DestinyName: Divine Crusader
Abbreviation: Crusader
Type: Destiny
Stats: Strength, Wisdom, Charisma
AbilityName: Bane of Undeath
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You gain the Turn Undead feat. Weapons you equip gain undead bane (+2 enhancement bonus and +2d6 damage against undead).
Tier: 1
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Endless Turning
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] Turn Undead per rest. Turn Undead uses regenerate every 2 minutes, or [10/20/30]% faster if it already regenerates.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
One: Tier 1: Bane of Undeath, Feat: Turn Undead
AbilityName: Interrogation
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +5 Universal Spell Power and +1% Spell Critical Chance. Your offensive spells cause enemies to gain a stack of Purification. This affects each enemy up to once per 2 seconds. Purification: -1 attack damage, -2 spell power. Stacks up to 25 times.
Tier: 1
AbilityName: Purge the Wicked
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +2 bonus to Confirm Critical Hits and Critical Hit Damage. Your Critical Hits with weapons also cause enemies to gain a stack of Purification. This affects each enemy up to once per 2 seconds. Purification: -1 attack damage, -2 spell power. Stacks up to 25 times.
Tier: 1
AbilityName: Confront Any Foe
Descrip: Active Ability: (No Cooldown) +3[W] Melee Attack: Expend one Turn Undead: Deals 10d10 extra Light Damage on a successful hit. (scales with 300% Melee Power)}{ Note: Strikes multiple enemies in a small arc three times and may doublestrike for a fourth strike.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
One: Tier 1: Bane of Undeath, Feat: Turn Undead
AbilityName: Consecration
Descrip: Active Ability: The ground you are standing on is consecrated. Evil creatures standing on consecrated ground are burned every 3 seconds, gaining a stack of Purification and taking 1d6 damage per character level. This damage is half Fire, half Good. Both damage components are affected by Fire Spell Power. (Cooldown: [30/25/20] seconds). Duration 15 seconds. Activation Cost: [50/40/30] Spell Points.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Flames of Purity
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[10/20/30] Fire Spell Power.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Smite the Wicked
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds, activation cost 10 spell points) Melee smite: Gain twice your Charisma bonus to your attack roll and damage bonus of 2(W) + 7 against evil opponents. On hit: 100 light damage against undead and evil outsiders. On vorpal: Destroy undead or evil outsiders under 1500 hit points.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Stand and Be Judged
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown [30/25/20] seconds) Activation Cost: [25/20/15] Spell Points. A targeted foe must make a Will saving throw or be stunned for 30 seconds. (DC: 10 + Character Level + Wisdom Modifier + Stunning Bonuses)
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Sacred Ground
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While standing on consecrated ground you and your allies are healed every 3 seconds for 1 point of positive energy per character level. This is affected by your positive spell power.}{ Bug: Does not include the Heal skill when calculating positive spell power.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
All: Tier 2: Consecration
AbilityName: Empyrean Magic
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Whenever you cast a fire, light, or healing spell you gain a stack of Empyrean Fervor. Each stack of Empyrean Fervor gives you +2 Sacred bonus to Universal Spell power, +1% Sacred Bonus to Critical Chance with all spells. Duration: 10 seconds. Stacks 10 times.
Tier: 3
AbilityName: Blessed Blades
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Any weapon you wield and your unarmed attacks are treated as having your alignment for damage reduction bypass purpose. (Has no effect if you are True Neutral.)
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
AbilityName: No Regret
Descrip: Whenever an enemy who was recently affected by your Aura of Purification is slain, other nearby enemies gain 1 to 4 stacks of Purification. This ability also grants +2 Melee Power.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Crusade
Descrip: While standing on consecrated ground, you and your allies gain a 10% enhancement bonus to the damage of your melee and ranged attacks. This is a 4 second buff that activates every 4 seconds when standing on consecrated ground.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 3: Sacred Ground
AbilityName: The Book of War
Descrip: You gain Greatsword/Long Bow/Long Sword/Morningstar as a favored weapon.
Tier: 4
AbilityName: Castigation
Descrip: Your Aura of Purification also harms nearby enemies, dealing Bane damage every 3 seconds. Non-bosses take damage equal to 1% of their current health for each stack of Purification they have. Bosses instead take 1d6 Bane damage per stack of Purification. This ability also grants +2 Melee Power.}{ Note: Orange named monsters take both 1% of their current health AND 1d6 Bane damage per stack of Purification.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Heavenly Presence
Descrip: You gain some abilities of a Celestial. Passive Bonus: Grants you +10 Physical Resistance Rating and 10% Acid, Cold and Electricity absorption. In addition, you are immune to petrification.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Celestial Champion
Descrip: +1 Feat Bonus to Critical Threat Range with all weapons. When you critically hit with an attack, you gain a stack of Celestial Fervor. A stack of Celestial Fervor grants you +1 Sacred Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power. Stacks up to 10 times, with a duration of 6 seconds.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Celestial Bombardment
Descrip: Active Ability: Evocation SLA. Divine wrath falls from the heavens to smite your foes. This spell calls down three stars at your target, dealing a total of 3d6 fire damage per character level, split into three hits. This damage is affected by fire spell power and may critically hit. In addition, enemies must succeed at three consecutive Reflex saving throws versus a DC of 20+Wisdom mod+Evocation spell DC modifier or be knocked prone. Activation cost is 20 Spell points and has a cooldown of 1 minute. Modifiers to your evocation spell DCs affect this. Metamagic: Enlarge, Maximize, Empower, Intensify, Embolden, and Quicken
Tier: 6
AbilityName: The Book of War: Wrath of the Divine
Descrip: While wielding a Favored Weapon in your Main Hand, you gain +1 to Hit and Damage for every 2 Religious Lore Feats you have with all equipped weapons and shields.
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Strike Down
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds, activation cost: 5 spell points) Melee smite cleave: Gain a damage bonus of +3(W). On hit 500 light damage (scales with 200% melee power). On hit after damage destroy undead or evil outsiders below 1500 HP.}{ Bug: Strike Down does not consume any spell points on use.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
DestinyName: Draconic Incarnation
Abbreviation: Draconic
Type: Destiny
Stats: Intelligence, Charisma
AbilityName: Energy Sheath
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1min, 10 spell points) For [2/4/6] minutes gain 50% [fire/cold/acid/electric] absorption. Enemies that strike you take [1d3+10/2d3+15/3d3+20] [fire/cold/acid/electric] and have a small chance to take 4d20+100 damage of that type. Removes fire shield(hot/cold)[Metamagic: Quicken Spell].
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
Selector: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire
AbilityName: Draconic Presence
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] intimidate, +[2/4/6] to saving throws of fear based effects, and +[1/2/3] DC to fear-based spells. At rank 3 you are immune to fear.}Unlisted effect: +6 to reflex saves
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Dragonhide
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] natural armor and +[2/4/6] fortitude saves. At rank 3 you no longer automatically fail fort save on a 1.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Draconic Perception
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] spot and +[2/4/6] reflex.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Go out with a bang
Abbreviation: Out with bang
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 4mins) Can only be used when HP <=50%. Nearby enemies take [1d8+8/1d10+10/1d12+12] [fire/cold/acid/electric] damage per caster level (reflex save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier for half damage). Then trigger a diplomacy effect and become invisible for 20 seconds. Invisibility doesn't break if attacking or casting spells.}{ Note: Cost: 15 sp. Metamagic: Quicken (does not increase spell point cost)
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 1: Energy Sheath
Selector: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire
AbilityName: Barrier of Scales
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 2mins, 20 sp) For the next [30/60/90] seconds, [60/80/100] points of ablative protection versus physical damage. Stacks with Stoneskin and ablative armor.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 1: Dragonhide
AbilityName: Precise Casting
Abbreviation: Precise
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +1 DC to spells of the selected school.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 2
All: Feat: Spell Focus
Selector: Conjuration, Evocation
SelectorName: Conjuration
All: Feat: Spell Focus: Conjuration
SelectorName: Evocation
All: Feat: Spell Focus: Evocation
AbilityName: Daunting Roar
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 2mins) Enemies within the AoE are subject to despair effect and will be paralyzed for 15 seconds. Will save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier negates the effect (if save successful still shaken).
Tier: 3
All: Tier 1: Draconic Presence
AbilityName: Dragon Heritage
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Choose a dragon color. +[10/20/30] spell power with the element associated with that dragon color.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
Selector: Black, Blue, Red, White
AbilityName: Piercing Spellcraft
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] to spell penetration.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
All: Feat: Spell Penetration
AbilityName: Energy Burst
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 30 seconds, cost 20 sp, metamagic: quicken) A pulse of [fire/ice/electricity/corrosion] emanates from your body dealing [1d10+10/1d12+12/1d15+15] [fire/cold/electric/acid] damage per character level (reflex save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier for half damage).
