/3 bonus to AC. You personally receive 5/10/15 Maximum Hitpoints.
    3. Resilience of Soul: +2/4/6 MRR
    4. Brutality: Multiselector: Brute Fighting (attacks)/Brutal Spellcasting (spells) Toggle: Your damaging (attacks/spells) generate [25/50/75]% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you.
    5. Rewards of Tribute: +1/2/3 Heal, Balance, and Intimidate. Rank 3: +1 Fortitude Save

    Tier Two

    1. Resist Energies: Gives an ally an Enhancement bonus against Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Sonic damage, reducing that type of damage taken by 10. The bonus increases to 20 at caster level 7 and 30 at caster level 11. (SP Cost: 75/70/60)
    2. Spiritual Bastion: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you get +3/6/10 PRR, and nearby allies get +1/2/3 PRR.
    3. Power of Enlightenment: Multiselector: Light or Positive: You gain 5/10/15 (Light or Positive) Spell Power and 2/4/6 Universal Spell Power.
    4. Shield: You permanently gain the effects of the Shield spell.
    5. Action Boost: Defense: Activate to gain a +[5/10/15] Action Boost bonus to Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)

    Tier Three

    1. Eldritch Burst: Fire your Eldritch Blast in an AOE centered on you. All enemies caught in the burst take 2d6 Light Damage that scales with Spell Power, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. This ability shares a cooldown with Cleave.
    2. Spiritual Ward: While your Eldritch Aura is active, you get +3/6/10 MRR, and nearby allies get +1/2/3 MRR.
    3. Power of Enlightenment: Multiselector: Light or Positive: You gain 5/10/15 (Light or Positive) Spell Power and 2/4/6 Universal Spell Power.
    4. Fortify Summons: Your summoned creatures, hirelings, and pets get +25/50/100% fortification, 5/10/15 PRR, and 5/10/15 MRR.
    5. CON/CHA

    Tier Four

    1. Medium Armor Proficiency: Passive: You gain proficiency in Medium Armor, and the ability to cast arcane spells in medium armor without arcane spell failure.
    2. Retribution: Your Eldritch Blasts, Melee Attacks, and Ranged Attacks gain 1d6/2d6/3d6 Light damage that scales with Spell Power.
    3. Cure Moderate Wounds SLA: Heals 2d6+4 hp plus 1 point per caster level (max 10), as per the Cure Moderate Wounds spell. (Cooldown: 3 Seconds. SP Cost: 8/6/5)
    4. Imbue Summons: Your summoned creatures/hirelings/pets gain 10/20/30 Melee, Ranged, and Universal Spell Power
    5. CON/CHA

    Tier Five

    1. Spirit Blast: Fire your Eldritch Blast in an AOE centered on you. All enemies caught in the burst take 10d6 Light Damage that scales with spell power, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. This ability shares a cooldown with Great Cleave.
    2. Beacon: While your Eldritch Aura is active, all allies within your Aura gain +10 Healing Amp. You personally receive an additional +10 Healing Amp.
    3. Break Forth: Calling upon your patron, you convert the space around you into positive energy, healing 1d8 plus 1 per Warlock level to all nearby allies, remove 1d4 negative levels and 1d6 points of ability damage. Undead take 1d8 Positive damage per Warlock level (Will save for half). (Metamagic: Empower, Empower Heal, Maximize, Quicken. Spell Resistance: Yes)
    4. Displace Summons: Your summoned creatures/hirelings/pets gain a permanent 25% Concealment, as per the item effect "Lesser Displacement", and 10% Dodge.
    5. Displacement SLA: The caster's appearance becomes extremely blurred, giving enemies a 50% miss chance when attacking. (Cooldown: 3 seconds. Activation Cost: 6 SP)

      As usual, this is all subject to feedback and change. Let us know what you think!
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

    Fernian Summer Carnival

  16. #16
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    This is also a useful-looking tree, like the other.

    A few issues though:

    1) There is very little light/positive spellpower here. Could you perhaps put some more in the cores, please?

    2) Please uncap the max caster level on Cure Moderate Wounds SLA. It doesn't do very well in epics, at least when I'm playing my Cleric.

    3) Martial Weapon Proficiency should be available WAAAYYY before level 12. At low levels (1 through 6) Eldritch Blast won't be very potent, so a Warlock will need a weapon to swing. Swinging a melee weapon is not uncommon amongst some experienced players.

  17. #17
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    Does Eldritch Burst and Spirit Blast, count toward things like re-setting momentum swing/lay waste etc?

    If they're on the same cool down as cleave/great cleave then they should.
    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    wow. i actually made it to someone's sig! O.o


  18. #18
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Maybe you could get around the martial proficiency at level 12 issue by adding masters touch as a spell choice.

  19. #19
    2015 DDO Players Council Sebastrd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FestusHood View Post
    Maybe you could get around the martial proficiency at level 12 issue by adding masters touch as a spell choice.
    This is a really good idea. Tainted Scholar already sets precedent for trees adding specific SLAs, and Master's Touch is a perfect choice here. In fact, I'd love to see a similar line of SLAs in the core enhancements. How about:

    Core 1: Expeditious Retreat

    Core 2: Divine Favor

    Core 3: Master's Touch

    Core 4: Blur

    Core 5: Stoneskin

    Core 6: Tenser's Transformation

    That would also spice up some the more lackluster cores - the Auras in particular are less than stellar.
    Astreya the Unturning

    It's always a shame when the hammer of poor design choices smashes the fun of player tactical adaptation.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    It definitely could, if enough people think it should. On our end, we don't want it low enough where every single Warlock takes Martial Weapon Proficiency.
    so a sorc or wiz can have martial proficiency on level 2 and its ok, but a warlack shall not? even if every warlock is getting it in lower levels, i guess alot of them will kick it out at some point to get other enhancements (just like most sorcs or wizzys do)

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