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  1. #921
    Community Member TheDarkTraveler's Avatar
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    Smile Thanks so much!

    Just wanted to say "Thank you!" for this wonderful app! I've been in game 9 years and this program has been incredibly useful to me in creating scads "what if" characters. The fact that you keep it updated and have built in additional functions like item design has been quite a boon.

    Cheers and thanks again!
    “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” ~ Douglas Adams

  2. #922
    Community Member
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    Thanks for your continued work on this!

    Is the regular two handed fighting feat missing in this version, or am I doing something wrong? I see improved, greater, etc. but not the first one in the stack.

  3. #923


    Quote Originally Posted by SuperNiCd View Post
    Is the regular two handed fighting feat missing in this version, or am I doing something wrong? I see improved, greater, etc. but not the first one in the stack.
    It's in there, but won't appear if the build never reaches Strength 15. (But if so, neither ITHF nor GTHF should appear either.)

    It also has an anti-req with SWF, but that doesn't filter it out of the list; you could still choose it and it would show an error condition.

    I also don't think there's a filter on the bottom right that would take out THF but still show the other two in the line. Is it possible you're looking for it after the TWF feats in the list? It appears immediately before them.

  4. #924
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    Ah, yep, there it is. I had miscalculated base STR + tome. Thanks!

  5. #925
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Any chance of having a Print function? I know I could use PRTSCR but that give a black background....

    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
    Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    Dresdens corollary:
    Screw subtle!

  6. #926


    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Any chance of having a Print function? I know I could use PRTSCR but that give a black background....
    Possibly. I've been toying with the idea of a nicely formatted printable character sheet. I have other programs with fairly involved printing features, so it's not out of the question.

    In the meantime, you can print reasonably well with Export => to Forums, choose Plain Text format, then copy the output to notepad and print from there.

  7. #927
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Possibly. I've been toying with the idea of a nicely formatted printable character sheet. I have other programs with fairly involved printing features, so it's not out of the question.

    In the meantime, you can print reasonably well with Export => to Forums, choose Plain Text format, then copy the output to notepad and print from there.
    Didn't realise it would output to plain text. That works well enough. Many thanks
    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
    Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    Dresdens corollary:
    Screw subtle!

  8. #928

  9. #929


    I'm starting to burn out on working on these tools, so I'm leaving augments "mostly" finished. It's technically all done -- even the help files -- but I didn't add augments or stone of change recipes to the Item Planner (just gearsets), and I didn't enforce slot rules on crafted gear. As is, it'll let you put any color slot on any item in your gearset. You just have to confine yourself to augment slots that are actually available. Don't design a craftable trinket with purple, orange and green slots; craftable trinkets have no slots at all!

    The reason I don't apply rules (which I did set up in the datafiles) is that named items can have any augment slots, and if you toggle an item back and forth between crafted and named, what should happen to the slots you've defined? I couldn't decide on an elegant way to manage that, so I give the user complete freedom. This also means I don't have to stress about non-standard slots on craftable items, like those lootgen caster sticks that were dropping with blue slots (instead of red like normal weapons) last update. Things like that just gave me a headache in terms of enforcing slot rules.

    Anyway, I could be ready for a release within the next day or so right now, or I could work on character printing. I'm sick to death of working on augments and gearsets, but printing might be interesting. Here's a crude mockup (Word 2013 document) using my test build, the Bird of Prayer. (Not an optimal build, obviously, but it hits almost every edge case in the builder.)

    Character Sheet mockup

    Obviously the skills table would be aligned and pretty. Way too much of a hassle to pretty it up in Word, though.

    Printing in VB6 is super easy and gives complete control. The printer object acts exactly like a picturebox, and everything in all the lite tools is essentially just a bunch of userdrawn pictureboxes, so printing is right in my wheelhouse. My vision is a single piece of paper for an entire build, printed front and back, offset to allow 3-hole punching it and filing it into a 3-ring binder full of build printouts. I can have the printer automatically print 2-sided if it supports it; if not, you could manually print 1 page at a time, feeding it back in flipped over for printing the back.

    Is the print format in that mockup worth pursuing, do you think? I estimate a week to 10 days to implement it. If I don't do it now, there's no telling when or even if I'll get to it. I'm ready to stop working on these tools for a while...

    EDIT: Also, sorry, but no gear swaps. I'm sick to death of the gearset screen; no mas!

  10. #930
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    It looks good and I like it, but......

