Originally Posted by
This may be the case %100 I do not know. But I would like to point out my opinion on this.
A week ago, I would have said this.
Justify, defend, or tweak the Game however you want, but you are losing players in an already to small player base, and will continue to do so as long as there is no challenge anymore Nothing else anyone can say or do is even relevant against the fact that long term customers that have been long term customers because of the challenges presented that, often. would take years to overcome.
I am going to take the hit on this one I bet but I am willing to be the sacrifice to get this out there.
A lot of the long term players and power gamers have really been dancing around the issue to try to keep everyone calm, peaceful and productive, but...
On a purely personal note on the way it feels inside my guts. Yes a lot of people that have top end toons, that have the best gear. have spent years of grinding and improving their characters only to have their accomplishments trivialized by changes that lower difficulty and hand out the same rewards I had to fight for to anyone that shows up.
This hurts my feelings
I had to "grow up" in DDO fighting the most epic monsters, overcoming the most epic challenges in any video game I ever played. The first time my wife saw a beholder in the game she squealed with excitement. The first time I faced Velah I was struck with awe, wonder, and a fire breath that one shotted me. My first trip to Amrath was magical. It was a Place that trully felt like end game.
I learned from the best of the best on Ghallanda, If the names Redgun, Akira, and Isssssatank, mean anything to you then you know what I mean. When I encountered challenges my choices were to seek advice from those that I knew or to find out on my own. At no point ever, and I mean ever, had it even occurred to me to come to the forums to the game and ask for the game to be made easier. But some people did, I guess and the Dev's listened.
The Dev's also listened when we said we wanted more power, more items, bigger quests and more raids. And the power has crept up. They had some guys there that went all loot crazy, I like these guys loot is good, but they got ahead of the "make challenges guys" so there you go, everyone is overpowered.
Right now, as I am typing this, I literally have some tears in my eyes. When I think about the friends that have left over the years to to ever dissolving, end game, and challenge it truly makes me sad. I have made myself very sad typing this post. And having read between the lines in many, many posts by long term players, if you look for it you truly can see the sadness in their posts, the yearning for a time when we stood together or fell alone.
When I started playing the game it was hard, **** hard. You needed gear to be up to par. You needed a good build to be usefull, and you needed to pass a MyDDO check to get into elite raids as an Unknown.
And now today we have a game that is filled with players that have never had to face the challenges that we did. They have never been forced to get better. So they think that after a couple of years of flying through the game like it is nothing somehow has given them some ground to stand on when talking to players that have faced these challenges.
They say "what is going on yesterday I could SOLO epic elite and now I can't. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE GAME"
All those people out there that are saying yeah its not that bad just get a little better, are most likely people that "grew up" in the era of hard gaming here. All it took us was a smoke break and about five minutes to remember how to beat a semi-challenging enemy and we were back at it, a little more cautious, still destroying stuff.
The players that have "grown up" in the new era of DDO have never truly been challenged, and it shows. The second this thing turned on the years of never been given enough challenge to slowly garner the skills to survive and compete is completely apparent.
So I have this to say to all the players that suddenly aren't very good at the game. Gear up, get better, play together or die alone.
You will say but yeah the vets never help us, well we never had to. All you had to do was hold down W and the left mouse button until you got XP.
Now that you will clearly need our help, you can bet your right arm we are there right now jumping up and down saying," whoa whoa there don't get crazy on us. give us a chance to help you get better. We WANT you to get better. That's it, that is where the big disconnect from the power players and newer casual Players is.
The power gamers are trying to say this as nicely as possible. "you need to get better gear and develop better tactics to survive and we are happy to help"
But what the newer players are hearing is "you suck get better nOObz"
And I don't know why!
Yes the game provides some challenge now, yes you will be forced to get better if you want to be a useful party slot member in the higher difficulties.
People are complaining that they should be entitled to complete the hardest difficulties without these obstacles.
Well you know what, I am entitled to complete these higher difficulties because I can survive.
If you can't survive you are not entitled to get a completion, I am sorry, that entitlement comes with years of garnering skill, not just a a couple of years of coasting along on autopilot.
I am sorry If I hurt your feelings, but at this point someone just had to say it. Casual gamers demanding the game be dumbed down to their level has turned one of the greatest designed games into something akin to Mario party. Newer players treat the monsters and the dungeons with the same respect. Well now, the game just went from Mario party to Shinobi.
If you agree with me and don't really want to get involved in this, that's cool, I feel your pain.
If you don't agree with me and feel the need to reply with a bunch of comments designed to make me feel bad, don't bother, I can barely keep from crying thinking about what has happened to the greatest game I have ever played.
I miss you Redgun, the one who taught me how to solo epics when they new.
I miss you Isssssatank inspiring me to be the best tank the server has ever seen, I never hit that one and tanking is dead, but maybe now
But most of all I miss you Akira who gave me the best advice I have ever gotten in this game "Don't just f***ng stand their Phineur Jump around and heal yourself man"
I am very sad
Please everyone calm down and DON"T LEAVE
If the challenge is to hard, ask for help we want you to have fun.
Vets can still make this happen for you.
I am sorry I have gone off topic, but I feel it is reverent. And I applaud the vast majority of all players on every side of this discussion for being so civil, thoughtful and productive. I don't want this post not to be, but I feel it should be read by those with the power to do something.
Thanks and have a great day!