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: Go out with a bang
Selector: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire
AbilityName: Secondary Spell Specialty
Abbreviation: Secondary Specialty
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Choose an energy type not opposed to your dragon heritage. +[10/20] spell power and +[1/2] caster level and maximum caster level for spells of that element.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 2
All: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage, Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
Parent: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage
Selector: Black, Blue, Red, White
SelectorName: Black
All: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage, Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
None: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage: Blue
SelectorName: Blue
All: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage, Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
None: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage: Black
SelectorName: Red
All: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage, Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
None: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage: White
SelectorName: White
All: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage, Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
None: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage: Red
AbilityName: Draconic Spell Knowledge
Abbreviation: Spell Knowledge
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +1 caster level and maximum caster level on spells of your dragon element.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 3: Dragon Heritage
AbilityName: Draconic Spell Augmentation
Abbreviation: Spell Augmentation
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Adds special effect to spells of your heritage.}{- Fire spells have a [5/10/15]% chance to deal a blast of [3d6/6d6/9d6] extra light damage}{- Cold spells have a [5/10/15]% chance to deal a blast of [3d6/6d6/9d6] extra sonic damage}{- Acid spells have a [5/10/15]% chance to reduce enemies' Fortitude save by 5 for [10/20/30] seconds}{- Electric spells have a [5/10/15]% chance to reduce enemies' Reflex save by 10 for [10/20/30] seconds
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
AbilityName: Flyby Attack
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1min) Executes an abundant step which passes through enemies and deals 2d6 [fire/cold/acid/electric] damage per character level to any enemy struck during the attack. Each enemy is also knocked down (reflex save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier for half damage; STR/DEX save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier negates knockdown).
Tier: 5
All: Tier 5: Dragon Breath
AbilityName: Dragon Breath
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1min) Cone that deals 1d15 +15 [red fire/white cold/black acid/blue electric] damage per character level (reflex save for half). Counts as Conjuration spell for acid and Evocation otherwise; gets full Metamagic feats.
Tier: 5
All: Tier 4: Draconic Spell Knowledge
AbilityName: Draconic Breath Augmentation
Abbreviation: Breath Augment
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Adds one of those special effects to your breath:}{- 15% chance that target will sleep.}{- 15% chance that target will be slowed for 10 seconds.}{- 15% chance that target will be paralyzed for 4 seconds.}{- 15% chance that target will suffer 2d8 strength damage.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
All: Tier 5: Dragon Breath
Selector: Paralysis, Sleep, Slow, Weaken
AbilityName: Energy Vortex
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 2mins, 30 sp) Intense elemental energy swirl around you dealing damage to enemy in the AoE. Follows you and deal 1d6 [fire/cold/acid/electric] damage per caster level every 2 seconds for 45 seconds (reflex save DC 20 + 1/2 character level + INT/CHA modifier for half damage). (Despite the description, it actually ticks every *3* seconds, for 15 ticks total)
Tier: 6
All: Tier 4: Energy Burst
Selector: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire
AbilityName: Draconic Hunger
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Once per second, when you cast a spell, there is a 5% chance that you will gain an Enhancement Bonus to Temporary HP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds, and a 5% chance that you will gain an Enhancement Bonus Temporary SP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds. If Draconic Fury is active, you also gain a 5% chance that you will gain an Racial Bonus to Temporary HP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds, and a 5% chance that you will gain an Racial Bonus Temporary SP equal to (10 + Double your Epic Level) for 10 seconds.
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Fearsome Invulnerability
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 4mins) For 30 seconds you have DR 100/Epic, Resistance 200 to Fire/Cold/Electricity/Acid, +30 PRR, MRR, and MRR Cap, and your hitpoints regenerate at a very swift rate.
Tier: 6
DestinyName: Exalted Angel
Abbreviation: Exalted
Type: Destiny
Stats: Wisdom, Charisma
AbilityName: Avenging Light
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds, Costs 3 sp) Deals 1d4+4 light damage + 1d4+4 per three character levels to 1 target. Fortitude save (DC 10 + character level + charisma or wisdom mod) for half.
Tier: 1
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Radiant Power
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[10/20/30] Light spellpower.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Endless Faith
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Spell point pool increased by [4/7/10]%. Echoes of power restore up to [18/24/30] sp.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Healing Power
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[10/20/30] Positive energy spellpower.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Judgment
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds, 10sp) Target undead or evil outsider will explode when killed, dealing 10d100 light damage to other undead or evil outsiders near them. This ability does not affect players.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Embrace the Light
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You take +[10/20/30]% less light damage.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 1: Radiant Power
AbilityName: Soundburst
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15/11/7 seconds, Costs 12/9/6sp) Casts Soundburst as a Spell-Like Ability (benefits from metamagic feats at no additional cost). Fortitude (DC 10 + character level + charisma or wisdom mod) or Spell Resistance save negates stun.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Lay to Rest
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds, 10sp) Target undead or evil outsider under the effect of Judgement takes 10d100 light damage.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
All: Tier 2: Judgment
AbilityName: Shadows Upon You
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds, 20sp) Target foe becomes cursed with Shadows Upon You, reducing all saving throws by -2 for 20 seconds. Whenever this foe is damaged by spells or attacks, saving throws are reduced by an additional -1 for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Piercing Spellcraft
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] to spell penetration.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Purity of Essence
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[6/12/20] Healing Amplification.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Judge the Many
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Undead or evil outsiders judged gain "Guilt by association". When target with guilt dies, any undead or outsiders caught in the area have 50% chance to receive the effects of the Judgement epic ability (see above).
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 3: Lay to Rest
AbilityName: Rebuke Foe
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds) Only usable when Endless Ardor stack >=5. Target enemy takes 5% additional damage from physical and light damage for 30 seconds. Can stack up to 5 times, new stacks add 30 seconds to remaining duration. Endless Ardor stacks reset to zero.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 4: Blood and Radiance
AbilityName: Blood and Radiance
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Each time you cast a light based spell, you gain Endless Ardor: +1/+2/+3 sacred bonus to positive energy for 10 seconds. Each time you cast a positive energy spell, gain Righteous Fervor: +1/+2/+3 sacred bonus to light spellpower for 10 seconds. Can stack up to 10 times. Each stack add 10 seconds to remaining duration. Stacks decay at 1-2 decrements per second. Successive ranks in Blood and radiance increase both bonus to respective spell power, and increments in Endless Ardor or Righteous Fervor each time a qualifying spell is cast. Each tick of Divine Punishment, and of an Archon's light attack, count as a "spell" for this purpose.Bug: Nimbus of Light does not qualify as a "light based spell" for this.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Excoriate
Descrip: Passive Bonus: When your Righteous Fervor stack is >=5, your light spells and smites have a 3% chance to stun opponents for 6 seconds.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 4: Blood and Radiance
AbilityName: Be at Peace
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 2 mins, 10sp) Target enemy is dazed for 1 minute, no save. Damage breaks this effect. Endless Ardor and Righteous Fervor stacks are reset to zero.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Leap of Faith
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds, 10 sp) Leap through air (like leap of faith). Costs 10 sp, recharges at a rate of 15 seconds in private areas and 3 seconds in public areas. If you already possess this ability, it now recharges at a rate of 1 every 12 seconds in private areas.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Sun Bolt
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds, 12sp) Casts Sun Bolt as a Spell-Like Ability (benefits from metamagic feats at no additional cost). Reflex save (DC 10 + character level + charisma or wisdom mod) for half damage.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Divine Wrath
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds, 40sp, standard Area of Effect) Call down divine wrath on foes, dealing 2d6 light damage per character level, will save for half (DC 10 + character level + charisma or wisdom mod). Allies caught within blast are healed for 1d6 HP per character level. Counts as a Light spell for incrementing Endless Ardor. Target must be manually selected.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Reborn in Light
Descrip: You are healed to full health and activate Ascendance, Angelic Presence, and Astral Vibrance - even if they are currently on cooldown. For 2 minutes (or until you leave Angelic form), you are immune to light damage, gain 50% ity, and gain +100 Light and Healing Power. This ability can be used while dead, bringing you back at full health and in addition to the above benefits, the cooldowns of Light and Positive Energy spells are reduced to 1/5th normal, all spells cost 50% spell points. All of your physical attacks gain On Hit 100 Light damage and On Critical destroy evil undead or evil outsiders under 1000 hit points. Cooldown 10 mins; once per rest.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
All: Tier 4: Blood and Radiance
DestinyName: Fatesinger
Type: Destiny
Stats: Strength, Charisma
AbilityName: First Harmonic Chord
Descrip: Your Inspire Courage has an additional +[1/2/3] to hit, damage, saves versus Fear, and +[3/6/9] Universal Spell Power. Passively, you benefit from an additional +[1/2/3] to hit, damage, saves versus Fear, and +[3/6/9] Universal Spell Power.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Siren's Song
Descrip: Mesmerize a single target. The target also takes 2 Constitution damage every [3/2/1] seconds. Duration: 12 seconds
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Music of the Spider Queen
Descrip: Adds to your Fascinate: Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Vermin. Mesmerized Vermin stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. However, unlike truly fascinated creatures, they are not susceptible to suggestion.
