Quote Originally Posted by burningwind View Post
The truth is that we don't like the active part of spinning staff wall..
What I don't like about timed clickies with long cool downs or with charges is that they favor quest memorization on invis merging (people pick very well their fights to best utilize the limited resources).

Part of the trivialization of the game comes from knowing how to time some abilities that make you amazingly powerful.

For instance, stacking damage boosts (like with a BF) together with LD thick skin and spinning wall could lead to short term semi invulnerable killing machines. This is the true difference between people doing the speed runs and the rest of players.

But in order for it not to be wasted you need to know the quest in advance. Hardly a "skill" and fairly annoying for those who don't like to be constantly refreshing buffs. Besides, there is little to no fun / skill component to clicking 4-5 buffs before a tough fight, at least for me.

Passive abilities are not that fun either, but at least they don't favor memorization and zerging. My favorite ones are unlimited abilities with a shortish cool down (under 20 seconds) which mean it is really a within fight timing, not a dead brain quest memorization.