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  1. #1
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    Default How good of a build is this so far

    I have a fourth level Drow Wizard and I wanted to know how well I am shaping him up so far.

    Base stats (Modified)
    Str: 8
    Dex: 16 (18)
    Con: 10
    Int: 21 (23)
    Wis: 10
    Cha: 10 (12)

    Combat Casting
    Extend Spell
    Maximize Spell

    Skills Ranks/total
    Concentration 7/10
    Diplomacy 3/4
    Haggle 3.5/5.5
    Heal 3.5/3.5
    Repair 4/10
    Search 2/10
    Spellcraft 7/13
    UMD 3.5/4.5

    Abjuration I: Shield (Arch-Mage Core)
    Abjuration II: Resist Energy (Arch-Mage Core, consists of 5 individual spells for each element)
    Arcane Bolt 1/3 (Arch-Mage)
    Energy of the Scholar 1/3 (Arch-Mage)
    Subtle Spellcasting 3/3 (Arch-Mage)
    Traditionalist Spell Caster 1/3 (Arch-Mage)
    Wand/Scroll Mastery 3/3 (Arch-Mage)
    Spell Resistance (Drow Core)

    Equipment Bonuses/Abilities
    Head: Battered Helm (+1 Intimidate, +1 Haggle)
    Necklace: Arcane Necklace (Arcane Mind +24 Universal Spell Power when Arcane Goggles are worn, +1 Int, +1 Cha)
    Eyes: Arcane Goggles (Arcane Mind +24 Universal Spell Power when Arcane Necklace is worn, +3 Concentration, Power I)
    Body: +4 Robes
    Wrists: Dexterous +2 Bracers
    Ring 1: Charismatic +2 Ring
    Ring 2: Discarded Ring (Power I)
    Feet: Boots of the Long Step (Striding +5%)
    Hands: Frostproof Gloves of Protection +1 (Cold Resistance 5, Protect +1)
    Waist: Armored Belt +3 (+3 to AC that does not stack with armor)
    Cloak: Feather Cloak (Feather Fall 1/rest)
    Primary Hand: Eternal Wand of Finger of Fire (Combustion +30 Fire Spell Power, Finger of Fire 50 charges/rest that also regenerate on their own and normally deals 1d4 damage + 1/caster level)
    Primary Hand (alt): +1 Combustion Scepter of Fire Lore Club (Spellcasting Implement +3 Universal Spell Power, Combustion +30 Fire Spell Power, +1 Enhancement, Fire Lore +11% equipment bonus to crit)

    First Level

    Second Level
    Cat's Grace
    Fox's Cunning
    Scorching Ray
    Some others I don't remember off of the top of my head

    Ok, so I know that my gear is not optimized. Half of it were quest rewards that I kept because I like one of the bonuses that it offered. That is why I have a ring that gives me a +2 Cha despite the fact that I get a +1 from my Arcane Necklace. The other half were Auction House finds (I only ever search for items with the Buy Now option) and simply haven't had the pp (and could never find) needed to get better gear.
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  2. #2


    I'd suggest switching your Archmage focus from Abjuration to Conjuration for the cheap Web SLA, which can be heightened for free. (If you do that, swap out Combat Casting for Heighten Spell.)

    For a dps option, go Necromancy instead of Abjuration/Conjuration and go nuts with Chill Touch, which can be empowered/maximized for free. (If you do that, swap out Combat Casting for Empower Spell.)

  3. #3
    Community Member changelingamuck's Avatar
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    If you're not planning toward taking the Mobile Spellcasting feat (which has Combat Casting as a prerequisite), I'd take just about any other feat than Combat Casting. Somebody on the forums who is on your server should be able to easily toss you the siberys dragonshards necessary to swap that out for something else. Mobile Spellcasting actually has an effect on gameplay though, so if you want that feat, then you have to take combat casting, of course.

  4. #4
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    Every time I have been logging on for the past couple days I have been seeing a notice saying that I have one free feat swap available, so that will take care of that.
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  5. #5
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    On a related topic, who has the most current DDO Character Planner released, the one that I downloaded from doesn't have some of the same enhancements (such as Traditionalist Caster and no prerequisites for Wand and Scroll Mastery)
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  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonfett View Post
    Every time I have been logging on for the past couple days I have been seeing a notice saying that I have one free feat swap available, so that will take care of that.
    You probably did the Hall of the Mark quest, which grants a free feat swap. I actually prefer to save that quest for higher levels, when feat swaps become much more expensive, but that's a moot point now.

    I recommend you check out the Pale Master Guide and ED37's Pale Trapper for lots of good wiz advice. While you don't have to play a Pale Master, it's a pretty strong PrE so you'd be stacking the deck against yourself if you don't; in particular, the self-unhealing which comes from undead forms + Death Aura + Neg Energy Burst is invaluable to a fleshie wiz.

    TBH, I think you'd be better off restarting; your build made some suboptimal choices (for one thing, CON > DEX on any wiz) and at only lvl 4 it's not worth LRing. But that's your call...
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I'd suggest switching your Archmage focus from Abjuration to Conjuration for the cheap Web SLA, which can be heightened for free. (If you do that, swap out Combat Casting for Heighten Spell.)