Tier: 1
All: Feat: Fascinate
AbilityName: Dirge
Descrip: Bard Song: Produce a haunting funeral march that affects nearby enemies. Affected enemies suffer from Dirge. Dirge: For every two caster levels you have, this creature takes 10d[4/6/8] Negative damage and 10d[8/10/12] Sonic damage every 3 seconds (Fortitude save for half damage). In addition, enemies affected by Dirge may be slowed by 5% if they fail the Fortitude save. Duration: 18 seconds
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Second Harmonic Chord
Descrip: Your Inspire Courage now grants an additional +[1/2/3] to all Skills. Passively, you benefit from an additional +[1/2/3] to all Skills.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Bound Fate
Descrip: Bardic Curse: Your target must make a Will save or be bound in place briefly. In addition, your target will become [6/10/12]% more vulnerable to magical damage, and also suffers -[5/10/15] Spell Resistance and -[4/6/8] damage. Duration: 45 seconds
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Reign
Descrip: Spontaneous Song: You gain +[20/40/60] temporary hitpoints. For the duration of the buff, on a vorpal strike, you unleash a debilitating thunderclap for [7/9/11]d20 Sonic and [7/9/11]d20 Electrical damage. Vanquish your foes in battle with a song of glory.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Siren's Song
Descrip: Your Inspire Greatness now grants an additional +[1/2/3] Physical Resistance Rating. Passively, you benefit from an additional +[1/2/3] Physical Resistance Rating.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Grim Fate
Descrip: Adds to your Bound Fate: Your Bound Fate now inflicts affected creatures with an additional [6/10/12]% vulnerability to physical attacks. Grim Fate may take effect, even if Bound Fate does not. Duration: 60 seconds
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: Bound Fate
AbilityName: Arcane Hymn
Descrip: You sing a magical Hymn that resonates within the Arcane Sphere. When you activate this ability, your target is surrounded by magical energies, bestowing Arcane Resonance. Each member of your party, including yourself, may only benefit from one Hymn at a time, regardless of source. Attempting to activate this ability on someone else will dispel the Hymn from your former target. If you attempt to activate a different Hymn on someone who is already benefitting from this Hymn, it will dispel this Hymn as it applies the new one. You may activate this ability on yourself. Arcane Resonance: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, +20 Universal Spell Power, +2 Spell Penetration, +4 Use Magic Device, +10% to your Fire, Cold, Acid and Electric Absorption.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Aria
Descrip: Passive: You sing your Bardic Inspiration as if you had [1/2/3] additional Bard levels. Spontaneous Song: Generate [15/25/35]% less threat when you cast spells for the duration of this song. In addition, you gain +[20/40/40] Sonic Spell Power, and +[5/10/15] Force, Positive, and Negative Spell Power.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Fourth Harmonic Chord
Descrip: Your Inspire Heroics now grants an additional +[1/2/3] Armor Class, +[1/2/3]% Dodge, and +[1/2/3] to all Saving throws. Passively, you benefit from an additional +[1/2/3] Armor Class, +[1/2/3]% Dodge, and +[1/2/3] to all Saving throws.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Divine Hymn
Descrip: You sing a magical Hymn that resonates within the Divine Sphere. When you activate this ability, your target is surrounded by magical energies, bestowing Divine Resonance. Each member of your party, including yourself, may only benefit from one Hymn at a time, regardless of source. Attempting to activate this ability on someone else will dispel the Hymn from your former target. If you attempt to activate a different Hymn on someone who is already benefitting from this Hymn, it will dispel this Hymn as it applies the new one. You may activate this ability on yourself. Divine Resonance: +1 to Strength, Charisma and Wisdom, +1 maximum Spite Evil charges, +2 to hit damage, and to confirm critical hits, +10 Physical Resistance Rating, and +25 Positive and Negative Spell Power.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Martial Hymn
Descrip: You sing a magical Hymn that resonates within the Martial Sphere. When you activate this ability, your target is surrounded by magical energies, bestowing Martial Resonance. Each member of your party, including yourself, may only benefit from one Hymn at a time, regardless of source. Attempting to activate this ability on someone else will dispel the Hymn from your former target. If you attempt to activate a different Hymn on someone who is already benefitting from this Hymn, it will dispel this Hymn as it applies the new one. You may activate this ability on yourself. Martial Resonance: +1 to Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom, +2 Sneak Dice, +20 Maximum Hit Points, +10 Physical and Magical Resistance rating, +5 Armor Class, and +10 Melee and Ranged Power
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Primal Hymn
Descrip: You sing a magical Hymn that resonates within the Primal Sphere. When you activate this ability, your target is surrounded by magical energies, bestowing Primal Resonance. Each member of your party, including yourself, may only benefit from one Hymn at a time, regardless of source. Attempting to activate this ability on someone else will dispel the Hymn from your former target. If you attempt to activate a different Hymn on someone who is already benefitting from this Hymn, it will dispel this Hymn as it applies the new one. You may activate this ability on yourself. Primal Resonance: +1 to Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom, +25 Maximum Hit Points, +10 Spell resistance, +10 Healing Amplification, +10% Attack Speed with Throwing Weapons and Bows, and an additional +3 Strength while Raging.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: The Fifth Chord
Descrip: Adds Inspire Transcendence to your Bardic Ballad. Inspire Transcendence: +1 to all Spell DCs, +1 to the DC of all Tactical Feats, +3 Spell Resistance and True Seeing. Passively, you benefit from an additional +1 to all Spell DCs, +1 to the DC of all Tactical Feats, +3 Spell Resistance and you are immune to Blindness and benefit from the True Seeing spell. A verse from the Song of Heroes, whose powerful notes fill your limbs with vigor in battle.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Metamagic Attunement I
Descrip: Choose one:}{Like Enlarge Spell, your spells have twice the range. This does not increase their Spell Point cost.}{Like Eschew Materials, your spells no longer need common material components. This does not increase their Spell Point cost.}{Like Extend Spell, your spells last twice as long. This does not increase their Spell Point cost.
Tier: 5
Selector: Enlarge, Eschew, Extend
AbilityName: Masquerade
Descrip: Passive: You have a 10% reduction on the costs of your spells. You also have the power to switch your Twist of Fate at a Rest Shrine.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Bladesong
Descrip: Your Melee and Missile attacks deal an additional 2d6 Sonic damage on hit, scaling with Sonic Spell Power. +3% Competence Bonus to Melee Attack Speed. You have +1 Critical Multiplier on rolls of 19-20. A verse from the Song of Heroes, whose harmonious notes sweep away the strain of concentration.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Greater Shout
Descrip: You may cast the spell Greater Shout as a Spell-like ability. Emits an ear splitting yell that deals 1d3+3 Sonic damage per caster level and stuns targets in its path. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stun. Cooldown: 6 seconds. Cost: 6 spell points
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Metamagic Attunement II
Descrip: Choose one:}{Like Embolden Spell, your spells add an additional 2 to their DCs. This does not increase their Spell Point cost.}{Like Intensify Spell, your spells have an additional 75 to their Spell Power. This does not increase their Spell Point cost.}{Quicken Spell, your spells cast much faster and can't be interrupted. This does not increase their Spell Point cost.
Tier: 6
Selector: Embolden, Intensify, Quicken
AbilityName: Turn of the Tide
Descrip: Spontaneous Song: Activate this ability to gain: Full Base Attack Bonus +40% weapon damage DR 15/- +4 Charisma +3 to hit Your attacks from weapons deal an additional 5d10+75 Sonic damage and 5d10+75 Light damage per hit While under the effects of Turn of the Tide, you do not automatically fail Will save by rolling a natural 1. Cooldown: 3 minutes
Tier: 6
DestinyName: Fury of the Wild
Abbreviation: Fury
Type: Destiny
Stats: Strength, Constitution
AbilityName: Tunnel Vision
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While raged, melee attacks deal +1d[8/10/12] extra untyped damage. In addition, you gain +[1/2/3] intimidate and +[1/2/3] will saves. You also suffer a -5 Penalty to Armor Class and suffer a 10% penalty to fortification while raged.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Primal Scream
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds) Nearby allies are raged gaining +[3/4/5] morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, and suffer a -2 penalty to armor class. Nearby enemies take up to [10/20/30]d20 sonic damage. [3/4/5] uses per rest. Duration 3 minutes per use.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Boulders
Descrip: Boulder Toss Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds) Throw a boulder at an enemy, dealing [6/12/20]d100 bludgeoning damage and knocking down enemy on failed reflex save DC [10/15/20] + Str modifier.}{- This does not benefit from spell power, but can critically hit.}{- Affected by force spell power and lore.}{- Treated as low level spell, affected by Globe of Invulnerability. DDO Forums}{- Bug: Boulder Toss Knockdown DC is not working correctly as even the lowest reflex save enemies almost always save.} Boulder's Might 5[W] attack with [+0/+1/+2] Critical Multiplier (Cooldown 6 seconds)
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
Selector: Boulder Toss, Boulder's Might
AbilityName: Fast Healing
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You heal [2/4/6]d20 HP each minute using positive energy.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Injury
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While you are injured, enemies you damage in melee are shaken. At rank 2 when you're below 70% of your hit points enemies receive a bleed proc for 1d10 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. At rank 3 when you are below 30% hit points, you have a 10% chance of paralyzing your enemies for 5 seconds.}{- Bug: Injury's shaken effect has a DC29 will save, lasts only 6 seconds, and offers a recurring save every 2 seconds.}{- Bug: Injury's 3rd rank effect functions the same as the 2nd rank.}{- Note: The bleed damage uses the same rather annoying sound effect as the Slicing Blow feat, except it goes off constantly.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Unstoppable Fury
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While raged, when you roll a natural 1 with a melee attack, you gain +[1/2/3] attack for 20 seconds. Can stack 3 times for up to +[3/6/9] attack. Loses 1 stack every 20 seconds.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Acute Instincts
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While raged, you gain +[0/1/2] wisdom, +[2/4/6] balance, heal, listen, spot, search, concentration and +[1/2/3] insight bonus to saves vs traps.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Damage Reduction
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Gain [2/4/6] Physical Resistance Rating. Barbarians gain a +1% to Barbarian Damage Reduction at rank 3.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Insult
Descrip: (Active) (Cooldown: 20 seconds) Your next attack generates triple threat, and for 20 seconds your target gains +2 Strength, +2 constitution and loses -10 AC, -10 concentration and -10% fortification.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
All: Tier 2: Injury
AbilityName: Malicious Weapons
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[3/6/9]% chance to trigger weapon effects with glancing blows.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Ward Against Weird
Descrip: Passive Bonus: [30/40/60] spell resistance when you are below [100%/70%/30%] of health.}{- Note: it does not stack with spell resistance from items.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Gird Against Demons
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Weapons you equip are considered cold iron and gain [lesser evil outsider bane / evil outsider bane].}{- Note: This effect now shows up as "Gird Against Demons" on your weapons as an enchantment, and thus fully stacks with all other weapon enchantments.}{- Bug: Cold Iron damage bypass will removed if you change your Arcane Archer Secondary Imbue from metalline to any other. This does not occur if you equipping the bow which you equipped when you enter current instance.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Wild Weapons
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[3/6/9]% glancing blow damage.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 3: Malicious Weapons
AbilityName: Sense Weakness
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You deal [10/20/30]% extra damage to helpless targets. Your melee attacks deal [1d8/1d8/1d8] extra untyped damage to enemies below 75% HP, [0/1d12/1d12] extra damage to enemies below 50% HP, and [0/0/1d20] extra damage to enemies below 25% HP. These are cumulative.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: Acute Instincts
AbilityName: Overwhelming Force
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Melee attacks under the effect of Adrenaline knock down [2/6/10] seconds.}{- Note: While knocked down by Overwhelming Force, the enemy is considered helpless.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Strong Swings
Descrip: +10 Melee Power with Melee Weapons. While fighting in Two Handed Fighting style, this is instead +25.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Fury Made Placid
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 30 seconds) Spend 1 Adrenaline: Stop being raged. You heal 2d100 HP every two seconds over the next ten seconds. This healing scales with Melee Power. For 3 minutes you gain +6 wisdom, +10% Doublestrike, +20 PRR and MRR, cannot benefit from rage or adrenaline, and sentient enemies attacking you physically or magically have a 3% chance to become paralyzed and helpless with regret for 3 seconds with no save. Cannot train if you have Fury Eternal.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Fury Eternal
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +1 Adrenaline max use. Whenever you Vorpal Strike on melee or ranged attack, 33% chance to regain 1 Adrenaline use. Cannot train Fury Made Placid.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Bloodbath
Descrip: While in Two Handed Fighting style, your Vorpal Threat Range is increased to 19-20.
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Unbridled Fury
Descrip: Epic Moment: Active Ability: (Cooldown 5mins) Every three seconds, for thirty seconds, you gain Adrenaline Overload: Your next attack deals +400% damage and has +16 critical threat range and confirmation of critical hits. While this is active and you fight with a two handed weapon, Glancing Blows produced on enemies around you when you stand still and attack deal +100% damage and have 100% chance of triggering weapon effects. You gain the feats Two-Handed Fighting, Improved Two-Handed Fighting, and Greater Two-Handed Fighting for the duration.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
DestinyName: Grandmaster of Flowers
Abbreviation: Flowers
Type: Destiny
Stats: Dexterity, Wisdom
AbilityName: Lily Petal
Descrip: Project a bolt of pure Ki energy to damage a single enemy at range and restore 5 Ki to yourself. Damage: 80 to 120 plus 8 to 12 per Character Level. This damage scales with the higher of Melee and Ranged Power.
Tier: 1
AbilityName: Perfect Balance
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Balance, Jump and Tumble and [1/2/3]% Dodge.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Enlightenment
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[15/30/45] Ki and +[2/4/6] Concentration. Gain +[0/0/1] passive ki regeneration.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: A Dance of Flowers
Abbreviation: Dance of Flowers
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[0.5/1.0/1.5][W] to attacks you make while Centered. Note: Works with any weapon as long as you remain centered, eg bows with Zen Archery or T5 Kensei focus weapon. Works without monk levels, so long as you meet the requirements for being centered.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: The Flower's Thorn
Descrip: Melee Attack: +3[W]. 6 second cooldown. Does not require you to be Centered.
Tier: 2
AbilityName: Running with Wind
Descrip: You gain Electricity resistance [4/8/12], and a +[10/20/30]% Enhancement bonus to Movement speed. You also gain +[2/4/6]% chance to Doublestrike on your Melee attacks.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Serenity
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[3/6/9] stacking spell resistance.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Hail of Blows
Descrip: You gain +3% chance to doublestrike on your melee attacks and +3 damage with weapons.
Tier: 2
All: Tier 1: A Dance of Flowers
AbilityName: Orchid Blossom
Descrip: Project a blast of pure Ki energy to damage enemies at range. The Orchid Blossom will detonate upon hitting an enemy or solid object, damaging any nearby foes. Damage: 80 to 120 plus 8 to 12 per Character Level (Reflex Saving Throw DC 10 + Character Level + Wisdom Modifier + Stunning Bonuses for half damage). The damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged Power. Cooldown: 12 seconds, Cost: 20 Ki.
Tier: 3
AbilityName: Walking with Waves
Descrip: You gain Cold Resistance [4/8/12] and +[2/4/6] bonus to your Armor Class. You also gain+[1/2/3]% to your chance to Dodge enemy attacks.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Light as a Feather
Descrip: You are immune to damage caused by falling. In addition, when this ability is toggled on, you are under the effect of Feather Fall
Tier: 3
AbilityName: Perfection of Body
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Fortitude save. Do not automatically fail a save on a 1 against [disease/poison/any Fortitude save].
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Standing with Stone
Descrip: You gain Acid Resistance [4/8/12], +[5/10/15] to your maximum hit point total. You also gain +[5/10/15] PRR.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Piercing Clarity
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Your attacks bypass [5/10]% of enemy fortification. Your attacks have Ghost Touch. On rank 2 your attacks bypass concealment as if you had True Seeing.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 2
AbilityName: Perfection of Mind
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Will saves, additional +[2/4/6] saves versus enchantment, Fear and illusion. On Rank 3, you do not automatically fail a Will save on a 1.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Drifting Lotus
Descrip: Enemies in the vicinity of your attack may make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + character level + Wisdom modifier + stun bonuses) for half damage. Any enemies who fail their Reflex save are knocked down by the force of your blow. Damage: 100-160 +10-14 per character level. This damage scales with the highest of Melee and Ranged Power. Cooldown: 15 seconds, Cost: 25 Ki.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Dancing with Flames
Descrip: You gain Fire Resistance [4/8/12], and a +[1/2/3] bonus to your attack and damage rolls. You also gain +[0.3/0.6/1][W] damage added to your weapon attacks.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Devastating Critical
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Perfection of Soul
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Reflex saves, and gain +[1/2/3] to Bluff, Diplomacy, Haggle and Intimidate. At rank 3, do not automatically fail a Reflex save on a 1.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: A Scattering of Petals
Abbreviation: Scattering of Petals
Descrip: On Activation: Nearby enemies have their Fortification reduced by 200% and lose sneak attack immunity for 12 seconds. In addition, each nearby enemy must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + Character Level + Wisdom Modifier + Stunning bonuses) or become blinded for 9 seconds. For the next 12 seconds, you gain +100 PRR and +10 Natural Armor. Cooldown: 90 seconds, Cost: 30 Ki.
