I don´t know if i´m wrong, but enemy AI/Mobs don´t raise/resurrect their dead mates. I would like to see them having that Option and casting like we do on our dead mates. thx.
I don´t know if i´m wrong, but enemy AI/Mobs don´t raise/resurrect their dead mates. I would like to see them having that Option and casting like we do on our dead mates. thx.
"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
Do you also want monsters to have spell point pool? Or just raise indefinitely (2 clerics raising each other - like drow necromancers only worse)? Monsters have different abilities than players by design. Even in D&D monsters having player abilities is extremely rare. They need to be bosses or arch-villains or the monster have a special role in the adventure. Same happens in DDO. In some adventures you may find someone raising another from the dead (usually as undead though)
My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts
It would be only fair to have them mana-pools they Need to drain besides their endless casting now, yes. I imagine the surprise and maybe chaos they would Trouble and would be very excited about.
Mobs aren´t "alive" that Long anyway to be really dangerous with that Option to raise dead, but could spice up the quest if they would.
Last edited by Robbenklopper; 02-17-2015 at 10:16 AM.
"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
Drow Necromancers raise the dead (including each other). It's generally pretty annoying and led to a stack of bugs and other problems. I don't see there being much benefit to this as a game-wide thing. Might be interesting to have a boss or raid boss along these lines, though.
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Ohhhhhh yeah! That would be frickin' hysterical!
Can you imagine the people having conniptions now over Champions having to deal with mobs that don't stay dead? Their heads would explode.
Do this! Do this now!
(technically speaking, the Drow Necromancers do this in King's Forest - raise dead mobs to be zombies.)
As long as the bad guys have infinite spell point pools (which they shouldn't) then this is the dumbest idea that's been posted this year.
If champs can raise themself by death pact or raise others. It would be nice for challenge. But, number of raise should be limited.
“Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness.
Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.
Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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Would be a lot better to face 6 mobs that kept raising themselves from the dead, than to have 100+ mobs spawn at once and cause a lag wipe.
I believe an issue with this involves mobs disappearing after they die. This could create a lot of problems or mobs bugging out and reviving enemies that never died. Not to mention how it would affect the kill count for exp bonuses.
Not to mention the potential lag this might cause as AI has to determine what enemy to revive and whether or not they're even dead, combined with possible bugs like I mentioned above.
That mechanic annoys me in both the King's Forest and orchard, even though orchard is technically a different mechanic.
I´ll take that as a compliment. But i really really hate that the bad guys have no mana-pools, too.
I have a Feeling that there is a lack of Monk-Mobs out there, who come in packs, make excessive use of SF and QP and have Access to Rise of the Phoenix. Even some Red-nameds. How about that?
Last edited by Robbenklopper; 02-19-2015 at 06:58 AM.
"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
I always wondered why they don't also use the rez shrines
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This would be a great idea for those who pepper the boards with "the game is too easy" threads.
Quests like this would be Epic Elite by design, all monsters are Epic Warded, and the enemy Clerics can (and often do) resurrect. This would force a party to target the clerics. But...let's have the clerics have Monster Champions that guard it.
I would never play in such a quest myself, but it would give some love to the adrenaline junkies among us that find even EE too meh.
Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide(Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more
An interesting idea and one I would like to see at least for elite. The enemy clerics at least could raise dead and maybe players would target casters first. Mmm.. Champions raised from the dead. That could be fun.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter