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  1. #701


    Quote Originally Posted by luboolis View Post
    I am a big fun of your tools and IMHO your Character builder and gear set builder are by far the best tools. However I found that after I installed the latest 2017-06-16 version of the tool I am getting the error when I am trying to open gear set files.

    Th error message is a following:

    Runtime error '5':
    Invalid procedure call or argument
    Checking all my gearset files, there's one that produces the same error. I'll track down the issue and get it fixed; thanks much for the report.

  2. #702


    Found and fixed, new version posted. Let me know if you run into any other issues.

  3. #703
    Community Member luboolis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Found and fixed, new version posted. Let me know if you run into any other issues.
    Thank you very much. It works fine now. I am glad to help

  4. #704
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Default Love this builder! Spotted something.

    I have an error message popping up with the Dragon Born Artie I created.

    I have selected Breath Weapon yet Dragon Heritage shows up in pink /rose coloration.
    It also has the message in the description box "Error: Requires Tier 2: Dragon Breath"

    Thank you for this,
    it is so easy to use and intuitive.

    Jerry / Tym and a bunch of other names.
    After a little Tolkien I am usually up for anything.

  5. #705


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Noob View Post
    I have selected Breath Weapon yet Dragon Heritage shows up in pink /rose coloration.
    It also has the message in the description box "Error: Requires Tier 2: Dragon Breath"
    Yep, someone else PMed me about this issue.

    It's actually an issue with all abilities that have ranks that have a prereq that doesn't have ranks. I've added logic to my internal build to handle this case globally, so the next update (when U36 goes live, hopefully) will correct this for all such abilities.

    In the meantime, you can correct this yourself by editing Data\Enhancements.txt to change Dragon Heritage as follows:

    AbilityName: Dragon Heritage
    Descrip: +[10/20/30] spell power with the element associated with selected Draconic Ancestry.
    Tier: 3
    Ranks: 3
    All: Tier 2: Dragon Breath Rank 1, Tier 3: Power in Breath

  6. #706
    Community Member
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    When trying to open only one of my older build files I receive a

    run time error '6':


    no matter which OS or Builder version I use the error occurs.
    Any ideas?

  7. #707


    Quote Originally Posted by Weaver2012 View Post
    When trying to open only one of my older build files I receive a

    run time error '6':


    no matter which OS or Builder version I use the error occurs.
    Any ideas?
    Email me the file and I'll take a look. PMing you my email address now.


    I'm working on an update for U36 but it's slow going, largely due to lack of motivation. (The sagas screen in the compendium is kicking my ass.) But it'll come, hopefully soon.

  8. #708
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    Default Skills

    Hi Ellis, can't begin to tell you how valuable your planner is to me (and my gf!

    One thing I would love to see in the skills section is some kind of highlighting of on-class skills vs cross-class skills. As i see it there could be 2 ways to do this:

    1) in the grid display, some shading in each box that corresponds with the on-class skills of the class icon shown at the top of the column

    2) Coloring the skill name on the left when the icon at the top of the column is clicked. This should persist until another icon is clicked. Highlighting already occurs on hover so some coloration would show better.

    You will undoubtably think of many other ways to do this but anything you can implement would be greatly appreciated (by at least TWO people).

    Looking forward to the next update so I can plan my Drow Mech/Battle Engineer!


  9. #709


    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder-Monkey View Post
    One thing I would love to see in the skills section is some kind of highlighting of on-class skills vs cross-class skills.
    Good idea, and surprisingly easy to implement. After around 10 minutes of coding and 2 hours of playing around with the values, I think I have a version I'm happy with. Essentially, native skills are shown in a slightly brighter color, similar to (and opposite from) how skipped quests in the compendium are shown in a slightly dimmer color.

    Here's a screen shot of how it now looks on my internal version, which isn't yet available for download. Let me know if there isn't sufficient contrast and I can tweak it.

    EDIT: Note that I'm deliberately keeping the contrast low because it can get pretty nuts depending on your multiclass breakdown. For example, here's how my evasion paladin looks:

    Or my bard trapper: (Oh my!)

  10. #710
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Very nice m8, will make it very easy to tell what is what when it comes to skills

    For me personally I would like to see a more distinctive difference between the two since I'm partially colour blind so shades of the same colour are very hard for me to deal with and to see the difference between the two.


  11. #711
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post

    EDIT: Note that I'm deliberately keeping the contrast low because it can get pretty nuts depending on your multiclass breakdown....

    I like it
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  12. #712
    Community Member
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    Dec 2015


    Speaking of colors, the Compendium's Shroud Puzzle solver is hard for me to see. I have some vision problems, so maybe this is just my tough luck. A heavier line weight for the solution or a different color would help.

  13. #713
    The Hatchery
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    LrdSlvrhnd's Avatar
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    Looks great, Ellis! I love it.

    How hard would it be to develop & implement a "high contrast" toggle in the Options for those like Stoner81?
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  14. #714
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    Looks great, Ellis! I love it.

    How hard would it be to develop & implement a "high contrast" toggle in the Options for those like Stoner81?
    High contrast is to strong a term really, in the current implementation I can see the difference but I have to focus on it in order to tell them apart. If the two current colours were further apart then that would work perfectly fine, make the light one a bit lighter and the dark one a tad darker and it should be fine from my point of view. Hell could even have it as black and white, black for cross class and white for class.


  15. #715
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    That is perfect Ellis, thank you from both of us! Can't wait to get it on live...

    For more contrast, I like LrdSlvrhnd's suggestion of an option in the menu bar, or to go further, a color palette option to choose from a small selection of colors/shading, one for native and one for cross-class.

    Thanks again,


  16. #716


    Quote Originally Posted by LrdSlvrhnd View Post
    How hard would it be to develop & implement a "high contrast" toggle in the Options for those like Stoner81?
    Easy enough. I'll add something to the options screen. (EDIT: Or the header of the skills screen, as suggested above.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder-Monkey View Post
    For more contrast, I like LrdSlvrhnd's suggestion of an option in the menu bar, or to go further, a color palette option to choose from a small selection of colors/shading, one for native and one for cross-class.
    Yeah, a proper solution would be to add a new value to the colors screen. That's probably what I should do, but I'd rather not for several reasons, some related to design and some to usage.

  17. #717


    Quote Originally Posted by Huor_Twotrees View Post
    Speaking of colors, the Compendium's Shroud Puzzle solver is hard for me to see. I have some vision problems, so maybe this is just my tough luck. A heavier line weight for the solution or a different color would help.
    The red lines, you mean?

    I thought the red was high contrast, but that was just an assumption my part. I'm happy to change it; what color would be better? (A heavier weight might be tricky, but I'll take a look.)

    EDIT: Actually, it appears that I just use bitmaps; I don't do any drawing at all. So we're free to change the highlighted squares (both On and Off) to whatever using MS-Paint.

    If you want to mess with it yourself, download this picture (right click and choose "Save Image As") and go to town. You can either post your version or email them to me. (PM me for my email address.)

  18. #718


    I added contrast options to the skills screen, so now you can choose Low (the default, same as shown upthread), high, or none if you want to turn the feature off:

    Let me know if this isn't sufficient and I'll jack it up further.


    After two weeks of almost no progress -- the premature U36 release with the spell resistance debacle killed my motivation -- I think I'm back in the swing of development. If so, I'm hoping to have a release sometime early next week.

  19. #719

  20. #720


    For the shroud puzzle solver, I've doubled the thickness of the lines. What works better: Yellow (left) or White (right)? Or maybe a different color altogether?


    I also added a "Medium" option to the contrast choices on the skills screen, halfway between low and high, and set medium as the default.

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