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Everything is Nothing
Descrip: On Activation: Your state of luminous consciousness allows your will to alter the fabric of the planes, ripping your foes out of time and space. Up to six nearby enemies must make a saving throw (DC 10 + Character Level + Wisdom Modifier + Stunning bonuses) or be erased from the multiverse. If they succeed at their saving throw, they are instead paralyzed by temporal shock for 6 seconds, after which point they take 1000 points of damage (Fortitude save as above for half damage). This damage scales with the highest of Melee or Ranged power. Bosses are immune to the death and paralysis effects, and instead immediately take damage. Player characters are entirely immune to Everything is Nothing.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
DestinyName: Legendary Dreadnought
Abbreviation: Dreadnought
Type: Destiny
Stats: Strength, Constitution
AbilityName: Sundering Swing
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1 min) For the next [9/12/15] seconds, all attacks you make apply an Improved Sunder effect on hit.}{ Bug: Sundering Swing functions as the old version of Improved Sunder (-5 AC, but does not lower fortification). It's also not applying the -3 fortitude penalty that Improved Sunder normally does regardless if saved against.}{ Note: It does not apply to unarmed attacks.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
All: Feat: Improved Sunder
AbilityName: Legendary Tactics
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to DC's of all tactical feats.}{ Bug: Legendary Tactics isn't applying to the knockdown DC of Lay Waste.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Extra Action Boost
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] Action Boost per rest.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Attack Boost
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds (30 if you twist it)) Activate to gain a [+15/+20/+25] Action Boost bonus to attack bonus for 20 seconds. (This enhancement cannot be taken if you have Action Boost Attack as a class enhancement, and it shares a cooldown with all other action boosts).
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Momentum Swing
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1 min) Tactical Melee Attack Perform an attack with +5[W] damage and +[1/2/3] critical threat range. Cleave attacks have a [15/30/50]% chance to reset the cooldown of this ability (this cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds).}{Bug: Cooldown often seems to be resetted, but actually it is not. Activating Momentum Swing when timer is not properly resetted will cause animation to play but you won't deal any damage. Easy way to check proper reset is to wait 2-3 seconds after ability timer is cleared, and if countdown continues - then it was false reset, if not - then ability resetted properly.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Improved Combat Expertise
Abbreviation: Imp. Combat Expertise
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 6 seconds) When Stance: Combat Expertise is active, you gain +20 Physical Resistance Rating.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
All: Feat: Combat Expertise
AbilityName: Improved Power Attack
Abbreviation: Imp. Power Attack
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 6 seconds) When Stance: Power Attack is active, you deal +0.5[W] damage with weapons.}{ Bug: As of Update 22.3 the extra 0.5[W] damage from Improved Power Attack does not display on your weapons, but does display on the inventory damage box and in the players combat chat log. The +0.5[W] increase in damage works and applies normally.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
All: Feat: Power Attack
AbilityName: Damage Boost
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds (30 if you twist it)) Activate to gain a +[20/25/30] Action Boost bonus to melee power for 20 seconds (This epic ability cannot be taken if you have Action Boost Damage as a class enhancement, and it shares a cooldown with all other action boosts).
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Lay Waste
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 1 min) Perform an Area of Effect attack with +5[W] damage and +1 critical damage multiplier. On Hit Knocks the target down, Balance DC (10 + Character Level + Strength Modifier) Negates. Momentum Swing has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of this ability (this cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds).}{Bug: Cooldown often seems to be resetted, but actually it is not. Activating Lay Waste when timer is not properly resetted will cause animation to play but you won't deal any damage. Easy way to check proper reset is to wait 2-3 seconds after ability timer is cleared, and if countdown continues - then it was false reset, if not - then ability resetted properly.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
All: Tier 2: Momentum Swing
AbilityName: Critical Damage
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] damage on critical hits (before weapon multipliers).
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Haste Boost
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds (30 if you twist it)) Activate this ability to receive a +[20/25/30]% Action Boost attack speed bonus for 20 seconds. (This ability cannot be taken if you have Action Boost Haste as a class enhancement, and it shares a cooldown with all other action boosts).}{ Bug: The ability can be taken if you have Action Boost Haste from an enhancement line. In that case, it will share the number of uses with the existing haste boost.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Unusual Tactics
Descrip: Passive Ability: You are a studied master of a wide variety of methods for gaining the upper hand. +2 to the DCs of your Tactical Feats, DC of Rune Arm shots, DC of Breath Weapons, DC of Assassinate, DC of Poisons, and +2 to the Perform, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Volcano's Edge
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds) Melee Attack On Hit 100 Fire damage. On Critical Target takes Magma Surge damage. On Vorpal Target takes 10d100 Fire damage. Requires a Dagger, Kama, Sickle or Sword to be equipped in your main hand.}{ Note: Does also work with a Rapier or Kukri equipped in the main hand.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Lightning Mace
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds) Melee Attack On Hit 100 Electrical damage. On Critical Gain +15% enhancement bonus to melee doublestrike for 6 seconds. On Vorpal Target takes 10d100 Electrical damage. Requires a Club (weapon), Greatclub, Heavy Mace, Light Mace, Morningstar, or Quarterstaff to be equipped in your main hand.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Anvil of Thunder
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds) Melee Attack On Hit 100 Sonic damage. On Critical Target is stunned for 6 seconds. On Vorpal Target takes 10d100 Sonic damage. Requires a Dwarven Waraxe, Greataxe, Battleaxe, Handaxe, Warhammer, Maul, Light Pick or Heavy Pick to be equipped in your main hand.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Advancing Blows
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You gain on Critical Hit +1 to hit and damage for 6 seconds. Stacks 5 times.}{-As of Update 37 Patch 2, Advancing Blows no longer treats critical hits as action boost activations. Therefore, it no longer has a great synergy with Purple Dragon Focus
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Devastating Critical
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20.}{- Stacks with Headman's Chop and Overwhelming Critical.}{-Functions with handwraps and shields.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Master's Blitz
Descrip: Epic Moment: Active Ability: (Cooldown 5 mins) Activate: For 15 seconds, you gain +7 Melee Power, +7 Ranged Power, and select either +50% Dodge (dodge cap applies!) or +30 PRR. Any time you hit an opponent while under the effects of Master's Blitz, you have a chance to gain an additional stack of the melee/ranged damage bonus and restart the duration. When you first activate this ability, you now start with three stacks of increased damage. The damage bonus stacks up to 10 times, and decrements by 1 every 15 seconds.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Pulverizer
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Increases the critical threat range of bludgeoning weapons you equip by 1 (Insight bonus).}{ Notes:}{- As insight bonus, this does stack with most common effects that increase threat range (exception: Exploit Weakness).}{- Does not work with Shields.}{- Works with Handwraps as of U35}{- Does not work for bludgeoning weapons that don't deal bludgeoning damage, for example Cranium Cracker or Sireth.}{- Works for Blunted Ammunition ranged weapons, as well as bows dealing bludgeoning damage via Morphic Arrows.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Headman's Chop
Descrip: Passive Bonus: When you have an axe equipped in your main hand, you gain an additional +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20.}{-This also increases the Critical Damage Multiplier of your off-hand weapons and shields, as long as you have an axe equipped in your main hand.}{- Stacks with Devastating Critical and Overwhelming Critical.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
All: Tier 5: Devastating Critical
DestinyName: Magister
Type: Destiny
Stats: Intelligence, Charisma
AbilityName: Sigil of Spell Warding
Abbreviation: Sigil of Warding
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 30 seconds, 20 sp) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants [1/2/3] AC and [5/10/15] PRR to allies in radius. Only one sigil active per caster.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Imperceptible Casting
Descrip: For the next 30 seconds, you gain +10 Universal Spell Power and the threat you generate from spells is reduced by 95%. Cooldown: 1 minute
Tier: 1
AbilityName: Unearthly Reactions
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] dodge, +[2/4/6] reflex. At rank 3 when you tumble, you will phase out from reality briefly, passing through enemies as you do so.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Impregnable Mind
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] concentration, +[2/4/6] will, rank 3 No longer automatically fail will saves on a roll of a 1.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Sigil of Lifeshielding
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 30 seconds, 20 sp) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants deathward to allies within radius and inflicts [1/2/3]d6 light damage every 2 second to the undead. Only one sigil active per caster.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Fade into the Weave
Descrip: gain +25 Universal Spell Power, trigger a Diplomacy effect, and for the next 20 seconds you are invisible. This invisibility does not break if you cast spells or attack enemies. Cooldown: 2 minutes
Tier: 2
All: Tier 1: Imperceptible Casting
AbilityName: School Specialist
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] DC to chosen school.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
All: Feat: Spell Focus
SharedSelector: Feat: Spell Focus
AbilityName: Sigil of Energy Negation
Abbreviation: Sigil of Energy
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 30 seconds, 20 sp) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants [20/40/60] stacking fire, cold, electricity and acid resistance to allies within radius. Only one sigil active per caster.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Variable Resistance
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Whenever take elemental damage +10 resistance to this type of damage for [1/2/3] minute(s). Stacks up to 3 times. Stack cleared if take a different elemental damage.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Piercing Spellcraft
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] to spell penetration.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
All: Feat: Spell Penetration
AbilityName: School Augmentation
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Chosen school spells have [5/10/15]% chance to reduce target <save depending on school> by 5 or 10 for [10/20/30] seconds.Conjuration/Evocation: Reflex -10. Enchantment/Illusion: Will -10. Necromancy (tests) / Transmutation: Fortitude -5. Abjuration: [5/10/15]% chance to increase target's Armor Class by 5 for [2/?/?] minutes.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: School Specialist
AbilityName: Sigil of Battering Spellcraft
Abbreviation: Sigil of Battering
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 2 mins, 20sp) Inscribes a sigil for 30 seconds[Unverified"30 seconds" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]. Rank 3 sigil lasts 60 seconds. Grants +[15/30/45] stacking spellpower to allies within radius. Only one sigil active per caster.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Nullmagic Guard
Descrip: Passive Bonus: When you take damage, there is a [2/4/6]% chance that a burst of antimagic energy expands from your body. Nearby enemies are subject to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will render them unable to cast spells and lose [2/3/4] Spell Resistance for [10/20/30] seconds.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Call Kindred Being
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 60 seconds) Summon an epic (CR20) creature to aid you. The creature type depends on school familiarity as follows: Abjuration summons an Animated Armor, Conjuration summons a Golem, Enchantment summons a Succubus, Evocation summons a Living Meteor Swarm, Illusion summons a Dream Reaver, Necromancy summons a Lich, Transmutation summons a Gargoyle. Note--the golem sometimes turns hostile and attacks the party.
