I have a fourth level Drow Wizard and I wanted to know how well I am shaping him up so far.

Base stats (Modified)
Str: 8
Dex: 16 (18)
Con: 10
Int: 21 (23)
Wis: 10
Cha: 10 (12)

Combat Casting
Extend Spell
Maximize Spell

Skills Ranks/total
Concentration 7/10
Diplomacy 3/4
Haggle 3.5/5.5
Heal 3.5/3.5
Repair 4/10
Search 2/10
Spellcraft 7/13
UMD 3.5/4.5

Abjuration I: Shield (Arch-Mage Core)
Abjuration II: Resist Energy (Arch-Mage Core, consists of 5 individual spells for each element)
Arcane Bolt 1/3 (Arch-Mage)
Energy of the Scholar 1/3 (Arch-Mage)
Subtle Spellcasting 3/3 (Arch-Mage)
Traditionalist Spell Caster 1/3 (Arch-Mage)
Wand/Scroll Mastery 3/3 (Arch-Mage)
Spell Resistance (Drow Core)

Equipment Bonuses/Abilities
Head: Battered Helm (+1 Intimidate, +1 Haggle)
Necklace: Arcane Necklace (Arcane Mind +24 Universal Spell Power when Arcane Goggles are worn, +1 Int, +1 Cha)
Eyes: Arcane Goggles (Arcane Mind +24 Universal Spell Power when Arcane Necklace is worn, +3 Concentration, Power I)
Body: +4 Robes
Wrists: Dexterous +2 Bracers
Ring 1: Charismatic +2 Ring
Ring 2: Discarded Ring (Power I)
Feet: Boots of the Long Step (Striding +5%)
Hands: Frostproof Gloves of Protection +1 (Cold Resistance 5, Protect +1)
Waist: Armored Belt +3 (+3 to AC that does not stack with armor)
Cloak: Feather Cloak (Feather Fall 1/rest)
Primary Hand: Eternal Wand of Finger of Fire (Combustion +30 Fire Spell Power, Finger of Fire 50 charges/rest that also regenerate on their own and normally deals 1d4 damage + 1/caster level)
Primary Hand (alt): +1 Combustion Scepter of Fire Lore Club (Spellcasting Implement +3 Universal Spell Power, Combustion +30 Fire Spell Power, +1 Enhancement, Fire Lore +11% equipment bonus to crit)

First Level

Second Level
Cat's Grace
Fox's Cunning
Scorching Ray
Some others I don't remember off of the top of my head

Ok, so I know that my gear is not optimized. Half of it were quest rewards that I kept because I like one of the bonuses that it offered. That is why I have a ring that gives me a +2 Cha despite the fact that I get a +1 from my Arcane Necklace. The other half were Auction House finds (I only ever search for items with the Buy Now option) and simply haven't had the pp (and could never find) needed to get better gear.