    Not sure how many people (other than me) asked about printing a Character Sheet/Build guide, but knowing (after you pointed it out) that things will export to text was more than enough. I can pretty things up enough at my end to not require you to invest your considerable time and effort into adding a print function.

    If you're feeling so burned out, then honestly? Drop it for now and maybe revisit in the future.

    Thanks for the efforts
    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
    Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    Dresdens corollary:
    Screw subtle!

  11. #931
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I'm starting to burn out on working on these tools, so I'm leaving augments "mostly" finished... As is, it'll let you put any color slot on any item in your gearset. You just have to confine yourself to augment slots that are actually available.
    EDIT: Also, sorry, but no gear swaps. I'm sick to death of the gearset screen; no mas!
    While I applaud your desire to truly "finish", and looked forward to gear swaps, I'll be the first to say "This is more than anyone could hope for - thanks!"

    In the final balance, having the end-user contribute a little work for themselves is more than fair, and in the long run, making them figure out their own augment matches is a good teaching tool. If they don't like it, they can stick to the old version.

    (Any chance your time included a "notes" section somewhere in each set? That could cover a lot of what the "swaps" would have done.)

  12. #932


    Updated January 30th, 2019

    Character Builder Lite v3.1.4 complete release notes:

    • NEW feat: Knight's Training
    • Skill tomes schedule updated to levels 1, 1, 3, 7, 11

    Compendium v1.3 complete release notes:

    • PRR, MRR, Spellpower, Melee Power and Ranged Power tomes now go to +4 (Threads of Fate turn-in)
    • Fixed map link for Orchard of the Macabre (Heroic) on Wilderness tab
    • Reordered both rows (quests) and columns (sagas) to be more logical
    • NEW! Sort sagas by Level, Quest Name or Pack by clicking those column headers
    • NEW! Bring all quests for a saga to top of the list by right-clicking saga column header
      • Bringing a 2nd saga to top leaves the previous one second, and so on

    Cannith Crafting Builder Lite v3.0 release notes:

    • NEW! Augments screen
    • Added Minimize buttons to forms (still can't maximize or resize them, though)
    • Corrected typos in collectable farming data (Thanks, DYWYPI!)
    Gearset Screen
    • NEW! Added augments, stone of change recipes and notes
    • You can now select your specific weapons, armor and shield
    Scaling Screen
    • Added "Gamma" checkbox so you can darken colors when game is running with gamma correction

    Descriptions updated by wiki crawler:
    • Aasimar Tier 4: Divine Form
    • Dragonborn Tier 2: Dragon Breath
    • Dragonborn Tier 4: Memory of Flight
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 0: Eldritch Strike
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 0: Spellsword
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 0: Imbue the Blade
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 0: Subtle Force
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 0: Subtle Force II
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 0: Eldritch Blade
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 1: Improved Mage Armor
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 1: Arcane Siphon
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 2: Improved Shield
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 2: Shield Training
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 2: Wand and Scroll Mastery
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 3: Arcane Barrier
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 3: Critical Mastery
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 4: Knight's Transformation
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 4: Offhand Defenses
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 4: Armored Arcana
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 5: Radiant Forcefield
    • Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) Tier 5: Eldritch Tempest
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 0: Eldritch Strike
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 0: Spellsword
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 0: Imbue the Blade
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 0: Subtle Force
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 0: Subtle Force II
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 0: Eldritch Blade
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 1: Improved Mage Armor
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 2: Improved Shield
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 2: Shield Training
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 2: Wand and Scroll Mastery
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 3: Arcane Barrier
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 3: Critical Mastery
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 4: Knight's Transformation
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 4: Offhand Defenses
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 4: Force's Point
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 4: Armored Arcana
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 5: Radiant Forcefield
    • Eldritch Knight (Wizard) Tier 5: Eldritch Tempest
    • Falconry Tier 5: Thrill of the Hunt
    • Frenzied Berserker Tier 4: Crazy Strike
    • Nature's Protector Tier 2: Primal Beast
    • Nature's Protector Tier 3: Enduring Beast
    • Shintao Tier 3: Jade Strike
    • Spellsinger Tier 0: Spellsinger
    • Spellsinger Tier 0: Music of the Sewers
    • Spellsinger Tier 0: Music of the Dead
    • Spellsinger Tier 0: Music of the Makers
    • Spellsinger Tier 0: Virtuoso
    • Spellsinger Tier 0: Maestro of Life and Death
    • Spellsinger Tier 1: Lingering Songs
    • Spellsinger Tier 3: Defensive Bonus
    • Spellsinger Tier 3: Spell Song Trance
    • Spellsinger Tier 4: Sustaining Song
    • Spellsinger Tier 4: Spell Penetration
    • Spellsinger Tier 4: Frolic
    • Spellsinger Tier 4: Song of Arcane Might
    • Spellsinger Tier 5: Song of Capering
    • Spellsinger Tier 5: Advanced Studies
    • Spellsinger Tier 5: Prodigy
    • Spellsinger Tier 5: Spell Song Vigor
    • Vistani Knife Fighter Tier 3: Fan of Knives
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Song of Heroism
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Fighting Spirit
    • Warchanter Tier 0: Warmaster
    • Exalted Angel Tier 4: Rebuke Foe
    • Legendary Dreadnought Tier 2: Damage Boost
    • Magister Tier 6: Nullmagic Aura

