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Thread: Warlocks!

  1. #121
    Community Member Powerhungry's Avatar
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    Default also

    alignment restrictions were lifted for the assassin
    Clearly states must be evil.
    And paladins running around the wilderness wholeheartedly slaughtering everything (including innocent wildlife) would certainly be against their lawful good edicts. So alignment really means nothing in DDO.
    (Combat): You are hit by your knockdown.

  2. #122
    Founder Drakos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powerhungry View Post
    alignment restrictions were lifted for the assassin
    Clearly states must be evil.
    And paladins running around the wilderness wholeheartedly slaughtering everything (including innocent wildlife) would certainly be against their lawful good edicts. So alignment really means nothing in DDO.
    Except that in DDO the Assassin is not a base class, or even a class for that matter. Had it been implemented as such, I would also call for that as a restriction in DDO.

    Ok then lets see that Paladin use alignment restricted gear! Alignment does have a direct effect in this game.
    Last edited by Drakos; 05-16-2015 at 01:19 AM.

  3. #123
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    Any word yet on how many trainable feats will be available to this class? Will it be as feat starved as a Sorc or have a reasonable number?

    I wonder how this toon would manage to run in say Heavy Armor. since they have said the Eldritch blast is not going to be effected by ASF as long as you reserve your spells for buffing at the beginning.
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  4. #124
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    The devs are trying to restrict alignment based on their Pact if they can manage to code that in (I can see it running into the problem of being a level 1 feat choice, which you choose BEFORE your alignment). Fiend Pacts can't be good, Great Old One Pacts can't be lawful is their hope. But I see no reason that a Fey pact Warlock can't be anything, seeing how fey come in all varieties (though lawful is less common).

  5. #125
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Default Screw alignments!

    Considering the fact that most of the warlock spell list is copy/pasted from the arcane spell list, I think that arguing about alignments is a bit silly. After all, alignments only affect multi-classing, a very small list of old items, 3 spells from the divine spell list and a single optional in PoP. On the other hand, the spell list is a huge deal! It affects what one can do with warlocks, after all.

  6. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post

    Must be Evil or Chaotic. Period. NO WARLOCK/MONKS OR WARLOCK/PALADINS.

    Yes. The multi-class builds for Warlock would be absurd without alignment restrictions.

  7. #127
    Community Member ToastyFred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    Yes. The multi-class builds for Warlock would be absurd without alignment restrictions.

  8. #128


    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Perform has been changed to be trainable by anyone, some time ago. Though it's a cross-class skill for Warlocks (like most classes).
    When you made that change you forgot to change the Skill Focus: Perform feat to no longer require bard levels. I imagine it's an easy fix, so if you get a second...

  9. #129
    Founder pjw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Pact Spells

    These are the spells that you can get from Pacts:
    My first reaction is it's not a bad list, but:

    • No GH?
    • The DCs will likely be low: Max level 6 will start 3 DCs lower than a Wiz/Sorc. Will there be any compensatory factors?
    • Looks/feels like a bard without bard CC (perform)
    • Not sure how the 2-per-level limit interacts with the 'pact' spells and/or if there are SLAs.
    • "fey" looks pretty weak

  10. #130
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Eldritch Blast is fired with your auto-attack (aka: left mouse button for most players). There's no real cooldown except for what we're building into the animation. In some ways playing Warlock is more like playing an archer, except instead of arrows or bolts you are hurling blasts. Blasts of death. Or Fire, Acid, or Sonic (which we're currently working on getting different visual looks). I've been testing and showing off a basic prototype Eldritch Blast today with other devs, and while we still have work to do, I really do like the "pew pew pew" feeling.

    You still use auto-attack if you toggle on the "Shapes" in the Enhancement trees (except for the Aura, which is special). So Tainted Scholars can hold auto-attack and slam down Cone-shaped Eldritch Blasts, over and over. Soul Eaters fire off a projectile that after hitting an enemy, chains to other enemies. Enlightened Spirits just need to stand near enemies to passively hit them with Eldritch Blast... but they can keep attacking with melee and ranged weapons while doing so.

    BAB tentatively won't factor into Eldritch Blast attack speed, unlike normal melee and ranged attacks.
    I am in 2 minds over the BaB thing. On the one hand, eBlast (rebrand!) seems to work like weapon attacks, so linking to BaB would make sense. On the other hand I really don't like the idea of a multiclassed Warlock attacking faster with the warlock's signature ability than a full Warlock (even though presumably they'd be doing less raw damage from each attack).