Tier: 4
All: Tier 4: School Familiarity
AbilityName: School Familiarity
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Reduces cooldown for chosen school spells by [5/10/15]%.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 3: School Augmentation
AbilityName: Nullmagic Strike
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Offensive spells you cast, melee and ranged attacks have a [5/10/15]% chance to subject the target to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will render them unable to cast spells and lose [2/3/4] Spell Resistance for [10/20/30] seconds.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 4: Nullmagic Guard
AbilityName: Grand Summoner
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Summons gain +4 to all ability scores, increased health, increased fort (50%) and a 40% increase to movement speed. Stack with augment summoning and similar effects.
Tier: 5
All: Tier 4: Call Kindred Being, Feat: Augment Summoning
AbilityName: School Master
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Your caster level and maximum caster level on spells of this school are each increased by [1/2/3]. You also gain +[1/2/3] to DCs with spells from this School.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 4: School Familiarity
AbilityName: Arcane Tempest
Descrip: Creates a chaotic massively powerful storm of force energy that deals 1d6+6 Force damage per caster level every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds. Cost: 30 spell points
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Nullmagic Aura
Descrip: When activated, for 20 seconds, you and allies near you are immune to harmful spells. Cooldown: 4 minutes
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
All: Tier 5: Nullmagic Strike
AbilityName: Arcane Adept
Descrip: Passive Bonus: All spells you cast receive an enhancement bonus of -10% to their spell point costs.
Tier: 6
Cost: 1
DestinyName: Primal Avatar
Abbreviation: Primal
Type: Destiny
Stats: Strength, Wisdom
AbilityName: Ephemeral Evolution
Descrip: Passive When you take physical damage, you gain +1 Physical Resistance for 3 seconds. This stacks up to [5/10/15] times, up to once per second. Stacks fade away 1 at a time.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Rejuvenation Cocoon
Descrip: Active (12 SP activation) (12 sec cooldown) (Empower Heal, Quicken, Enlarge) (SR: no)}Protect target ally with a shield of [90/120/150] temporary HP for 9 seconds. Heals 5d6 HP every 2 seconds while the shield persists.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Insidious Spores
Descrip: Active (30 SP activation) (12 sec cooldown) (Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Enlarge) (SR: no)}Target enemy becomes contaminated with spores for 18 seconds. Every 2 seconds the target takes [6d6] Poison and Rust damage. Stacks up to [2/3/4] times. Enemies damaged by Insidious Spores become Contagious for five minutes after, spreading Insidious Spores to some nearby enemies when they die.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Friends of Nature
Descrip: Active}You call forth a small nature animal, providing a bonus to nearby allies. Duration: 3 minutes. Cooldown: 3 minutes.}{- Bat: +10 Sonic Spell Power, +5 Sonic Resistance, +3 Listen}{- Bird: +1 Dodge, +3 Spot}{- Fox: +1 sneak attack damage, +3 Move Silently}{- Frog: +2 PRR, +3 Jump}{- Squirrel: +2 attack while flanking, +3 Hide
Tier: 1
Cost: 2
Selector: Bat, Bird, Fox, Frog, Squirrel
AbilityName: Seeking Balance
Descrip: Passive You gain +[1/2/3] Reflex Saving Throws, +[2/4/6] Tumble, and +[2/4/6] Balance while shapeshifted into an animal form, wielding two weapons, or unarmed. These are Primal bonuses. Skill bonuses required already having at least one rank in the skill.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Supple as Spring
Descrip: Passive Nearby allies gain +[1/2/3]% Primal Bonus to Dodge if they have been damaged in combat in the past six seconds.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Favored Enemy
Descrip: Passive (multiple Enhancement Selector) Some things should not be. Gain the feat Favored Enemy Aberrations, Constructs, or Undead, dealing +2 damage to that race per Favored Enemy feat you have. This also increases the damage dealt against any of your other Favored Enemies by 2. (You cannot pick a Favored Enemy you already have.)
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
Selector: Aberration, Construct, Undead
AbilityName: Natural Shielding
Descrip: Passive Your summoned and charmed pets, hirelings, and monsters gain +[30/60/100] maximum HP and +[10/20/30] PRR. Rank 3: Natural Creatures also gain evasion: When they make a successful Reflex save to avoid damage, they suffer no damage instead of half damage. (Natural Creatures include: Animals, Elementals, Magical Beasts, Plants, & Vermin)}{ Note: ingame description says that it gives 60 PRR; Evasion applies to hirelings and Dryad, probably anything can get evasion from rank 3.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Balanced Attacks
Descrip: Passive You gain a +[2/4/6] Primal bonus to Attack as long as you are shapeshifted into an animal form, wielding two weapons, or unarmed. Rank 3: Knock down enemies for 2 seconds on vorpal hit. Enemies knocked down by this effect are helpless.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: Seeking Balance
AbilityName: Summer Smoke
Descrip: Active Ability: (5 sec cooldown) Toggle: Nearby allies have a small chance to deal [5/10/15]d20 extra fire damage with their attacks.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Tsunami
Descrip: Active (50SP to activate) (7 sec cooldown) (SR: no) (Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge)}Sends forth a wave of water, knocking enemies down and dealing 30 cold damage plus 1d10 per character level and 30 bludgeoning damage plus 1d10 per character level. The cold damage and knockdown are negated on a successful Fortitude save vs. 10 + Wisdom modifier + Character level. Some monsters can resist Tsunami completely, such as Water Elementals and Oozes.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
AbilityName: The Oncoming Storm
Descrip: Passive Attacks by your summoned and charmed pets, hirelings, and monsters gain a 1% chance to knockdown enemies. Rank 2: Attacks by your summoned and charmed pets, hirelings, and monsters gain a 1% chance to deal 20d20 sonic damage. Rank 3: Attacks by your summoned and charmed pets, hirelings, and monsters gain a 1% chance to deal 20d20 lightning damage.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: Natural Shielding
AbilityName: Paired Parry / Symetric Strikes
Descrip: Passive (Multiple Enhancement Selector) Gain +5 AC or +5% Primal bonus to physical damage, while in animal form, unarmed, or two-weapon fighting.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 3: Balanced Attacks
Flags: SelectorOnly
Selector: Paired Parry, Symetric Strikes
AbilityName: Autumn Harvest
Descrip: Active You and nearby allies have a 5% chance to heal [10/15/20]d10 when nearby enemies die. Not affected by spell power.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Stormrage
Descrip: Active (50SP to activate) (12 sec cooldown) (SR: No) (Quicken)}Enemies damaged by your attacks or spells are also struck by lightning, dealing 10d20 electric damage, halved on a reflex save vs. DC 50. Lightning strikes up to one enemy each second. You also gain featherfall and Deflect Arrows. Lasts 18 seconds.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Summon Dryad Elder
Descrip: Active (50SP to activate) (30 sec cooldown) (SR: No) (Quicken)}Summon a Dryad Elder. She uses her magic for damage spells as well as support and healing (Regenerate on self,Deathward on group, Mass Cure Critical Wounds on others - heals enemies as well).
