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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Make the Twilight Forge Soloable again.

    Please adjust this quest so it is soloable again.

    Reasons why:

    1. It is almost impossible to get a group for it, people dont even bother to flag.
    2. Even if you get a group for it, it requires a lot of coordination, all this being the burden of the party leader alone.
    3. The loot is very outdated and outclassed, with maybe 1-2 exception.
    4. It will add more variety for people to play, more exp during TRs, and maybe eventually as more people learn it, they become more interested to group up for it, to run this efficiently.
    5. It is really a dead pack now, it could benefit from all any Developer attention.

    Bonus: Adjust the Raid component, successfully dropping pillars to turn the Titan vulnerable to damaging. Add more DR if necessary.
    1 pillar 1-3%
    2 pillars 2-5%
    3 pillars 3-7%
    4 pillars 4-9%
    any + pillars +10% vulnerability.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Just did a quick search, apparently i am not alone.

  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    I disagree: fix the explorer area to make it a raid area (yes, even at L10), make it way easier to actually get to the raid entrance once you're flagged. Now Update the loot and XP from both raid and quests. Finally, make an epic version which includes either brand new loot, or ways to upgrade the loot you can get from the heroic version into epic loot.

    That's how you fix Titan. Not by taking what should be an iconic DDO raid and nerfing it into the ground so it can be facerolled solo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    fix the explorer area to make it a raid area (yes, even at L10), make it way easier to actually get to the raid entrance once you're flagged.
    /signed to that.

    Not a full raid-only area like the Sub-T, but a scaling area that can accept either normal parties or raid parties, like the Manufactory. And same with the Devil Battlefield as well.

    Plus fix the map.
    Last edited by SirValentine; 01-07-2015 at 03:33 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    /signed to that.

    Not a full raid-only area like the Sub-T, but a scaling area that can accept either normal parties or raid parties, like the Manufactory. And same with the Devil Battlefield as well.

    And while we're fixing this issue, do the same for the demon sands wilderness and convert ADQ1 to a proper raid instance.

  6. #6
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    Funny this thread should pop up... this life, I did the two flagging quests with 4/5 members in the party. Then I did the preraid and raid at level (50k XP with BB, for those curious) with a different group. It was sort of long and painful because I was the only one who knew the quest. But we managed to complete, and it's another of those things I've been meaning to do at level, just once, to be able to say I did.
    I Cannith-craft (150 levels in all schools) for free on Thelanis if you provide all needed materials.
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  7. #7
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post

    And while we're fixing this issue, do the same for the demon sands wilderness and convert ADQ1 to a proper raid instance.
    Ooh! ooh! Yes, this too!

    So we've now got on the list of explorers +raids to 'fix':

    -Cannith MA/LoB
    -Restless Isles Titan
    -Sands ADQ1
    -SubT and relevant raids
    -Shavarath TOD

    What we think is needed:
    -Most of them need a loot pass
    -All of them need a proper Epic/End Game version which isn't just a stat inflated version of the same raid
    -Titan specifically needs it's final fight mechanics revising
    -All of those explorers want converting to 'raid scalable' areas - solo all the way up to a full 12 man (we'll also have the moon on a stick while we're at it )
    -All of them want better ways of actually getting your group to the raids (actually I'm not sure about Sub T. Its such a nice area that I find that it effectively being the long 'preraid' to the one room raids that are actually in there works very well. I dont' feel that way about the Cannith raid explorers at all. It's like an episode of Dr Who: all running through corridors!).

    To be honest, I'd also like to see any explorer area with quests at least get the 3BC mechanic where if you've already done the quest you can just teleport straight there. I'd like to add 'OR if you have discovered all explorer points and revealed the map' to the mechanic for that though.

    It doesn't appear from those who've posted that the OP's suggestion is greatly favoured. Perhaps a new thread is needed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  8. #8
    Community Member Nefatron's Avatar
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    People people.... -_-

    This game is about grouping i realize its hard to get groups for certain quest but thats no reason to make something you can solo.
    No guild help? You have 1k post's. Cant imagine you dont have any friends that will quest with you..