    So do what you think is best

    I like the rest though. I'm surprised at how interested I've suddenly become in the last couple of days, after months of failing to see what's attractive about the class.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
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    My words are great. Even out of context.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I am in 2 minds over the BaB thing. On the one hand, eBlast (rebrand!) seems to work like weapon attacks, so linking to BaB would make sense. On the other hand I really don't like the idea of a multiclassed Warlock attacking faster with the warlock's signature ability than a full Warlock (even though presumably they'd be doing less raw damage from each attack).

    So do what you think is best

    I like the rest though. I'm surprised at how interested I've suddenly become in the last couple of days, after months of failing to see what's attractive about the class.
    If Eldritch Glaive was in It'd make a lot of sense to go with BAB there but it's not unfortunately.

  12. #132
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    glad to see I am not alone in some of my complaints about this class
    Last edited by Uska; 05-16-2015 at 04:43 AM.

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  13. #133
    Community Member Rys's Avatar
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    Soon to judge but pretty underwhelming so far. I reallly hope you'll work on some new spells at least because as it is now, it's nothing but copypaste of the old class with a new one button autoattack toggle. Also combination with archery is mostly out from what I've seen which is kinda sad.

  14. #134
    Community Member Systern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [*]Fey: Toggle: Your Eldritch Blasts now deal +1d4 extra Sonic damage per two Warlock levels. Adds Obscuring Mist to your Warlock spellbook.

    This is disappointing for a few reasons:
    • Warlocks only get 2+Int mod skill points, and will need to pay the skill tax in both Spellcraft for force and Perform for sonic. Especially painful with perform as a cross-class skill. Spellcraft itself really needs to be 3 skills with Int, Cha, and Wis modifier versions.
    • The save is going to be reflex based, which means that the damage is pretty much going to be permanently saved against on Elite content, and completely negated frequently on mobs with Evasion.
    • Itemization for Sonic spellpower and crit is pretty much limited to just Blasting Chime in the House C challenges which top out at ML 20. There's no ToEE, or Greensteel options for Sonic. But there is Thunderforged.

  15. #135
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Sounds a left-click boring fest with absolutely no spell points to even cast 10 spells in a row. I thought this was an arcane class, a spell-caster. What I see here is basically a Ranger with Arcane spells but no spell points to actually make these spells any meaningful.

    Also, no new spells? Seriously? You couldn't be bothered to make some new spells at least? You could have just copied them from dnd wiki. Just saying.

    Looks underwhelming and boring so far.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  16. #136
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    .... I've been testing and showing off a basic prototype Eldritch Blast today with other devs, and while we still have work to do, I really do like the "pew pew pew" feeling. ....

    YouTube is your friend... (hint, hint)

    Offbeat question about the blasts - will they break breakables / affect doors that need to be bashed?
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  17. #137
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    While the class implementation is interesting, and exactly what I claimed on a different site, only having 2 spells per spell level is a real killer. Quite honestly, makes me very uninterested in the class, especially if the pact spells are just added to the spell list. I could see getting away 3 or 4, but the way you are implementing it is saying Paladins and Rangers are able to tap into their spell books more effectively then a warlock.

    I am not asking you make them like Bards and be 5,5,5,5,5,4. I do ask you reconsider the 2,2,2,2,2,2 though. Honestly, it isn't very much, and considering they will be similar to a spellcaster, after several utility spells that all casters use, there is little room for customization with the spellbook. It won't really matter what other spells are available through pacts, or enhancements. Most of the current available slots will be utilized by the "can't live without this utility spell" that every bard, wizard, and sorc use slots on. 3,3,3,3,3,3,2 - 4,4,4,4,3,3,2 - 4,4,4,3,3,2,2 ... Just throwing some ideas out there. 2 for all the spell levels is just so trivial, and a buzz kill.

  18. #138
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    Very cool! So, depending on what enchantment and feat you take, you can freely customize your warlock to be CCer, Dpser and Insta killer. That's really cool. Can't wait to see the enchantment tree

    Question tho, how much Warlocks will be cost. 995 TP like artificer? or 1495 like druid.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelic-council View Post
    Very cool! So, depending on what enchantment and feat you take, you can freely customize your warlock to be CCer, Dpser and Insta killer. That's really cool. Can't wait to see the enchantment tree

    Question tho, how much Warlocks will be cost. 995 TP like artificer? or 1495 like druid.
    Or free to completionists like they were? XD

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayseifn View Post
    Or free to completionists like they were? XD
    We lose completionist feat once update hit the game so

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