    For a dps option, go Necromancy instead of Abjuration/Conjuration and go nuts with Chill Touch, which can be empowered/maximized for free. (If you do that, swap out Combat Casting for Empower Spell.)
    In addition to web, which will give you great crowd control, you could also use Niac's Cold Ray, which is also conjuration and may be heightened. It can do some frightening amounts of damage if you have good cold spell power and the conjuration focus and later the heightening help you get past the save.
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

  8. #8
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    10 constitution?


    'Glass Cannon' - means you hit hard, but if are hit you break into tiny little pieces.

    Please take this with all good intentions:

    Con is Not a dump stat.

    "Have fun storming the castle! Think they stand a chance? No, they'd need a miracle." — Princess Bride

  9. #9
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    I had chose to keep my Con low to put more points into Dex so that I could hit more regularly with my spells. I haven't had much problems yet with a low Con.
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  10. #10
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Spells usually have a DC check and sometimes a Spell Pen check, but never a to-hit roll; DEX does nothing for them.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  11. #11
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonfett View Post
    I had chose to keep my Con low to put more points into Dex so that I could hit more regularly with my spells. I haven't had much problems yet with a low Con.
    two operative words: much and yet.

    Many parties will refuse to group with a con-dump-stat caster. Just a heads up.

  12. #12
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    two operative words: much and yet.

    Many parties will refuse to group with a con-dump-stat caster. Just a heads up.
    So add two monk levels (*if you have monk) and choose toughness for both. If your dex is high that would give good evasion....until you choose insightful reflexes. If you go Palemaster it probably is a good choice as you can get that added melee effect. Then if you have harper spend points to use int to hit and damage, if not...see if you can squeeze in weapon finesse. (or zen archery and maybe one level of cleric for silver flame longbow prof. and bonuses to negative energy/heal) If you do go the archer route diplomacy is a pretty good skill to invest in as a caster imo to break aggro when you no longer want to kite. So one level Cleric at benefit both the idea of long range combat and as a palemaster without gimping your DC's too much while allowing you to max heal and diplomacy.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-18-2015 at 08:13 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Spells usually have a DC check and sometimes a Spell Pen check, but never a to-hit roll; DEX does nothing for them.
    Really? I guess I that is one difference between DDO and the pen and paper versions that I never really noticed...
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  14. #14
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonfett View Post
    Really? I guess I that is one difference between DDO and the pen and paper versions that I never really noticed...
    If you want to stay pure wizard I would say invest in the Eldritch Knight tree enough to use martial weapons so you could use a bow. In PNP wizards usually at least carried a dagger because they had limited spells, same here... hardly any caster goes without an alternate weapon and with low Con you want to stay at range. You should also even go beyond that and don some armor by using that same line. The right gear can ungimp almost any build. Its a tough ride first life being a gear up to handle. Grind until you can. Con is not a big of a deal as it used to be. There are a ton of ways to beef your HP, in fact having High Dex may save your life more than you could long as you can boost your AC high. If the mobs are too many, plate and shield... if not alternate between casting implements and bow. Weapon finesse is definitely a good option. So would a healthy supply of Tenser's scrolls.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 04-18-2015 at 08:49 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enderoc View Post
    If you want to stay pure wizard I would say invest in the Eldritch Knight tree enough to use martial weapons so you could use a bow. In PNP wizards usually at least carried a dagger because they had limited spells, same here... hardly any caster goes without an alternate weapon and with low Con you want to stay at range. You should also even go beyond that and don some armor by using that same line. The right gear can ungimp almost any build. Its a tough ride first life being a gear up to handle. Grind until you can. Con is not a big of a deal as it used to be. There are a ton of ways to beef your HP, in fact having High Dex may save your life more than you could long as you can boost your AC high. If the mobs are too many, plate and shield... if not alternate between casting implements and bow. Weapon finesse is definitely a good option. So would a healthy supply of Tenser's scrolls.
    The spell Mage Armor still doesn't stack with worn armor, correct?
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  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by dragonfett View Post
    On a related topic, who has the most current DDO Character Planner released, the one that I downloaded from doesn't have some of the same enhancements (such as Traditionalist Caster and no prerequisites for Wand and Scroll Mastery)
    Character Builder Lite (linked in signature) has up-to-date game information.

  17. #17
    Community Member dragonfett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Character Builder Lite (linked in signature) has up-to-date game information.
    I wish that there was one that had the ability to assign gear as well, oh well.
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  18. #18
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonfett View Post
    Really? I guess I that is one difference between DDO and the pen and paper versions that I never really noticed...
    One of the first things the PnP D&D fan has to learn when making the transition to DDO is...this ain't the D&D system you know. While it is still technically based on 3.5E rules and the d20 system, there have been so many additions and modifications over the years - not to mention a ton of power creep - that it's practically an entirely separate system. Attempting to apply what you know about PnP rules - or, in my case when I first started playing, the NWN/ToEE CRPGs - will lead you astray, likely as not.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  19. #19
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    10 constitution?

    Con is Not a dump stat.
    take this with a grain of salt. It is far better to say that HP is not a dump stat.

    lets just take level 20 for an example and con 10 vrs con 14.

    the difference between the 2 is only 40 hp.

    with gear/tomes it can be made up, but it does require a lot of game knowledge, build knowledge and farming.

    Lets take my last life on jaimmee.

    I started at 11?12? base con.

    However, With my tomes and gear, I still had over a 1000 hp at end game.

    You probably don't have that gear yet.

    So up to you if you want to start with a low con and make the farming harder.

    As for the rest of your build,

    I would think twice about extend, get rid combat casting, and pick up quicken later on, and grab maximize

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