Quote Originally Posted by Rhysem View Post
One more if you don't have it; deselecting base stat categories doesn't auto-kick the preferred build points off of them. (forex: deselect adventurer, but pbp stays adventruer and now 'skills >' doesn't work, telling you to allocate the hidden stat.)
Great catch. Love those easy-to-fix esoteric bugs; I'll add that to the list.

Speaking of screen navigation, I've put very little time or effort into verifying that the navigation logic is proper. This is probably more of an issue with the Edit menu than the navigation links since you can use the Edit menu to jump directly to any screen. So if anyone finds that you can go to a screen you probably shouldn't be able to yet, let me know. ("Shouldn't be able to" as in something like going to skills before allocating stats.)

Which reminds me: There is absolutely no requirement beyond "Max Levels" being 20+ to go to the destiny screen. So I may have to rethink my original idea for the import logic that the "Stats" section would be part of any build. The destiny screen stands alone in that you don't even need a class split to define your destiny.