    I swear this community can never be satisfied.

    Games to hard.. Beef up some classes and ED's
    Games to easy... Enter Champions
    Games to hard... nerf this quest?

    Come on now.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    Please adjust this quest so it is soloable again.
    What do you mean with 'again'?

    AFAIK some people made it to the end, but it was never completed solo.
    (Talking about 'Twilight Forge', not 'The Titan Awakes').
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  10. #10
    Community Member Erofen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    Please adjust this quest so it is soloable again.

    Reasons why:

    1. It is almost impossible to get a group for it, people dont even bother to flag.
    2. Even if you get a group for it, it requires a lot of coordination, all this being the burden of the party leader alone.
    3. The loot is very outdated and outclassed, with maybe 1-2 exception.
    4. It will add more variety for people to play, more exp during TRs, and maybe eventually as more people learn it, they become more interested to group up for it, to run this efficiently.
    5. It is really a dead pack now, it could benefit from all any Developer attention.

    Bonus: Adjust the Raid component, successfully dropping pillars to turn the Titan vulnerable to damaging. Add more DR if necessary.
    1 pillar 1-3%
    2 pillars 2-5%
    3 pillars 3-7%
    4 pillars 4-9%
    any + pillars +10% vulnerability.

    Thank you!

    This is one of the best raids in the game! The cooperation is what we need more of, NOT LESS! The loot is still very good at level, some of it even way above level. Years ago I made a new account and stoned to 16 (Erofenten) just to run this pack! I finally found a nice channel that R made who ran this TWICE a week on Orien (/joinchannel titan). He seems to be afk as of late, but once the runs return I will gladly join even on my capped toons that don't plan to TR just because of the fun had! This game should not be about xp and loot, but about the fun of running with people and accomplishing a common goal.

    I do however second the motion of making the explorer allow raid parties, and providing an easier access to the raid entrance, rather than having to greater teleport.
    Orien: ~Erofen (30 Assassin Rogue) ~Erofenlock (30 EB Warlock) ~Erofenmonk (30 Light Monk) ~Erofentrap (30 Roguerficer (1st TR/Legend Build ever)) ~Erofenbarb (30 Barb) ~Erofenbless (30 FvS Chest Blesser) ~Erofenthree (30 Bard Dualbox) ~Erofenten (30 Barb Triplebox)
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'? Kex! Stop It! O.o

  11. #11
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    I want less stuff soloable not more and especially not raids

    Beware the Sleepeater

  12. #12


    In my four years of DDO I've never set foot in the Titan raid despite flagging for it every life. Nobody runs it.

  13. #13
    Community Member Erofen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    In my four years of DDO I've never set foot in the Titan raid despite flagging for it every life. Nobody runs it.
    Sounds like their loss. Come to Orien and see its majesty!
    Orien: ~Erofen (30 Assassin Rogue) ~Erofenlock (30 EB Warlock) ~Erofenmonk (30 Light Monk) ~Erofentrap (30 Roguerficer (1st TR/Legend Build ever)) ~Erofenbarb (30 Barb) ~Erofenbless (30 FvS Chest Blesser) ~Erofenthree (30 Bard Dualbox) ~Erofenten (30 Barb Triplebox)
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'? Kex! Stop It! O.o

  14. #14
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    In my four years of DDO I've never set foot in the Titan raid despite flagging for it every life. Nobody runs it.
    I've been in once. ONCE. We did complete, and I got the shortsword (on my sorc, aaaaargh).

    Basically, the issue is that its in a level range which is very quickly outlevelled, with unnecessary barriers to access. People just can't be bothered when they've got VoN in the same level bracket.

    This is why i suggest the raft of changes. Titan could be relevant. Titan should be relevant. It's more uniquely Eberron than any other raid except for the ones in House C. More than anything though, if we want people to run it, it needs either an epic version or it the loot/XP to be significantly better than VoN.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  15. #15
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    no raid should be soloed, in fact ALL RAIDS should have mechanics that needed several players
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  16. #16
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    I would love to see this raid updated and given an epic version.