  13. #933


    New version is up, release notes in previous post.

    Everything seems to work okay, but testing was limited. Let me know if you run across any issues.

  14. #934
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post

    Everything seems to work okay, but testing was limited. Let me know if you run across any issues.
    Heya Ellis. When I click on ingredients on the review tab in the crafting planner, I get a Run-time error'9': subscript out of range. No one else is complaining about it, so it might be a problem on my end. I'll try and play around with it to see if i can fix it. But figured i'd post in case anyone else is having the same issue. Thanks.

  15. #935
    Community Member Peter_Stauffenberg's Avatar
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    Do you know when the builder will have support for Tiefling and Scoundrel?

  16. #936
    Community Member Yamani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_Stauffenberg View Post
    Do you know when the builder will have support for Tiefling and Scoundrel?
    Ellis is on an extended vacation right now, I tried to let him know about the new tree's when he logged on yesterday but he didn't say much. I can try to message him more about it later
    Last edited by Yamani; 04-01-2019 at 05:04 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Added even later: Ignore this add, I am the dumb.

  17. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamani View Post
    Ellis is on an extended vacation right now, I tried to let him know about the new tree's when he logged on yesterday but he didn't say much. I can try to message him more about it later

    This makes me sad, but I COMPLETELY understand. Support this for so long must be exhausting. I love the tool so much, I use it literally every day. But sanity is more important.

    Ellis, hope you are enjoying the break. Come back whenever. Or don't. We will survive.

  18. #938
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    I know how this game can take it out of you and it's been a long run, lol. I imagine staying on top of all facets of the character development with this app has to be so much more effort.

    Regardless whether you return or not thanks for this tool.

    All the best,
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

  19. #939
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    ED has done so much with this planner, that while he is enjoying his well-deserved break from the game I find myself suffering not having the new stuff in the planner. Just to see how this goes, I've added Inquisitor as an Enhancement Tree. If people beat on this and it doesn't immediately break, I'll go back and add Tiefling and Scoundrel as well.

    To add Inquisitor:
    1. Go here: and download the Enhancements.txt file.
    2. Navigate to your Lite Planner installation directory.
    3. Rename the existing Enhancements.txt in Data/Builder to EnhancementsED.txt
    4. Save the new Enhancements.txt into the same directory.

    Run the planner normally. Let me know if anything explodes.

    Edit1: The very first version had a copy/paste error in Arresting Assault, if you downloaded it.. the text was wrong. Now fixed.
    Last edited by Maelphistez; 04-29-2019 at 12:07 PM.
    Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
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  20. #940
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Maelphistez View Post
    ED has done so much with this planner, that while he is enjoying his well-deserved break from the game I find myself suffering not having the new stuff in the planner. Just to see how this goes, I've added Inquisitor as an Enhancement Tree. If people beat on this and it doesn't immediately break, I'll go back and add Tiefling and Scoundrel as well.

    To add Inquisitor:
    1. Go here: and download the Enhancements.txt file.
    2. Navigate to your Lite Planner installation directory.
    3. Rename the existing Enhancements.txt in Data/Builder to EnhancementsED.txt
    4. Save the new Enhancements.txt into the same directory.

    Run the planner normally. Let me know if anything explodes.

    Edit1: The very first version had a copy/paste error in Arresting Assault, if you downloaded it.. the text was wrong. Now fixed.

    I inserted the file in my planner and my computer did NOT catch fire or anything. It did make the Inquisitive tree available and it seemed to function just fine. Have to see if there's a problem as time goes on I guess.

    For now, great job and thanks for putting in the time and effort. Looking forward to the other trees, ofc.
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

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