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Chill of Winter
Descrip: Active Ability: (5 sec cooldown)}Toggle: Enemies that damage your nearby allies have a 20% chance to become chilled, receiving 1d20 cold and 1d20 rust damage every two seconds and slowing their attack and movement speed by [5/15/25]% for 20 seconds.}This damage can stack up to 10 times. Chill of Winter also affects bosses.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Spirit Boon
Descrip: Active Ability: (Multiple Enhancement Selector)}Toggle: Temporarily gain +2 Primal bonus to all physical abilities (Str, Dex, Con) or mental abilities (Int, Wis, Cha).
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
Selector: Mental, Physical
AbilityName: Nature's Fury
Descrip: Passive (Multiple Enhancement Selector)}Gain +1 critical damage multiplier on a roll of 19-20, or Evasion, while in animal form, unarmed, or two-weapon fighting.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
Selector: Nature's Fury, Natural Evasion
AbilityName: Avatar of Nature
Descrip: Epic Moment: Active (2 AP) (35SP to activate) (5 sec cooldown)}You become an Avatar of Nature (Wood woad) Every 6 seconds, you gain +1 size, +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, a large bonus to damage based on size, and lose some movement speed, stacking up to size 4.}{- Size 1+: +50 size bonus to PRR?(Damage dice: 18.5[1d20])}{- Size 2+: When you attack enemies they become poisoned, taking 2d10 poison damage every 2 seconds for several seconds. This poison stacks up to 5 times. (Damage dice: 36.0[1d20])}{- Size 3+: Enemies attacking you have a chance to become diseased, dealing 1d4 Constitution damage every two seconds for 10 seconds. (Damage dice:53.5[1d20])}{- Size 4: The ground shakes when you put your foot down. Your third attack while standing still knocks down nearby enemies and deals extra bludgeoning damage in an area. (Damage dice:71.0[1d20])}{- Fighting in this form counts as Unarmed combat, uses Two Weapon Fighting feats and has a base critical profile of 20 x2, regardless of weapon(s) wielded.}{ Tip: Turning off effects in combat log can prevent some lag related to changing shapes (DDO Forums).
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
DestinyName: Shadowdancer
Type: Destiny
Stats: Dexterity, Intelligence
AbilityName: Stealthy
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Hide and Move Silently skills. +[2/4/6] to Assassinate DC (if you have Assassinate). Hide in Plain Sight at rank 3.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Shadow Lance
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 30 seconds) Throws 3 spears, each dealing [4/6/8]d8 + [18/24/30] unholy damage and has a chance to blind target (Fort DC [14/16/18] + character level + higher of Dex or Int modifier + Assassination bonuses). This damage scales with 400% of the higher of your melee or ranged power.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Acrobatic
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Balance, Jump and Tumble and a +[3/6/9] bonus to reflex while tumbling.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Technician
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] to Search, Spot, Disable Device, Open Lock and flanking bonus to attack.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Escape Notice
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 1 minute) Triggers a Diplomacy effect that uses the Hide skill instead of the Diplomacy skill.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Lithe
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[2/4/6] reflex saves, AC and light armor Max Dex Bonus.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Skill Mastery
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +1 stacking to all skills.
Tier: 2
All: Tier 1: Technician
AbilityName: Cloak of Shadows
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes) Activate to cloak in darkness, granting immunity to light and negative damage for 5 minutes, or until 120 damage have been absorbed.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Shrouding Strike/Shot
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 6 seconds) Melee or Ranged Attack: Perform an attack with +[1/2/3][W] damage. On hit: Apply a stack of Improved Destruction.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
Flags: SelectorOnly
Selector: Shrouding Strike, Shrouding Shot
AbilityName: Meld into Darkness
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes) +100% Enhancement bonus to dodge for [9/12/15] seconds.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Grim Precision
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Bypass [5/10/15]% enemy fortification and [1/2/3]% enemy dodge.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Improved Invisibility
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 4 minutes) Turn invisible for [10/20/30] seconds. Attacking does not break this effect. After it wears off, you retain partial concealment for a time (grants Displacement for [30/60/90] seconds).
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Pierce the Gloom
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes) You are accustomed to seeing clearly even in the darkest conditions. Activate this ability to clear any Blindness effect on yourself. For 30 seconds afterwards you always hit except when you roll a 1 on your attack roll.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 3: Grim Precision
AbilityName: Shadow Manipulation
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes) Activate to dominate the target for 1 minute (Will DC 10 + character level + higher of Dex or Int modifier + Assassination bonuses), after which it is subject to instant death if it fails a fortitude save (DC 10 + character level + higher of Dex or Int modifier + Assassination bonuses). This effect appears to work only on humanoids, living constructs and some aberrations.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Untouchable
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Gain 3% dodge and +1 critical multiplier on rolls of 19-20.
Tier: 5
AbilityName: Executioner's Strike/Shot
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 30 seconds) Melee or ranged attack. Perform an attack with +[1/2/3][W] damage, +1 critical threat range and +1 critical damage multiplier. On hit: You have a 35% chance to kill a target instantly if the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 7 + Character level + DEX modifier + Number of Shadow Charges). Even on successful save target takes an additional [50/75/100] damage from this attack.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
Flags: SelectorOnly
Selector: Executioner's Strike, Executioner's Shot
AbilityName: Sealed Soul
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Grants you immunity to energy drain.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Consume
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes) Activate to create a field around you for 10 seconds. Every 2 seconds the aura causes one nearby corporeal enemy to be devoured by its own shadow and die (Fort DC 10 + character level + higher of Dex or Int modifier + Assassination bonuses), or take 80-120 damage. You are free to perform other actions while the aura is active.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Shadow Form
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 1 minute) Activate to gain 25% incorporeal miss chance (and ignore incorporeal miss chance of targets), float as if affected by Feather Fall, have bonuses to Hide and Move Silently (testing shows +20 to both) and deal strength damage on all melee and ranged attacks. You also take double damage from light effects. This is a toggled ability that persists until toggled off or leaving a quest.
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Dark Imbuement
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes) For 30 seconds, you deal an extra 9d6 unholy damage with every strike (scales with 200% higher of melee or ranged power), +15 Melee and Ranged Power, +2 Sneak Attack dice, the effective range of your melee attacks increases dramatically, and your ranged attacks have a 30% chance to explode, dealing 18d6 unholy damage (scales with 200% ranged power) to all enemies in a large radius around your target.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
DestinyName: Shiradi Champion
Abbreviation: Shiradi
Type: Destiny
Stats: Dexterity, Wisdom
AbilityName: Stay Frosty
Descrip: Shiradi Ranged Stance: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) Ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to deal [3d10/3d20] extra cold damage and slow movement speed for [5/10] seconds. This Cold damage scales with 200% Ranged Power. [+3/+6] Listen and Spot.}{ Note: Can be active at the same time as Archer's Focus or Improved Precise Shot Ranged Stances. The slow effect seems to not be affecting bosses.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 2
AbilityName: Wild Shots
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: [30/20/15] seconds) Hurl nine daggers in a wide arc in front you. Each deals [10d20/15d20/20d20] piercing damage that scales with 200% Ranged Power.Enemies hit by daggers are immune to further hits from Wild Shots for 5 seconds.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Healing Spring
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 30 seconds) Nearby allies heal 1d100 positive energy every [60/40/20] seconds for five minutes. Usable once per rest.}Although not specified in the description, "allies" includes yourself, and the buff is affected by healing amplification and positive spell power effects (such as the caster's heal skill). When Healing Spring is cast, a healing buff is calculated and added to all nearby allies, including the caster; there is no need to remain near the caster (as one must to take advantage of a cleric's healing aura), and equipment that improves healing or spell power can be removed after the buff is applied without losing its bonus.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Illusion of Well Being
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Healing spring additionally grants [10/15/20] temporary hitpoints when it heals for at least one HP.Grants one additional use of healing spring per rest.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 1: Healing Spring
AbilityName: Prism
Descrip: Shiradi Ranged Stance (Cooldown: 5 seconds) Ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to deal 2d10 damage to a random ability score.