    I always enjoyed running this raid back in the day.

    Cmon Devs this is one of the gems of DDO and deserves a facelift!
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by psykopeta View Post
    no raid should be soloed, in fact ALL RAIDS should have mechanics that needed several players
    If you don't want it soloed, make it difficult... don't rely upon cheap gimics/mechanics. Put me down as one vote in favor or more potentially soloable stuff. Just make it hard, very very hard.

  18. #18
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    1) Epic Restless Isles - Base Lvl 22 to enter
    1a) Make the Epic Slayer Zone Lvl 22-30 and provide an option to choose Group or Raid instance {Raid Groups simply won't run the entire zone and will just go straight to the Forge so unless you allow a group instance the vast majority of players will never complete the E-Slayer Zone!}
    1b) E-Ghola Fan and E-Slavers to be Base Lvl 24
    1c) E-Twilight Forge and E-Titan to be Base Lvl 27

    2) Make Changes to the Heroic version
    2a) Hiding in Plain Sight stays where it is
    2b) Slavers and Ghola Fan upgraded to Base Lvl 11
    2c) The Twilight Forge upgraded to Base Lvl 12 {same as Titan Awakes}
    2d) All Open Lock DCs in the Slayer Zone decreased by 5 points
    2e) Wildman NPC for final Explorer/Rare made amenable to Bluff and Intim DC28
    2f) Map properly mapped out IN-GAME {This isn't a dual+ layered map like The Pit or Tempest Spine that would be difficult to map out!}
    2g) Heroic Slayer Zone level range changed to 8-15 {Currently 7-14}
    2h) Provide an option to choose Group or Raid instance for said Slayer Zone so that Raid Groups can fill and get to the Raids better AND so that those of us who actually like running Slayers aren't punished!}.

  19. #19
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    1) Epic Restless Isles - Base Lvl 22 to enter
    1a) Make the Epic Slayer Zone Lvl 22-30 and provide an option to choose Group or Raid instance {Raid Groups simply won't run the entire zone and will just go straight to the Forge so unless you allow a group instance the vast majority of players will never complete the E-Slayer Zone!}
    1b) E-Ghola Fan and E-Slavers to be Base Lvl 24
    1c) E-Twilight Forge and E-Titan to be Base Lvl 27

    2) Make Changes to the Heroic version
    2a) Hiding in Plain Sight stays where it is
    2b) Slavers and Ghola Fan upgraded to Base Lvl 11
    2c) The Twilight Forge upgraded to Base Lvl 12 {same as Titan Awakes}
    2d) All Open Lock DCs in the Slayer Zone decreased by 5 points
    2e) Wildman NPC for final Explorer/Rare made amenable to Bluff and Intim DC28
    2f) Map properly mapped out IN-GAME {This isn't a dual+ layered map like The Pit or Tempest Spine that would be difficult to map out!}
    2g) Heroic Slayer Zone level range changed to 8-15 {Currently 7-14}
    2h) Provide an option to choose Group or Raid instance for said Slayer Zone so that Raid Groups can fill and get to the Raids better AND so that those of us who actually like running Slayers aren't punished!}.

    I think it is highly likely this could happen. Turbine is on a cycle of recycling old content and this one seems like it is ripe for a recycle.

    I will say the same about Threnal...Although, I could see them adding an epic raid to Threnal.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

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  20. #20
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    Please adjust this quest so it is soloable again.
    It's not THAT hard to learn or run, and, though not soloable, can be done with only 3 people (or even two if one has a pet).

    If people are not flagged, lead flagging runs first! If people are scared to join because they don't know it, try something like "teaching run, all welcome" in your LFM.

    A few of us from my guild typically run a Titan every week or two, and always put up an LFM for others to join. We always get people wanting to join, and some of those runs fill completely to 12. Lots of them are first-timers.

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