To encourage grouping:
-- Every 100 "Grouping Favor" point earned is worth 3 astral shards
-- Base normal favor equals Grouping Favor. If you run on hard or elite it will have no effect on your "Grouping Favor" total other than give you the same amount you would earn running normal.
-- 51 shards per life If you grouped every single quest/raid that can be grouped you would earn about 51 shards per life (this is not exact, just a quick estimate).
5100/ 3 = 1700
1700/100 = 17
17 * 3 = 51 shards
-- Grouping favor can only be earned by groups of 4 or more and each person must be present for 80% of the quest or no one earns any grouping favor (including challenges - see raids below).
Added idea...
Raid Incentive:
-- 15 grouped raid completions is worth 5 astral shards one time per raid
-- Raid Incentive can only be earned by groups of 7 or more
-- 100 AS total (20 raids * 5) but keep in mind, would require grouping up 300 times (20 *15) to earn them all.
The reason for 15 completions (and not 20) is to give a 5 raid cushion for real life events during game play. The idea is that someone wanting the 20 completion end reward could probably still pick up the raid incentive along the way without getting tense about someone needing to leave a raid for whatever reason.