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Pin
Descrip: Ranged or Thrown Attack: (Cooldown: [20/15] seconds) Deals [+2/+3][w]. If enemy is not moving, enemy is pinned in place for [9/18] seconds. Enemy is slowed if moving.}{ Note: No saving throw observed for either effect. When pinned the enemy is also helpless. Bosses can not be pinned in place, but are affected by the slow.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 2
AbilityName: Fey Spring
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Healing spring additionally grants DR[2/4/6]/Cold Iron and stacking [2/4/6] Spell Power to nearby allies.Grants one additional use of healing spring per rest.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 1: Healing Spring, Tier 2: Fey Form
AbilityName: Fey Form
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Gain DR[3/5/7]/Cold Iron and +[5/10/15] Spell Power.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Rainbow
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While in Prism Stance, your ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to deal 1d100 extra damage of a random type. This damage scales with 200% Ranged Power.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
All: Tier 2: Prism
AbilityName: Otto's Whistler
Descrip: Ranged or Thrown Attack: (Cooldown: [20/15] seconds) Deals [+2/+3][w] damage. If enemy is moving, enemy starts dancing for [9/18] seconds.}{ Note: No saving throw observed.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 2
AbilityName: Whirling Wrists
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Increases your attack speed with thrown weapons by [20%/40%/60%] (This is a Feat Bonus). You also gain [2%/4%/6%] Doubleshot.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Double Rainbow
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While in Prism Stance, your ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to inflict a random effect on your target. These effects scale with various different things depending on their origins, including Melee, Ranged, and Spell Power.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
All: Tier 3: Rainbow
AbilityName: Stay Good
Descrip: Shiradi Ranged Stance: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) Ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to deal [3d10/3d20/3d20] extra light damage. This Light damage scales with 200% Ranged Power. Rank 3: Ranged and throwing weapons you equip are considered Good.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: In the Weeds
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] Dodge, +[2/4/6] Hide. After standing still for a few seconds you gain +1 Dodge, +3 Hide, +3 PRR, +3 MRR. Ranks 2/3: This can stack [2/3] times.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Elemental Absorption
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 seconds) Target ally receives a primal shield that reduces [5%/10%/15%] damage from fire, cold, electric, acid, and sonic. Two uses per rest. Lasts until rest.
Tier: 4
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 2: Fey Form
AbilityName: Track
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Ranged attack and thrown weapon attacks reduce enemy AC by -1 and Fortification by 2% for 5 seconds. This effect stacks up to [3/6/10] times.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Stand and Deliver
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While standing still you gain +1 competence bonus to ranged damage and +1% Spell Power every few seconds, stacking up to ten times. Passive Bonus: +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20.}{ Note: Does not increase Spell Power by a +1% percent, but rather by a flat +1.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Nerve Venom
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Your ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a [3%/5%/7%] chance to paralyze living creatures for 6 seconds.}{ Note: No saving throw observed.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Audience with the Queen
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 2 minutes 34 seconds) Pop off for some tea with your lady, the Queen of Summer, returning a few seconds later. Unusable while incapacitated.Depending on your Diplomacy with the Queen, you may experience effects either favorable or ill, though the tea is always delicious. (Diplomacy check)}{ Diplomacy DC: 20 - Success, 40 - Critical Success}{ Note: Usable once per day.
Tier: 6
Cost: 1
AbilityName: Rain of Arrows
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 5 minutes) Call upon a thousand invisible fairies to rain pointy wooden death around you! Every second for thirty seconds each enemy around you has 20% to take 10d100 damage. Damage may consist of up to 10 different random damage types. This damage scales with 200% Ranged Power.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Hunt's End
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 24 seconds) Your next shot with a Ranged or Thrown weapon has +400% damage and +16 to its Critical Threat Range. This shot ignores incorporeality. 24 second cooldown.
Tier: 6
DestinyName: Unyielding Sentinel
Abbreviation: Sentinel
Type: Destiny
Stats: Constitution, Charisma
AbilityName: Divine Energy Resistance
Abbreviation: Energy Resistance
Descrip: This SLA grants 35 resistance to acid, cold, fire, sonic, electric for 1 min per character level [225/150/75] sp to all allies in the standard area of effect; centered on the caster. You can apply metamagic feats to this SLA for free (extend, quicken). The effect does not stack with Resist Energy spell.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Commanding Presence
Descrip: +150/300/450% Threat Generation
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Brace for Impact
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[20/40]% fortification. +[1/2] Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Shield Prowess
Descrip: Passive Bonus: Your shield's AC contribution is increased by [15/30/50]%.
Tier: 1
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Block Energy
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While blocking, you absorb [10/20/30]% of Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Force, Light, and Sonic damage.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Fanaticism
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You gain the Smite Evil feat. While you are Unbreakable, weapons you equip gain True Law if you are Lawful, and True Chaos if you are Chaotic, dealing 1d6 damage of that alignment to enemies of different alignments.}{ Note: Also grants +6 uses of Smite Evil (not mentioned in tooltip).
Tier: 2
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Endless Smiting
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] Smite Evil use per rest. Smite Evil uses regenerate [10/20/30]% faster. (Note, this means you regenerate uses once every 81/72/63 seconds)
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
One: Tier 2: Fanaticism, Feat: Smite Evil
AbilityName: Legendary Shield Mastery
Descrip: Passive Bonus: While wearing a shield, you gain +[5/10/15] Physical Resistance Rating and +[2/4/7]% chance to doublestrike.
Tier: 2
Ranks: 3
All: Tier 1: Shield Prowess
Rank2All: Feat: Shield Mastery
Rank3All: Feat: Improved Shield Mastery
AbilityName: Renewal
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds, 5 sp) Heals 1d2 HP per 4/3/2 character levels every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. If target is below 50% health, grants celestial shield absorbing the 30/40/50 next damage. Requires being in Unyielding Sentinel destiny to self-target. As a Spell-like ability it benefits from metamagic feats at no additional cost.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Intolerant Blows
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 20 seconds) Expend one Smite Evil: For 60 seconds you gain +200% Sacred bonus to threat generation and deal +1[W] damage.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
One: Tier 2: Fanaticism, Feat: Smite Evil
AbilityName: Healing Hands
Descrip: Passive Bonus: You gain the Lay On Hands feat. You gain +25 positive spellpower.
Tier: 3
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Endless Lay On Hands
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3] Lay On Hands use per rest. Lay On Hands regenerate one use every 3 minutes and regenerate [0/10/20]% faster.
Tier: 3
Ranks: 3
One: Tier 3: Healing Hands, Feat: Lay On Hands
AbilityName: Draw Them Out
Descrip: (Cooldown 6 seconds) Melee Attack: +3[W], this attack adds 300 hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. Bug: Each use of this ability moves your character a little to the side (180 degree turn around mob in about 10 strikes).
Tier: 4
AbilityName: Spark of Life
Descrip: Passive Bonus: your armor gains Deathblock, protecting you from death effects.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Light the Dark
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 12 seconds) Expend one Lay on Hands: Heals 150HP to allies around you, and deals that much damage to nearby undead enemies. NOTE: Affected by Positive spell power +50% more than most spells
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
One: Tier 3: Healing Hands, Feat: Lay On Hands
AbilityName: Purify Weapon
Descrip: Passive Bonus: If you are Good, weapons you equip gain Pure Good, dealing 1d6 Good damage vs. non-Good targets.
Tier: 4
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Hardened
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +[5/10/15] AC.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Strength of Vitality
Descrip: Passive Bonus: +10/15/20% Insight bonus to maximum hit points. (Note: the bonus is calculated from hit points ignoring those in the "HP Adjustment" category.)
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Ward Against Evil
Descrip: Passive Bonus: When you are hit or missed by Evil, you deal [3/6/10]d6 Good damage to the attacker. At rank 3 you gain immunity to the Mind Control effects of Evil creatures.
Tier: 5
Ranks: 3
AbilityName: Anoint Weapon
Descrip: Passive Bonus: If you are Good, while you Stand Against the Tide weapons you equip gain Holy, dealing 2d6 extra damage vs. Evil targets.
Tier: 5
Cost: 2
All: Tier 4: Purify Weapon, Tier 5: Ward Against Evil
AbilityName: Celestial Mandate
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 6 seconds) Melee Attack: +5[W], this attack adds 2000 hate for the user to creatures it hits on top of its normal damage. Bug: Each use of this ability moves your character a little to the side (180 degree turn around mob in about 10 strikes).
Tier: 6
AbilityName: Resurrection
Descrip: Can cast Resurrection as a spell-like ability (Cooldown 6 seconds, Cost 15 sp).
Tier: 6
Cost: 2
AbilityName: Undying Vanguard
Descrip: Active Ability: (Cooldown 2 minutes) Heal yourself for 1000 HP. For 30 seconds, you gain 10,000 temporary HP. Usable once per rest. You may use this ability while Crowd Controlled and/or Helpless.
Tier: 6
Cost: 2